Chapter 13. Am I just a friend to you

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It's currently 9: 12 Am and we are waiting for the competitive teams from other High Schools. Two buses stop at the front of the school. The principal of KQ High is greeting Principal Kim Namjoon of Big Hit University and Principal Bang Chan from JYP NATION.

Anna went and gave her sister a big hug and her sister's girlfriend as well. I and the boys meet with Soobin now we are walking to the school. Once we got in I saw Kate talking to that Yeonjun boy and then Anna and Lia joined, I got closer to hear them.

"Hey Yeonjun finally I got to meet you," Anna said like she always does when meeting new people.

"Hey, Anna it's very great to meet you too, your sister and Soobin talk a lot about you. " Wait what

" Hold the horse cowboy. Soobin what?" She was yeonfused "oh yeah he says you are a very good friend of his for a very long time" Anna just nodded in understatement and then Soobin came around

"Hey what are you two talking about?" Soobin asked the two "oh we are just Catching up on each other right?" Said Yeonjun and Anna.

"Hey we really had not met in like ages so it's great he is on the sports team." Soobin first nodded then after 5 minutes it hit him "Wait you know each other?!?!?" Very slow Soobin

"Yeah he is my sister's girlfriend's brother," Anna said and then Yeonjun asked, "why did you talk to her about me?" He had a big smirk on his face and Soobin began to blush like mad.

"Yeah, he has how did you know!" She gasped then said "insert BamBam voice 'how do you know, how do you know' no but for real doe"

Yeonjun was the only one laughing then Anna joined and Soobin just ran away.

"Mind me if I go after him, future little sister?" He said obviously joking or not. "Go get your manz big brother"

With that Yeonjun ran off and I just went over to Anna and hand her a cupcake from the table

"So he is Lia's brother?" I asked
"Yeosang you scared me hon, yeah he is did you eavesdrop?" I looked around saying "Maybeeee"

We both laughed and then she asked "Where is your boyfriend?" I choked on my cupcake "I don't have a boyfriend"

"Insert John Cena voice 'are you sure about that'?" I just nodded "Yes I and Jungho aren't dating." What she next said shocked me

"I never said any name did I" She smirked and then walked away. I was about to chase after her, but an arm on my wrist stopped me.

I turned around and saw Jungho standing there clearly drunk from the alcohol.

"Jungho you are drunk," I said a little annoyed "No I'm not I didn't drink any bit" Then he Hiccuped

"Come on I'm taking you to your home" I started to drag Jungho

"But I don't want to go home" He started to whine like a little born baby, not gonna lie it was cute

"Choi Jungho I said we are going home and that's final." Waw I can be a strict dad in the future

We were walking and I didn't realize that Jungho had intertwined our hands together

We were walking and I didn't realize that Jungho had intertwined our hands together

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We were walking and it was silent between us, but too awkward, it was a comfortable silence.

But then Jungho broke the silence.

"Hey, Yeo" I was taken aback by the nickname but still hummed as a response.

"What are we?" He asked me "what do you mean Jungho? We are friends?" I said

"Just friends, that's how you see me, you know how I feel, and I  know you do because it's very obvious." It's true I know how he feels and I'm happy, because let's be honest I do too, but I'm scared and I think that can be seen through my eyes. I was about to say something, but then even I forgot it because of what Jungho did
We were at the front of his house door when he just turned me around and he........ Kissed me right there. I was shocked, but soon after I melt into the kiss.

(Again a reference photo)

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(Again a reference photo)

His lips were soft and sweet. The kiss was slow and gentle. It didn't last for long, but it was enough for us at that moment.

We didn't care about the world around us. At that moment it was just the both of us dancing together through the night sky and singing this song that only we could hear.

Unfortunately, we are humans so we need oxygen to live. We parted our lips and he test his forehead on mine as I was breathing heavily.

I was red and so I just hide my face on his neck and Jungho just chuckled.

"Let's go in Yeosang it's getting cold I don't want you to get the flu or anything like that." He is so caring this moment was the best in my life, but something does not feel right.

I want to be worried, but knowing that Jungho is here with me I feel safer than ever. And why wouldn't I, he will always protect me, maybe this is why I fell for him in the first place.

Love is the best feeling out there, if you haven't experienced love you haven't seen anything

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Love is the best feeling out there, if you haven't experienced love you haven't seen anything.

This is what people say.

They also say that love it's great, sweet, beautiful, and magical.

But is it really? Will love bring Yeosang the love that he had missed all his life or will falling in love be the start of more drama and pain for him and everybody else that he knows?

That moment got me falling for you and only you ❀WooSan❀Where stories live. Discover now