Chapter 10. Hyung.....

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It's now a Monday morning and I just found out that Seonghwa and Yeosang's father abused them after Miss Park died and that happened when they were like 11 years old. I was very sad and angry, but I understood them they were scared. Now knowing that he escaped makes me more scared for them and Jungho, he is now a target too. 

Anna is bad, she didn't sleep at all and has had at least 5 iced coffee all day. She found out he had escaped from the car because she didn't lock it correctly because she was holding San and Kate who were sleeping. She feels awful and responsible for that childish mistake. If it was for her she would have stayed home and not come and we told her the same, but now her worry is higher and she is on high alert.

Kate is trying to comfort her now so are Amy and Angie, but of course, they think she is just sick and they are telling her to leave for her own good. Only Kate knows why Anna is like this the two other girls don't. 

On the other hand, we have Seonghwa who is panicking since yesterday, but Hongjoong is trying to calm him down, and Yeosang who is staying close to Jungho to be safe. I and Yunho don't know shit on how to help them. They are all part of a mafia apparently and we can't help because we are just us, normal boys.

We were at the front yard altogether and by now Kate had told us Anna went home. We were happy to hear she made her look after herself, but as always Anna is unpredictable. She ran to us like a psychopath and started to speak up between deep breaths "I MADE A PLAN" she breathed in then continued " I MADE A PLAN ON HOW TO DEAL WITH THIS WITHOUT GETTING KILLED OR IN DANGER, except me but that's beside the point." She said and then told us her plan and we were all ears "So Yeosang is going to stay with Wooyoung and Soobin at the house my sister Yeji and her girlfriend Lia bought but never used and as for Seonghwa he will stay at Hongjoong's place since Mister Park doesn't know him with Yunho and Mingi."

"Till now it makes sense, but how will we know when he is gonna strike?" San asked "Yeah or where he is now, we know nothing we can't do anything," I said "And what is worst my dad can't be caught it's impossible" Seonghwa followed and she did a face like she just committed a crime and got caught. 

"What if I tell you that at 3: 27 AM he was home looking for Seonghwa, but luckily he wasn't home and at 11: 58 AM he was at "Elmond Street" Road 16 and now rents an apartment at Hotel Mellow 7th floor room 43 how would you react?" we are HONGSHOOK

"Anna what the actual FUCKING HELL?? YOU SPIED HIM AND FOUND HIS LOCATION IN WHAT 40 MINUTES??" Hongjoong Yelled "No actually I had only like what 3 to 5 minutes to find him because my house is like 25 minutes ride with a car from school to there then another 25 minutes back"

"We found a good member..." Mingi said petrified with wide-open eyes San only nodded with the rest who heard and then Jungho spoke "Okay we have to put the plan in action Today" not like a suggestion more like a command. And all we could do was nod.

4 hours later Kate P.O.V

I am now at the back of Anna's car with Soobin, Yeosang, and Wooyung and now we are going to Yeji and Lia's house. I'm not gonna stay there I am again going to look at the cameras that Anna found to spy on Mister Park. I am very happy to never met that human he doesn't deserve to live. Anyway, we are here. 

The house is big and it's far from school and all of our homes so it's perfect to hide here. We are all in now and we are all a little relaxed now that we are here. "Do you think he will find us here?" asked Yeosang. "No this is a safe place there are cameras everywhere and Kate having a great eye will take care of them," Anna said with a very proud mother-like smile on her face and I just smiled back and nodded.

"I will go with San and Jungho now, Mingi must have sent the letter to Mister Park by now," Anna said and rushed out, but she first looked at me like she was asking about our well being "We will be okay we have each other don't worry Annie," I said and now we are alone in this unknown house. 

"Yeosang who are you texting?" I heard Wooyoung ask. We have been here for like 46 minutes and still nothing from the others. Soobin is in the kitchen preparing lunch, I told my parents I'm staying at a friend's house "Jungho, he has stopped replying to my texts 5 minutes ago and I'm scared" Yeosang said with pain in his voice I just hugged him and Wooyoung said "Hey it's okay, we don't know San and the rest a lot, but we know Anna and she would die for us like we for her and she is a literal bitch when it comes to us as we all know by now, don't worry they will be okay" Wooyoung you are amazing at speeches, unbelievable. "He is right, you don't know my cousins, but I know them and I can tell that Jungho likes you Yeosang more than you think that's why he is doing all this for you. San is also there to help you, but let's be honest he is there more for the fight and his brother as for Anna, Wooyoung said it all." 

"I could not say it better Soobin, we all would die for each other, this is what friends are for to help at the worst times of your life to be there for you to support you and give advice," I said and that's when the front door open and we saw someone. I got alarmed and was ready to fight but then Soobin said 

"Hyung? Why are you here?"

"Me?! why are you here at my sister and her girlfriend's house and who are they? Soobin explain now" he demanded

"We also need some explanations Soobin who is he?" Wooyoung said getting up from the sofa.

"Hey Hey all calm down please I will explain for both sides," Soobin said calmly

"You better before I kill someone like San said I should," I said now we are waiting for Soobin to start explaining.


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