We don't have to hide anymore

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Warnings: Swearing

(In the morning)

Thomas's POV: I had woken up a little earlier, I was watching Arabella peacefully sleep as I stroked her soft hair with my fingers. We both suddenly jumped at a knock on the window. I quickly unlocked my door to see an angry looking Alexander.

Alexander: Get off my sister you Francophile!

Arabella: My God Alexander, calm the fuck down!

Angelica: Yea Alex, let them have fun, we don't say anything about you and John "having fun".

Alexander: But this is different! Our queen is dating Thomas fucking Jeffershit!

Thomas: Hey, I'm still here!

Hercules: Anyways, we need to jumpstart this car!

I went out to help him and Lafayette jumpstart the car.

Lafayette: So when did you and Bella start dating mon ami?

Thomas: The day we went to the ice skating rink.

Lafayette: Merde! That's why it was so weird for her in the car!

Thomas: What was weird?

Hercules: Arabella sat on Lafayette's lap since we didn't have enough space.

I wasn't exactly sure how I felt about that. We finished jumpstarting the car while the girls waited in Angelica's navigator.

Arabella's POV:

Peggy: So, who stripped first last night?

Eliza: Peggy!

Arabella: Peggy, no one stripped last night, although something did happen!

Angelica: So do I need to hurt him or-

Arabella: No! We exchanged our first "I love yous"!

Eliza: Aww, that is so sweet, I'm so happy for you!

Peggy: Looks like the boys are done fixing the car!

I got out of the car and went with Thomas. We all started to drive back home.

Thomas: I presume you are going to the Schuyler's Christmas party tomorrow?

Shit! With everything going on I had forgotten that tomorrow was Christmas Eve! Good thing I already had everyone's present.

Arabella: Yea, and you?

Thomas: Yea, I was invited the day we started dating. Probably when you told the sisters.

Arabella: Oh yea, well I can't wait!

He gently placed his hand on my upper thigh, I could see his smirk thru my peripheral vision. We got back to campus and he took us to our single dorm. I was confused, now that everyone knew we didn't have to hide. 

Arabella: You know we don't have to hide anymore?

Thomas: Yes, but I want time alone.

Arabella: Aww, so sweet!

Thomas: Only for you my love!

I blushed at him calling me his love. He took my hands and kissed me passionately. I quickly kissed back as we slowly melted into each other, it reminded me of our first kiss. When we pulled away he said something that made me upset.

Thomas: You're way better than Martha!

Why would he be comparing me to his ex?! I just walked away. I went into the room slamming the door behind me, I hated being compared to other people. I just laid down on the bed, my back facing the door.

Thomas's POV: What did I do wrong? Girls are very confusing. I tried to figure it out, all I did was compare her to my ex. I guess she didn't like that.  I walked into the room and sat on the bed, I laid down next to her and wrapped my arms around her.

Thomas: Talk to me darlin!

Arabella: Why? Am I better at talking then Martha?

Thomas: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you.

She turned to face me, I could see the guilt in her eyes.

Arabella: Sorry for being a bitch, it's just all my life I have been compared to everyone. My parents only ever loved Alex, my father left because of me. I was such an embarrassment, my mother always preferred Alex. It's as if I didn't even exist. When they would notice me it would always be "Why can't you be more like your brother" or "We wish it was only Alexander and not you". I had an older brother James, he always treated me unfairly as well. His friends would always bully me and taunt me at school back on the island. Even Alexander would pretend I wasn't related to him! He almost left me when we came to America!

I never knew these things about her, I felt so bad that she had to endure all this pain alone. In her own home, not even her family loved her. No wonder Alexander is so protective, although he also turned his back on her.

Thomas: Well now you have me, I promise I will never hurt you!

Arabella: I love you Tommy!

Thomas: I love you too Bella!

She wrapped her arms around me and I pulled her in closer, she slowly drifted off to sleep. I stayed awake a little longer admiring her features, how perfect she looked. I fell asleep too. I woke up a few hours later to Arabella shaking me.

Arabella: Wake up!

Thomas: What?

Arabella: James Madison is calling you.

I grabbed the phone and answered.

Thomas: Hello?

James M: Hi Thomas, can you please pick up my prescription for me?

Thomas: Sure.

James M: See you later, and thanks!

Thomas: Mmk, bye.

Thomas: I have to go pick up Jame's prescription.

Arabella: Ok, I'll go back to my dorm. See you tomorrow.

Thomas: Ok!

She got out of bed and headed back for her dorm, God I loved this girl!

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