Falling for me all over again

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Thomas's POV: I ran over to her as well as all of her friends.

Angelica: Follow me, we need to get her to lie down!

I picked up Arabella and followed her to one of the guest bedrooms. I layer her down, soon the rest of her friends made it upstairs.

Peggy: Oh no, I told Samuel not to use the Spirytus Vodka!

Alexander: That was Spirytus Vodka?! That's like 95% alcohol! That could kill her!

Angelica: Calm down Alex, she is going to be fine.

Lafayette came next to me.

Lafayette: She's going to be fine mon ami.

Thomas: I know, it's just she worries me, lots. It's like she doesn't give a care in the world if she got hurt.

Lafayette: You know, when people struggle like her, it's what tends to happen. Tout comme John. (Just like John)

I only knew a little French but it was still enough to understand what he said. Eventually everyone started to go back downstairs since she was just resting.

Lafayette: Come join us mon ami, she'll be fine.

Thomas: I guess it wouldn't hurt to leave for a bit.

I got up from the chair next to the bed and went back downstairs. I walked over to wear John A and James where standing.

John A: Have fun warming Arabella up for me?

Thomas: Not funny, she's mine so you better stay away!

James M: But seriously dude, is she good?

Thomas: Yea, it was just a very strong drink. 

James M: Well, I'm going to take John home, he's past his drink limit.

Thomas: Ok, bye! Merry Christmas!

James M: Merry Christmas!

John A: Hey Thomas, fuck you!

John was always the most annoying with alcohol in his system. I didn't know what to do now that I was alone. I decided to go back upstairs with Arabella, she was still peacefully sleeping. She suddenly woke up.

Arabella: Hi Thomas- ow!

Thomas: What's wrong darling? Are you hurt?!

Arabella: My head feels horrible!

Thomas: Let me go get some water my love!

I ran downstairs to get water, I stopped on my way to tell everyone she was awake.

Thomas: Hey y'all, Arabella's awake now!

All of her friends rushed upstairs as I got her some water. I made my way back upstairs and handed her the cup.

Lafayette: That was very reckless and brave mon cheri, never do it again!

Alexander: Do you even know what you were drinking?!

Arabella: No, it's not like it matters anyway.

John L: It does matter, you could've died!

Arabella (mumbles): Well that might not have been the worst thing.

I cupped her face in my hands and made her look at me.

Thomas: Arabella Rachael Hamilton, it would matter! You know why? Cause I love you and you are my world, now what would I do without my world?!

Alexander: So, I can tell you really love my sister. Just don't hurt her or anything and I guess I approve. Also please don't get her pregnant!

Angelica: You can stay here tonight if you would like!

Alexander: Just not in Bella's bed!

Angelica: Alexander!

Alexander: Fine! But no funny business!

Angelica: Like I said before, we don't say anything about you and John doing funny business!

Alexander: Whatever!

We all started laughing.

Peggy: I'm going to go downstairs and continue the party!

Eliza: Wait for me Pegs!

Everyone soon ran downstairs. Arabella got out of bed, she took one step and she almost fell, I luckily caught her.

Thomas: I guess you're falling for me all over again.

Arabella: Oh shut up Thomas!

She steadied herself and we made our way downstairs. Everybody was dancing and the band was top volume. I pulled Arabella closer to me as some boys were looking at her funny. Luckily Laurens, Lafayette, and Mulligan came and stepped in front of her. The boys quickly ran off.

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