Chapter 40. Let them in

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Hongjoong was now done with the food and was serving it to the rest. "OMG Hongjoong where did you learn to cook like this?!" Mingi asked shocked "He couldn't cook?" Kate asked Mingi while looking at Hongjoong who just scratched the back of his head. 

"Ask us about it we were so happy Seounghwa finally came around with the rest we were pure stupid in the kitchen but that dude, yeah no..." Jungho said shaking his head.

I'm not even going to ask what you used to eat" Niki said looking at his plate of food. "Believe me you don't want to know. By the way, where did you learn to cook?" San said looking at Niki then at Hongjoong.

"Seonghwa taught me. He said I better not came in the kitchen anymore, then I asked him to teach me and now here we are" They were astonished by his determination to look good in front of Seonghwa. Everyone, find yourself a significant other that brings the best out of you, just saying.

Hongjoong sat down and with the rest of the boys were about to eat Kate stopped them. "STOP! NO MOVEMENT!" she scared the shit out of them especially Mingi. Kate took out her phone and took a photo of the food.

"I gotta post this on my insta so they can see," she said and they just shook their heads in disbelief. 

@Kim. K

Mister Kim can't believe you can now cook😲😲

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Mister Kim can't believe you can now cook😲😲

❤️ 1.13K 


@WooBear 🐻: That looks delish😋😋

@yunHOE: Is Mister Kim, Hongjoong

@Kim. K: @yunHOE Yes the one and only...

@chicken_master🐤: Waw I'm impressed

@binnie.binne.soobinnie: Damn...

@angry. bird: I thought him that where are my credits☹️☹️

@moon_hon🌙🍯: Let me cook this now real quick.

"May I know why are their usernames like that?" Jungho asked out of the blue. "Why? What's wrong with them?" Kate asked.

"Seonghwa 's angry bird, Wooyoung's WooBear, Soobin's binnie binnie soobinnie, Anna's moon hon, Yeosnag's chicken master, and Yunho's Yun HOE... yeap very humanly," San said sarcastically.

"Seonghwa is called angry bird since his eyes are like an angry bird's eyes, Wooyoung is a little hug bear, Anna used to call Soobin, Binnie when they were little, Anna is a night person and says 'honey' a lot, Yeosnag loves chicken, and Yunho's name sounds like you are saying Yunhoe so he wanted to have some fun with it, understandable?" 

Too much information in one second. "How do you manage to talk like that?" Hongjoong asked and Kate just Shrugged her shoulders.

"Let's eat and San will tell us his idea," Niki suggested and all agreed.

After they eat their meal Jungho washed the dishes and went to the living room where the rest were waiting for him.

"So what is it San?" Mingi asked they were sitting in front of San. "Okay so since the boys are away from the danger I think it's time to attack my father" eyes were wide open by San's statement.

"But we don't know where they are hiding," Jungho said. "Anna actually found it and kept it on a folder in the computer," he said and the rest made an 'oh' face.

"But didn't Anna say that we need a plan?" Kate stated "Yeah and didn't Wooyoung say you need to try and sort things out with your father," Niki asked then Jungho barked in.

"WHAT THINGS TO SORT OUT HOW MUCH HE WANTS TO KILL OUR BOYFRIENDS?!" Jungho was mad just by the thought of his father touching his boyfriend in any way shape or form.

"Not that way Jungho. Dad hates gays because of mom so we have to make a little peace with him according to Wooyoung" San said calmly.

"You said it yourself they are not here and I'm not gonna leave with my boyfriend while my father is out there threatening him," Jungho said annoyed.

"Your father isn't the best father out there but at least let's make a plan of what to do" Hongjoong suggested calming the situation.

"Okay then we know where they are but we need to know the people they work with and also we need to have some strong alliances with the other gangs" Niki was listening carefully to what Mingi said then added.

"Okay they used to work with the gang I was part of and two more gangs 'Shadow claw' and 'Arrow' so what is left for us are 'treasurers', 'long night', and 'ACE' so we have to make a pack with two of them. It will be better if we make packs with all three of them we will be stronger they have big groups. 'Treasures' have 13 members, 'Long Night' 15, and 'ACE' 23. It will be great. Your father has 12, 'Shadow claw' 11, and 'Arrow' 14."

They kept talking but were going nowhere. An argument occurred when the doorbell rang. Niki got up and opened the door. He was stunned by who it was.

"What is taking you so long Niki?" Kate asked then git up and went to the door. There stood Yeonjun and another guy who was tall but she didn't know.

"Hey there Yeonjun what brought you here? If you are asking for Anna or Soobin perhaps they are not here sorry," Yeonjun just shook his head and said "No me and Hueningkai just want to talk about something important" she nodded with a smile and was about to opened the door but Niki stopped her and looked at the boys with a firce eyes.

"Why would you to talk with Soobin and Anna by any chance?" He asked still looking at Yeonjun.

Kate answerd to Niki's question.

"Soobin is Yeonjun's friend from school?"

"What about Anna then?" Still Niki had his eyes fixed on Yeonjun.

Kate was about to answer again but Yeonjun was quicker this time. He was feed up with Niki's behavior.

"She is my sister in law so I can talk to her whenever I want any problem Niki?"

Niki was sent to the edge and clinched his hands into fists.

Yet again even tho he didn't want to Niki let the two boys in.

That moment got me falling for you and only you ❀WooSan❀Where stories live. Discover now