Chapter 12. The couple💙💙

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As always I'm supposed to be in Anna's car and going to school with her and the rest, but right now I'm with my now boyfriend Mingi. We are walking to school since I slept in his house last night.

I was very worried when he first came from the mess that was happening he was bruised everywhere on his face and Hongjoong too.

When I asked Mingi he just said he is fine, of course, to not make me worry that's nice of him, but I knew he wasn't so before going to Yeosang and the rest I took care of those wounds.

"What are your first classes?" Mingi asked me and that took me out of my delulu.

"Well I have History, Maths, IT, and Music," I said "You?"

"Damn it we don't have the same classes 😔🥺" He looked so down so I did the only thing that came to mind to cheer him up

I gave him a kiss on his right cheek and then said "Don't worry Mingi we have the lunchtime together and after school am going to stay at your place so it's okay" He looked at me with a big gummy smile and said

"Yeah, we are staying together now. That's amazing." but that last sentence made me choke on air

"So when will you move in baby?" Pardon me what did you just call me sir??!! "What do you mean move-in isn't it too early to ask me this?" I said shocked by the sudden question.

"Hey, I'm happy okay, I liked you a lot when I first saw you on my day here. Excuse me for being too in love" He said head up with a slay smile and side eying me.

I was a blushing mess. If you had a tomato or an apple and compare it to my face you wouldn't notice what was what

Now we were at the front of the school and this is where we separate. My side of the school is the same way as Mingi, but I had to go to the teachers first because they called me.

So I went and left Mingi alone, well not alone-alone like he has his friends, but they still hadn't shown up.

My teacher told me that this was the Olympics week and we were complaining about other High Schools. Two of them were 1) Big Hit University Soobin's school and 2) JYP NATION Yeji and Hyunjin's school

It was great, my teachers told me I have to prepare the welcoming party this year and tonight it should be done because the school teams will come tomorrow and we need to look good this year, unlike other years. I won't get into detail, but just so you know it's bad very very very bad.

Fast forward to lunch time we were all together and so I decided to ask my friends for help.

"Guys, can some of you help me with the welcoming party for the Olympics today?" I asked and nearly all of them agreed. Yes, I said nearly, because some of them couldn't help.

"I'm very sorry Yunho, me, Kate, San, Mingi and Wooyoung need to practice we are part of the competition teams," Anna told me and of course, I understand the rest were all there to help me, or better to say only Yeosang and Seonghwa were there because those two Hongjoong and Jungho are coming only, cuz Yeosang and Seonghwa told them too.

Nevertheless, I'm not complaining, I have great friends that I know, they love me and I love them back, now I also have a boyfriend that I love a lot and he loves me back just the same.

"We have to go practice there are a lot of things that can come up in the competitive and we still know nothing and the Olympics are tomorrow. Not much time if you ask me." San said something that seemed familiar with that sentence "when did you start talking like Wooyoung, San?" Hwa asked San and that's why it sounded so familiar.

He became pink a very pretty pink shade and so did woo, but it was lighter than San's pink shade. It was cute.

After nearly 48 minutes of decoration, the room is ready for the party.

(So you can imagine the area) "I think it looks nice" Said Jungho "want nice this place is amazing

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(So you can imagine the area)
"I think it looks nice" Said Jungho "want nice this place is amazing. Did you see what we did here this is what I call a work of art?" Yeosang said with a very big smile and some glittery eyes and we could all see the way Jungho was looking at Yeosang with so much love in his eyes.

That's the same way Hongjoong looks at  Seonghwa and the same way Mingi looks at me.

I am very happy that my best friends found love just like I did all I was for them now is to accept the love that these boys were ready to give them.

"Thank you so much I couldn't do anything without you," I said as I gave a big bear hug to all of them at the same time and they all hugged back.

The five of us shared a moment like that then we let go of the hug and went to see how the practice was going.

As we got in all we saw was pure chaos. Wooyoung was so tired and he was breathing heavily, Kate and Mingi were doing pushups and our teacher Mr. Jeon was counting their pushups.

On the other hand, we had Anna and San again fighting with each other, but this time with the action.

We actually came a little late for the action all we saw was that Ann had San on top of her and then she changed the position and then again a change and now they are rowling like a big burrito and they are choking each other.

"HWANG FUCKING ANNA!!" this was Seonghwa yelling and opp-- Ann your ass is getting beaten up bitch.

"What did we say about fighting??" He was scary if Satan had a son and that son had a human child it would be Seonghwa

"Only when necessary" she mumbled and after a long lecture, it's finally time to go home.

I'm at Mingi's house of course and I'm preparing dinner for us. He lives alone unlike me who lives with his mom still. While I was cooking two pairs of arms sneaked from behind me and locked themselves on my waist.

And as we all know it was my dear boyfriend giving me a back hug as his head was on my shoulder looking at me cooking the dinner.

" Yah go away before I burn the house down" I threatened him, but he just laughed at me

"No you won't and I won't let go now let me stay here for a little more. " Mingo said then buried his head on my neck.

"Fine, but this means no kisses for a week. " I said seriously and he just ran to the table. That made me laugh a lot.

After we ate we went to watch a movie, but we were tired so we both fell asleep peacefully in each other's arms.

That moment got me falling for you and only you ❀WooSan❀Where stories live. Discover now