Chapter 1. First Sight

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The alarm went off and I woke up by it. It's terrible to wake up at 6:30 just to go to school even though it starts at 8:00, but that's my life. Hi, Hello I'm Jung WooYoung. I'm a normal boy and my life is pretty simple. I'm 17 and I go to KQ High with all my friends. I have a decent amount of friends. They are Yunho, Yeosang, Seonghwa, Soobin, and Anna. We are different from each other, but still, we are great friends and the fact that we are outcasts makes as bond even better. It's not that we are ugly it's just that we are all Gay, except Anna. Anyway we all go to the same school except Soobin he is in a different school, bust still me meet a lot. Back to the story, I'm getting ready to go to school with all my friends. It's the 3rd day of school and I already hate it. Pretty normal if u ask me. I will walk to Anna's house and go to school in her car since school is far from our houses.



I'm on my way jeez

And with that, I closed my home door and ran to her house at light speed. Now I am in front of her house.  I rang the bell and meet a very angry Ann.
" Morning Girl," I said trying to not laugh at her face. " I will kill u at night for sure," She said " I'm sleeping with one eye open then," I said and with that, we got to the car and went to the others to get them and go to school.

" Bye Soobin have fun," We said dropping him to school. " YAH DON'T MAKE A FOOL OF YOURSELF STUPID " Anna shouted from the driver's seat. " YAH WHY OR HOW WOULD I HOE," Soobin said laughing then we drove off. We always drop him off since his school is the same way as ours, his house is close to Yunho's too.

" We are here off the car everyone," Seonghwa said and we got out. "Can someone remind me why are we still in school? " Yunho asked clearly annoyed by the fact that we are still in school, didn't I tell you we are on the 3rd day of school and already hate it oh well. " Cause u need to be educated my guy" really Seonghwa u had to say that? " Welp sorry for not being interested in education Mr. NERD" Uff he said that " Wow Kang Yeosang no chill uffff I feel u my Gay" Anna added.

Pretty normal friend group conversation if u ask me. Wait a sec......

" Guys....? "
"Yes," all of them said
"Who are they in the garden? " After I said that all their eyes were diverted to the garden.

"I think they are new"
"New on the 3rd day yeh sure"
"Maybe Yunho is right"
"Oh come on Hwa, Yeo is right who comes on the 3rd day? "

My eyes were stuck on one of them. He was........ Not even words can describe his visuals.

"Do u think they are handsome? " I asked out loud.  " Do u already like the guy with black hair? " Anna asked. " How do u know I was asking for him?!?" " Not hard to guess ur eyes we're glued to him" She added then Yeosang spoke, " He could think you are a creep if he saw you😂"

"You know what forget that even if we like them which I doubt cuz we don't even know them, they won't like us back I mean look at us," Seonghwa said and u can tell Yunho and Yeosang were sad while Anna was mad " I. Dear. You. To. Say. THEY. Don't. Deserve. You. " She said angrily, " I don't care what people said to you when you were a kid, now u are grown and you are for sure 100000%  better than anyone out there. They (pointing to the group out there) should worship all of you or else they are not worth it. " She said and we just hugged her for being so supportive and great. "Thanks, Annie~~ you know we will never let another guy put us down," I said " Well u should" That slay smile says it all " Gurl shut up and go to class u start before us remember " " Ahh Yunho is right BYE BYE I'M GOING," she said before running as fast af. " We should go to" we nodded agreeing with Yeosang and going to our classes.

Seonghwa went to his class since he is 1 year older than us. I and the rest separated cuz I have a different schedule from theirs. I sat in the middle row since I'm one of the nostalgic people, one unspoken rule says the front row for nerds, second for average, middle for nostalgic, fourth for uncertified clowns, and the last for the stupid troublemakers°

"Hello class today for some reason we have new kids at school please welcome them and let them introduce not like the last time. Come in! " Mr. Min really won't let us live after that damn incident last year *sight* welp what can we do. The new kids came in there was a girl Idk who she is and two boys from the ones I saw in the garden.
"Introduce yourself please," Mr. Min said and they started...

That moment got me falling for you and only you ❀WooSan❀Where stories live. Discover now