Kissing Maria

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Trigger Warnings: Cheating, swearing, violence

Arabella's POV: I was on my way back to my best friend, Lafayette's dorm after my classes. We were not dating but we were supper close, we even kissed! We were kinda dating, it's very complicated. I had a spare key so I just let myself in. When I made it inside, I saw Lafayette and Maria making out on the couch! I was so angry I started yelling at Lafayette in French.

Arabella: Notre baiser signifiait rien?! (Our kiss meant nothing)

Lafayette: I-I, mon amour wait!

Arabella: Here's your spare back. I won't need it anymore.

Maria: Just leave her pathetic ass, it's not worth it!

I ran out of his dorm and back to my dorm crying. The Schuyler sisters were out of town so that meant that I was alone in my dorm, Angelica was my roommate and I really needed her right now. I suddenly heard a knock on the door. I wiped my tears and went to answer it.

Thomas's POV: I was watching a movie when I suddenly heard crying from the dorm next door, the Schuyler sisters were out of town so I knew it was Arabella Hamilton. I for some reason decided to go check on her. I knocked on her dorm and she opened it, her cheeks were red and tear stained.

Thomas: Are you ok?

Arabella: Y-yes.

Thomas: Why were you crying?

Arabella: Why should you care?

Thomas: I just wanted to know, if you don't wanna tell me it's fine!

Arabella: I caught Lafayette kissing Maria Reynolds.

Thomas: You two were dating?!

Arabella: No, it's complicated. Now I know for sure he's not the one tho.

Thomas (under his breath): Good.

Arabella: What was that?

Thomas: Oh nothing, if you need anything I'm right next door. Ok?

Arabella: Thanks, but why are you being so nice to me? Don't you and my brother hate each other.

Thomas: I guess I can overlook small things for cute girls.

Oh Thomas, why in the world would you say that? She is a Hamilton, you hate her brother, you are not aloud to like her! I look into her eyes and she's helpless.

Arabella: You ok?

Thomas : Huh? Oh yea, see you later!

Arabella: Ok bye!

Arabella's POV: I thought about what Jefferson said, then I started thinking about Laf and Maria again. I went to my alcohol cabinet and grabbed a bottle of vodka. I chugged it down, and then I had another one. I ended up stumbling out of my dorm and to an alley between the 2 person dorms and the three person dorms. I was approached by a familiar man in a hoodie.

Charles Lee: I see we're a little tipsy are we Hamilton? Come with me and I'll take care of you!

Suddenly another man approached us.

Thomas: Let her go Lee!

Charles Lee: And what if I don't do that?

Thomas: I said let her go!

Suddenly Charles had me pinned to the ground and he had his hands on my neck, he was chocking me out.

Arabella: I-I can't breathe!

I suddenly blacked out.

Thomas's POV: I was taking my evening walk in the courtyard when I heard some commotion in the alley. I heard Charles Lee's voice. I went in the alley to investigate and he had Arabella, I could tell she had a few too many drinks. I told him to let her go but he didn't listen. He started to choke her and I rushed over to her but she had already blacked out. I lunged out at Lee and we started fighting.

Thomas: Why did you choke her?

Charles Lee: King's orders, he needs to get to Hamilton to get to Washington, if that means taking out his sister then so be it!

I punched him hard and knocked him out. I picked up Arabella bridal style and carried her to her brother's dorm. I knocked and John Laurens answered.

John: Omg is Bella ok?!

Thomas: Long story short she should be up in the morning, take care of her.

I left her in John's arms and walked back to my dorm, I'm glad I saved her, but why we hate each other.

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