Chapter Nine: Hopeless.

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Trigger warnings for this chapter:

• Physical violence

• Mentions of violence

• Triggering language


*Tuesday, January 7, 2020; 10:35 A.M."

*Linden's point of view*

My eyes instantly snap open when I hear the basement door open.

I see Ian standing at the top of the staircase, and I start getting heart palpitations.

He got to the bottom of the staircase, and then he walked over to where I was tied up, and he looked at me in silence.

I felt the need to say something so that everything wouldn't be so awkward, so I asked him where he went.

"So, where did you go?" I asked.

"I went to go and file a missing person's report for you."

"For me? But, why?"

"Because I know that Adrian and her goons are going to go crazy looking for you, and in the end, they'll just be chasing their tails." He excitedly says.

"And how do you know that they'll just be "chasing their tails the whole time", and that they won't actually come looking for me?"

Ian comes closer to me until I can feel him breathing on my face. He slapped me, and I felt blood start to drip into my mouth.

He pauses for a second.

"Oh please, they won't come looking for you, and no one ever will, because you're not worthy of being found. I lied on the report, and I lied to Adrian when she was asking me questions."

"Hold on a minute, Ian. Adrian was the detective interviewing you?"

He nods and then he laughs.

"Yep. I specifically requested to have her interview me."

"So that's what Adrian's job is."

"You still haven't told me why you filed the report in the first place, though."

"First of all, you better watch how you're speaking to me. Second of all, the only reason of why I filed the report is so that I get to see Adrian suffer. I plan on faking your death for you, so that we get more privacy in our relationship." He explained. "Once the media finds out that you're "dead", we'll finally have the peace that we've wanted. The fact that Adrian is going to suffer is just the icing on the damn cake. Besides, I never really liked her that much, anyway."

"You bastard! You aren't going to get away with this!" I shouted. "I'm NOT going to let you do this to her just so you can keep using me!"

Ian paused for a second, and then he smiles.

He takes out the same switchblade from yesterday, and he quickly makes a cut above my right eye. He then grabs my throat, and he bangs my head on the wall.

"Actually, Linden, I didn't do this for all those reasons I told you, I was just kidding. I filed the report and played the "devastated significant other" role because I wanted to."

Ian pauses again, and he does a thinking gesture.

Ian touches one of the bruises on my cheek. "I see that my father took great care of you while I was gone."

"Yeah, if you call him beating me with a metal chain "great care" ."

"Yeah, he did." I replied. I felt the bile rising in my throat.

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