Chapter 43. Only me

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"So they dead?" she asked as soon as all the tension between them was over.

"Yeah San killed them fastly so he could continue with his plan" Jungho said looking at Hueningkai who was standing between Kate and Mingi.

"What plan?" asked Wooyoung who was leaning on San's shoulder.

"Well now I can't do it anymore since you are here" San said looking at Wooyoung who still had his head on his shoulder.

"Why?" Yeosang asked San. "Well my plan was supposed to be attacking my father after making some pack with the other gangs around here" San started to explain.

"So us being here means that we now are in danger and we should not be left out if sign?" Anna questioned.

"Ye so now San as a leader here has to go for a meeting with the gangs but with Wooyoung here alone he can't go" Hongjoong pointed out then Seonghwa  added.

"Why would he be alone we are here" Mingi spoke and Yunho took King's hands on his.

"Actually he will be alone. You will be separated for better protection. If we are just two we will be able to protect you better : you and Hongjoong, me and Yunho, Jungho and Yeosang, Niki and Hueningkai, Anna and Kate. You see Wooyoung will be left alone"

Mingi pointed out and Wooyoung put his hand on San's arm and clenched on his shirt tightly.

San felt Wooyoung was scared so he held Wooyoung's hands and made him look at his eyes.

"I would never let anything happen to you, okay? If by any chance you get hurt I'll make sure that person's time is short" after this was said San kissed Wooyoung's hand and held it close to his own face.

Wooyoung hugged his boyfriend and San responded to the hug in no time. Then out of nowhere an idea popped on San's head.

"Why should I leave him. I can take Wooyoung with me at the meeting. Anna I'm counting on you to arrange this meeting with the leaders of the other gangs".

Well that was a surprise for everyone. San taking Wooyoung with him in a gang meeting?! Unbelievable!

"San I can arrange you a meeting but are you sure you should take Wooyoung with you?"

She is concerned and it's very Undertundeble.

"No Kate will be there with you this is why you to are paired together. You strong as hell so no fear"

Jungho is right as a matter or fact. All San and Jungho' s gang is made out of gang leader's boys and two strong girls  and one very smart boy. Now they also have two more members very talented on this filed.

"I don't want to say this but Jungho is right. You are strong and I know Wooyoung is safe with San unbelievable I'm saying this but it's true"

All eyes were on Yeosang. But it was true they all trusted San on keeping Wooyoung safe and making him the happiest person alive.

"Okay Niki Kate Hueningkai come with me we are going to make the meeting appointment. Yeosang go to my house with Jungho and stay there you have a key to my house. Seonghwa you are with Hongjoong at his house. Yunho and Mingi at Mingi's place. Now all set get to work people. We will tell you how it went after we come back"

Everyone nodded then headed to their places. Now Wooyoung and San were left alone in the living room. Everyone were out and Anna, Niki, Kate, and Hueningkai were up at the office. Wooyoung had just closed the door and was walking closer to San who was sitting on the sofa looking at his boyfriend getting closer.

Once Wooyoung was in front of him San grabbed him by the waist and set Wooyoung down to his lap while hugging him tightly.

"I missed you baby" San said with his head on Wooyoung's neck smelling his perfume.

"You saw me like one day ago San" Wooyoung said while giggle since San was tickling him.

"Yes but still I missed you WooBear" that nickname made Wooyoung push San a little secret he could see his face.

"Where did you learn that name?" Wooyoung asked.

"I have my sorce of information baby. You happened to have a mafia leader as your boyfriend" San said and brought Wooyoung closer but this time Wooyoung's legs were on the side of San's waist.

"Still I want to know who told you about my Instagram account" Wooyoung made a pouty faca and punched San in the chest trying to be cute. And he as always succeed and he was cutter than ever which made San melt.

"Fine fine, it was Kate she showed me" San Confessed.

"What else did she show you" Wooyoung asked a little more embarrassed.

"She actually showed me this too" San took out his phone and showed a screenshot that Kate had sent him of a post.

"And you tell me I missed you

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"And you tell me I missed you. You made a whole ass post showing the whole world I'm your boyfriend and that you missed me." San said while laughing and putting his phone back on his pockets.

"Why are you mad I posted about you?" Woo asked and San replyed simply with.

"No I'm actually very happy. Now everyone knows you are taken by me and only me."

San brought Wooyoung closer to him if it could get any closer than that. He started to kiss Wooyoung's neck. Wooyoung was smiling at his boyfriend's cute action but things started to get a little..... Spice.

That moment got me falling for you and only you ❀WooSan❀Where stories live. Discover now