Chapter 9. He escaped...

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Jungho was waiting for Yeosang by the bridge they said they would meet. He is very nervous about this 'date' and he doesn't even want us to help him. Currently, I am at the top of a tree in the forest in front of the bridge while Soobin is up the tree next to me. Mingi is on a bench near the bus stop near the place Jungho is and San is under the bridge. I am supposed to look out for Yeosang since I have a better view of the road and Mingi is supposed to look closely and listen to the conversation they will have and take photos and San is going to record the conversation, Soobin will look just in case any of them spots us. We are communicating with mini mics San gave us just for this. 

"Any news?" San said through the mini mics "Nope horizon is clear" I said a bit sad "Man it has been 10 minutes, he getting sad more than nervous." Mingi said looking at Jungho "He is doubting himself saying this is a way of getting rejected by Yeosang" San is sad while saying this it's his little brother after all "Don't tell me he is saying he knew he wasn't good enough" Soobin said "Yeah he is" this is when it hit Mingi "Guys what if something happened back home" we were scared "Mingi don't scare the shit out of me it's not the time to be this stressed" I said nearly crying at the thought, but before my tears could escape "CODE Y I REPEAT CODE Y" I said happier than ever "Where is he?" Soobin asked "He is at the corner of road 23," I said and followed Yeosang with my eyes "I'm on my way there," Mingi said and I just hummed then I spotted "There is a black figure at Yeosang's back and I feel bad about it" It was a very bad feeling "If Anna feels something bad it is indeed bad as hell" Mingi was now close enough and walked past Yeosang and that black figure "Yeosang looks terrified and that figure looks like a man in his early 40s, gray hair and black hair about 1.63 (5.3 foot)." that is where it hit me "That is Yeosang's step father that abuser," Mingi said this last thing that made Soobin get out of this hiding spot and ran to inform Jungho for what was about to happen to him.

"He has a gun and a bat with him, Yeosang looks like he wants to run and hide and not at Jungho" this made all of us alert that it is time to fight. "We have to fight" I heard San say by this time Soobin had told Jungho everything is one second and now was my time to confess "Guys Kate is also here and she is armed I called her just in case of extreme alerts and looks like I was right" then San asked "Where is she so I can tell Jungho" I looked and saw Mingi following while hiding the two and then saw Kate with her sniper right where she should be "She is at the building 13th floor at the 5th row with a sniper she turned out very good with it and we need her more than anything right now" I knew they all nodded and I signaled Kate that she has to kill the person that she knew was not part of us. 

"Is everyone positioned in place?" San asked and we didn't say anything meaning we are ready.

"Like planned when he attacks Soobin and Mingi take Yeosang away me and Anna hold that idiot back while Jungho slowly kills him," San said and we nodded again even tho we knew he couldn't see.

"He is near guys," Mingi said making us get into fight mode Jungho  sensed Yeosang's presents and turned that's when mister park didn't attack and, San and Mingi stopped and Jungho got panicked 

"If you get any closer I am snapping his head off" we all stopped we needed a new plan and fast. "" this was Yeosang who was pleading for help from Jungho and seeing the tears in Yeosang's eyes escaping and running down made him lose it. His eyes were red from anger and his hands were folded into fists ready to fight for the boy the loved. 

"Anna someone is at the back of Jungho running with a knife and it's not any of us" I widened my eyes and did something stupid "SHOOT THE ONE WITH THE KNIFE" I screamed and that's what she did she shoot right on his head, that other dude was down and Mister Park was distracted so now was time "OUT NOW" I screamed again this time for the boys and as planned Soobin and Mingi took Yeosang away as fast as possible after me and San released him from that idiot's grippe. 

"Come on Yeo it's okay we are here we will take care of him," Soobin said trying to comfort him while taking him away from the place that was about to be covered in blood.

"Anna don't kill him there, the cameras are on take him to the basement," Kate told me from the mic we had "Jungho there are cameras around let's just take him home to the basement AFTER we knock him out of this universe" I said "Let me just take care of him TIE HIM UP" Jungho demanded and we did what was told to us.

"Are you ready to die? oh wait no I will take you to my favorite place, you will like it a lot" Jungho said while slowly cutting open mister Park's throat and now blood was coming out of it. 

"Jungho it has been 20 minutes, stop let's take him home," San said nearly asleep "Why I am having fun" Jungho followed "Are you not worried about Yeosang right now he might be terrified by this HE NEEDS YOU CHOI JUNGHO," I said irritated because now not only San, but Kate two were stressing themselves by not sleeping and after I mentioned Yeosang, Jungo made a run to his house and now all the work was left to me "Let's just go I will drive," I said as I took the now passed out body of Mister Park and put him at the back of the car while Kate was sleeping on the back seat San was in the front seat and I on the driver's seat. 

Once we got home we or more I saw Mingi and Soobin sleeping on the sofa while I knew Jungho and Yeosang were in a room and comforting each other. "San show a room to Kate and make a room for me and Soobin so I can take him there and show me Mingi's room so I can take him there too," I said annoyed by the fact that I have to do most of the stuff around here. 

Now everyone is in their place, but still, I had to put Mister Park in the basement so I went to the car and He Was Not There. I ran and locked every possible place where he can come in from. Everyone is fast asleep so I have to guard around the house, in the morning I have to tell them everything, now I have to fight for my friend's safety and I'm in for this if they want war they will get it, they are messing with the wrong humans. 

That moment got me falling for you and only you ❀WooSan❀Where stories live. Discover now