Don't you dare finish that Pegs!

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Warnings: Swearing

Alexander's POV: I woke up in the morning and decided to go see how Arabella was doing after the storm last night. When I got to her dorm I heard giggling coming from the inside. It sounded like, Jefferson?! Arabella finally opened the door and sure enough Jefferson was with her.

Arabella: Oh hey Alex. Need something?

Alexander: Well I came to check on you after the storm. Why is Jefferson in your dorm? And why did I hear giggling?!

Arabella: Jefferson tripped over himself and I couldn't stop laughing at his stupidness. In summary, just Jefferson being clumsy.

Alexander: But why was he in your dorm in the first place?!

I was getting pretty impatient.

Arabella: He forgot his notes from when we were working on the project a few weeks ago.

Alexander: I guess I believe you since Jefferson is stupid enough to forget stuff and trip over himself.

Arabella: Yea.

Thomas's POV: It hurt me hearing my new girlfriend talking bad about me like that, even though I knew she was just playing along to keep us a secret. I couldn't imagine what her brother would do to her if he knew she was dating me. Wow, a Jefferson dating a Hamilton, never in a million years would I have guessed that would happen! I then heard them talking about my "stupidity". 

Thomas: Hey I'm right here!

Alexander: I know! Anyways c'mon Bella the others are waiting for us! We are going ice skating! Wait why do you and Jefferson have matching jackets?

Shit, we're definitely screwed!

Arabella: My favorite color is magenta, I guess it's his too, deal with it I guess.

I'm so lucky Arabella can come up with sensible responses so quickly.

Arabella's POV: Alexander dragged me out to Angelica's Lincoln Navigator. Angelica was driving with Hercules in the passenger seat, then there was Eliza and Alexander in the middle row. That's where we usually have someone sit on the floor.

Angelica: I heard the cops have been stoping people more and more lately, I don't really want to risk it so-

Lafayette:  Bella can sit on my lap!

Shit! This is gonna be weird not telling them about me and Thomas.

Angelica: Is that ok with you Bella?

Arabella: Oh yea.

Lafayette: Are you alright mon amour? You don't have to sit on my lap if you don't want to!

Arabella: No, it's fine.

I crawled and sat on his lap. I wrapped my arms around him and he wrapped his arms around me. Peggy was sitting in the seat next to us.

Peggy: Bella and Laf moaning in a bed, F-U-C-

Alexander: Don't you dare finish that Pegs!

Everyone started laughing except for me and Laf, we were supper red. Everyone was just talking with each other, except for me and Lafayette. He decided to break the silence.

Lafayette: You, how you say, seeing anyone lately mon amour?

Arabella: Nooo?

I really stretched out that o and it sounded more like a question then answer. 

Lafayette: You don't seem to sure yourself.

He let out a light chuckle.

Arabella: So are you seeing Laffy taffy?

Lafayette: I did go on a date with a girl Adrienne but she didn't feel that special.

Peggy: You guys are so made for each other! When are you going to get together, I have a lot of money placed on Lafella! I plan to buy an actual ship and name it Lafella!

Peggy is going to be crushed if she finds out about me and Thomas. I saw Alexander look back to check on us, he was always so protective over me! He would kill me and Jefferson if he knew, at least we would be together in peace! We finally got to the ice rink...

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