The night before/of Eliza

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Warnings: Swearing, and I'm not gonna put warnings for kissing anymore cause it kinda spoiled it lol

Arabella's POV: I quickly put my phone away after texting Lee.

Lafayette: Who was that mon amour?

Arabella: Oh no one, but I'm kinda tired so I'll see you guys tomorrow.

Alexander: Ok, bye love you!

Arabella: Love you too!

I lied to them so I could hang out with Thomas. I quickly rushed to my room and when I got there he was asleep on the couch! I just looked at his soft expression, it was calm and cute. I must have woken him up because he slowly started to rise up. 

Thomas: Oh hey Bella *yawn*

Arabella: Hi Tommy.

Thomas: You're finally back!

Arabella: I was only gone for an hour and you surprisingly managed to not catch my dorm on fire! Good job!

Thomas: Whatever, come here!

I went and sat down next to him. He wrapped his arms around me and I did the same. 

Thomas: When are you going to decorate for Christmas?

Arabella: Me and Angie were going to tomorrow with the Schuylers since they already decorated, but we can decorate our single dorm!

Thomas: Yay! Come on darlin!

He slipped on his shoes and grabbed mine before me. He held them right above me reach.

Arabella: Hey no fair!

He gave me a quick peck and then gave my shoes to me. I grabbed my keys and we sneakily headed towards the other dorm. We took the back alley ways so that no one would see us. After about 2 minutes Thomas threw me onto his back and raced the rest of the way. I unlocked the door after hoping off.

Thomas: You're quite light! 

Arabella: Ok so I was have some extra decorations in this box. 

I opened the lid and got out our fake tree to start decorating.

*The next morning*

I woke up to Thomas's arms around my waist, I gently woke him up.

Thomas: What time is it?

Arabella: 7:00 am, got any classes today?

Thomas: Nope, you?

Arabella: No.

We both sat up and he pulled me into a quick kiss. We then got a notification on our phone, oh boy!:

Elizabeth Schuyler's feeling for Alexander Hamilton aren't platonic?!

Elizabeth Schuyler a.k.a Eliza or Betsy is well known as the cheer captain. She has "feelings" for our student  government treasurer, [Alexander Hamilton] that are not solely platonic. Who would like a shit bag Hamilton?! It's also rumored that turtle boy and shit bag are dating?! That must cause quite a bit of drama in the friend group!

-Charles Lee

Thomas: Do you really have to go again?!

Arabella: I mean you could come with me as long as the boys don't see you. Alex probably won't be there because of embarrassment.

Thomas: Ok let's go.

I grabbed my keys and phone off of the nightstand. I brushed out my hair and slipped on my shoes, Thomas grabbed my hand and we raced out the door. As we were walking Angelica texted me.

✨Mother Angelica✨: Meet at the dorm to comfort Liza

✨Badass Bella✨: K be there in a bit

Arabella: Hey Thomas, you might wanna go to your dorm since this is like girl drama.

Thomas: Yea, I'm not that good at giving girl advice.

We suddenly approached our splitting point.

Thomas: See you later darlin!

We gave each other a quick kiss and he unlocked his door. I opened the door and Angelica was comforting Eliza and Peggy was making popcorn. I closed the door behind me and rushed to Eliza's side.

Arabella: I'm so sorry Liza! This is all my fault!

Eliza: I-it's ok, at least he know how I feel even if it doesn't matter!

Angelica: Where were you last night?! You had me worried sick!

Arabella: I was with Thomas, we were decorating the single dorm and we fell asleep.

Peggy: Is that all you were doing?

Arabella: Yes, you're disgusting Pegs!

Everyone started laughing, even Eliza.

Eliza: I think decorating might help me feel better!

Angelica: Of course!

We started to open the boxes and set up the tree.

Arabella: Did you guys go to see John yesterday?

Peggy: Yea, we helped him open up about his problems. 

Arabella: Well, I'm glad he's doing better.

Eliza: Thanks for cheering me up!

After we decorated we watches some movies and had a sleepover.

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