Chapter One

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Derek has had a bad day. First, his professor gives him a ten page paper due the next class day which gets him a little under two days to write it. Derek knows nothing about the Irish famine, so that means he needs to study. Next, it would have to that be his hours have increased at the bookstore which does give him more money, but means less time doing said papers. He really isn't watching the road when he is having his inner pity party, which explains the bump his car makes when he runs into something.

"Please don't be a someone." Derek begs every deity he knows while stepping out of the car, and his prayers are unanswered when he makes out the lean body of a boy. "Shit, oh shit, oh no." Derek says, leaning down. The boy would be tall if he wasn't curled into himself, with pale skin, a beanie, and baggy, dirty clothes. He isn't moving, and Derek is panicking. Derek knows he needs to take the boy to the hospital, but the problem is that Derek doesn't have insurance. A broke student studying to be a nurse doesn't have the funds to pay for medical insurance even with his job.

The boy makes a groaning noise, but goes still. Derek makes the snap decision to take the boy to his apartment, and hope that he isn't a killer.


Derek somehow manages to get the unconscious boy into his apartment without bring too much attention to himself, and the boy is really not that heavy. Derek frowns at that because for his height, Derek guesses he's only a little shorter than him, the boy should weight a lot more. Derek gently sets the boy down on his couch, and walks to his kitchen. He debates whether or not he should call Isaac, another nursing major and his best friend, or if he should just dump him at the hospital.

"Okay. Okay. Okay." Derek repeats, running his hands though his hair and he decides to call Isaac. He pulls out his phone and begins scroll down, but stops when he hears groaning in the living room. Derek carefully peers into the living room to watch the boy struggle to sit up on the couch. He walks over and patiently waits for the boy to notice him. "Hello." Derek says, carefully. The boy whips his head around to the sound of the noise, and he makes a pathetic barking noise and tries to get off the couch.

Derek rushes over to help him, and when he gets too close to the boy, he violently flinches and runs away. Derek watches him exits the room, and he isn't sure which way he went but he doesn't hear the front door open so he somewhat relaxes. He gives the boy about ten minutes to calm down before he chases after him. Derek begins searching for the boy, and ends up in his room. He finds the boy curled up in the corner, trying to make himself as small as possible. Derek can finally get a better look at his face. The boy has long eyelashes that make him look like his eyes are always closed, whiskey colored eyes, and moles scattered across his face and neck.

"Hey, it's okay." Derek says, soothingly but the boy is shaking. The boy has shut his eyes tightly, and begins to shake his head rapidly. A wave of pity fills Derek, and he crouches near the boy, but not too close. The boy continues shaking his head, and Derek is at a loss. He is sure that Isaac would know what to do, but Isaac would also make Derek take him to the actual hospital. Derek notices that the boy has a cut on his forehead, and his ankle looks swollen so Derek carefully gets up and rushes to get his medical supplies.

When he returns the boy is facing the corner with his back to the rest of the room, and Derek has a feeling this is going to be hard. "Hey, buddy. I need you to face me, so I can clean your wounds." Derek says, softly and the boy once again flinches. Derek notices a tag sticking out of his baggy shirt, and he carefully reaches for it. The boy doesn't move so he doesn't think that he can feel Derek trying to look at the tag. He unfurls it, and it reads 'Stiles'. Derek frowns because he is almost positive that Stiles is not a name, but he decides it worth a shot. "Stiles, I need to help you." Derek says again, and the boy, Stiles, freezes.

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