Lastly Arabella, or so they thought

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Warnings: Swearing

Thomas's POV: There was a knock on the door, it was a pretty unique knock. I saw Arabella's eyes wide open as she slowly crept to open the door. Well my god, it's Lee. 

Charles Lee: Give up yet?

Arabella: No, fuck off bitch!

I walked over to where they were and without thinking, I said something I would most definitely regret.

Thomas: Stay away from my girlfriend Lee!

Arabella elbowed me and then I realized what I said and who I said it to. Charles fucking Lee, the same guy who has been exposing everyone's secrets.

Charles Lee: Boyfriend?! *evil laugh* Well, I'll be on my way to get my next post ready!

He ran down the hallway and down the stairs, presumably to his dorm. Arabella closed the door and sighed. She sat down on the couch and I sat next to her. She then leaned her head on my shoulder and wrapped her arms around me.

Arabella: Well, the boys were going to find out sooner then later.

Thomas: I'm so sorry darling, I shouldn't have said anything.

Arabella: No, it's fine.

We continued hanging out until I left back to my dorm. James was sitting on the couch reading and drinking tea. He always was very calm, it was nice.

James: Something seems off about you, is everything alright?

Thomas: *sigh* Charles Lee found out about me and Arabella so now he is going to tell the whole school, including Alexander.

James: Well, now you can brag to other people and not just me.

Thomas: I guess so.

I went and just watched Netflix in my computer for the rest of my day.

*The next morning*

Arabella's POV: I slowly woke up and reached for my phone. As if Lee was spying on me, he posted his article for today.

Arabella Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson dating!

Arabella Hamilton, our Vice President and shitbag's twin sister, Thomas Jefferson, secretary and former football captain. What are the odds these two are dating? Very high! Yesterday I received confirmation that they were, indeed dating! Shitbag [Alexander] is enemies with Jefferson, so why would he approve of them dating?!

-Charles Lee

Not as bad as I thought. Angelica rushed to my room and looked at me wide-eyed, at least she already knew.

Angelica: The boys are on their way!

Well let's see how this fuck show is going to go down...

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