Chapter 3. Forgiveness

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After all that drama lama we sat down on a bench in the school garden to clear our minds from all that. Seonghwa was sad because he dropped our food, but we couldn't care less. We took Seonghwa out of that place while Kate pulled Anna out before she was sent to the principles office for killing someone. "Hey don't be sad Hwa it's not your fault." Yunho tried to assure Seonghwa "Yeah it was a complete accident, it could happen to everyone." Yeosang said wanting to help a little. "I know you are right, but why did he have to shout plus I left you guys without food for today." "It's okay Seonghwa we will be okay don't worry." I really hope what I just said is not a lie. "If you think about it it's okay for real we needed to lose some weight anyway" "ANNA I KNOW THIS WAS FOR ME" "You said it I didn't mention any names" Man she has the audacity to say that to my face "Come here you little shit" now it's my turn to fight, right now I have an arm around her neck and I'm trying to push her to the ground, while she has her arms around my left leg trying to make me fall. Yeosang, Yunho, Seonghwa, and Kate were laughing at us when we finished playing around and were heading to the rest of the group something made us stop, or more over someone made us stop. He started to greed us. When we got closer to the bench the boy started to talk. " Hey I'm sorry to come like this, but Hi I'm Kim Hongjoong and I'm one of San's friends." He said with a shy/sad/apologetic smile. "And WHY should we listen to you?" This time was Kate asking she clearly was as pissed as everybody else except Anna she looked rather calm and had this serious face. "If you would let me talk please.." "AND YOU THINK WE WOU-----" Kate couldn't finish her sentences because Seonghwa spoke "Let him explain" Wait WHAT? "You sure Hwa?" I asked. He only nodded and Anna spoke after "Yeah let Hongjoong talk let's see what he has to say, just don't pull my trigger okay?" that Hongjoong guy had a big smile on his face and for some reason, Anna gave him a little slay smile.

"Okay class go change your clothes because we will have a match between classes 11C and 10A." we were now in PE our last classes for the day. We finished talking with Hongjoong and he actually said sorry in the name of San. He said San had a problem and that accident send him over the edge and he let all his anger on Seonghwa. We understood him, I mean we are not mean people he had a bad day that's it. Hongjoong also asked Anna to cancel the match with San. She didn't agree at first, but then the look Seonghwa gave her made her agree with the request. 

I am actually happy now. I don't have to be alone here in PE, Anna and Kate are on class 10A and we share this class for 2 hours it's great. We don't get to choose our teammates, but since I'm not that good with sports I get to be on the same team as Anna, now kate is with us too. Today Kate got to know Angie and is introducing her to us. She is very nice and kind. 

"Okay class now that we are ready let's make the teams and play some volleyball" not my fav, but Anna and Kate are very excited. "The team and positions will be like the following..."

Team Red

1. Anna: Center, Leader

2. Kate: Center font

3. Angie: Left side front

4. Wooyoung: Right side keeper

5. Amy: Left side keeper

6. Vernon: Right side front

Okay, my team is great hah we already know the winner. "Okay team red is set now for team black"

Team Black

1. Mingi: Center front

2. Jae: Left side front

3. Felix: Right side front

4. Megan: Left side keeper

5. Mina: Right side keeper

6. San: Center, Leader

"Great all teams are set now leaders please decide who takes the field and who gets to start the game" Ann was going to the center and San to the tension was really high. "Who will get the field and who the first set?" the coach asked "We are going to win so please get the set it will be your last" Anna said full of confidence. They agreed and the match was about to start, but every team had to do their slogan, I swear San and his team were struggling it was pure fun. Meanwhile, I was teaching the slogan I came up with "okay let's do this it's easy" i assured them now was time to put the slogan into action "We're together till tomorrow for outsiders don't feel sorrow FIGHTING" It has a great ring and it explains how we are as a team. The game started and there is no way I'm lying team black was getting on all of our nerves. They would miss every single set not only theirs but also ours like they were terrible as hell and when we missed 1 in 1000 they would get mad at us and call us bad players like WHAT? 

"SHUT UP FELIX YOU HAVE MISSES 100 SETS BY NOW AND YOU COME ON ME FOR ONE MISSED SET?? THAT'S STUPID!" Amy started to shout at Felix, you already know why. "Look at yourselves all of you, you are terrible players and you come at us. We won this game 15 rounds ago, we wanted to give you a 2nd chance." Vernon tried to keep calm, they weren't having it. "Like you are great all the balls that came to you, you do dodge all of them and let Wooyoung do all the work" San fought back I mean I agree. And as you can tell I am not as mad as before since Hongjoong said sorry to...Wait why is Anna looking at San like that? That is not a way you look at someone you wanted to kill 3 classes ago, but it's not lovely as well what the hell is wrong with her?

Anna P.O.V 

Is San protecting my baby Wooyoung now?? Like Ehhhh? This is some juicy tea right here bestie. Can't wait to rent to Kate about this, HEHE this will be fun as hell.

Back to Wooyoung's head

Welp, she is creepy and I don't know why we are friends in the first place. Wait now that I think about it was San defending me 1 minute ago?!?!? Nah it's my imagination.

"Okay class off to your homes now." Mr. Jeon said. We changed into our regular clothes and got out of the gym. I and Anna said bye to the girls we now made friends with and headed to the car. " O no Anna go ahead please I have forgotten my phone in my locker I'm gonna get it I won't be late wait in the car with the rest." she nodded her head and went away, I rushed to my locker on the 3rd floor. I got my phone and was about to head to the car when...

That moment got me falling for you and only you ❀WooSan❀Where stories live. Discover now