chapter 1: The Trap

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Alice was 24, and trying her hardest to get through life. She saw the world as a beautiful place and always tried to see the best in people. She wasn't a fool but she had a kind heart. She was 5' 3" and had blonde curly hair and icy blue eyes. People said she was like an angel. Sadly people always tried to use her... the world was cruel and Alice found herself getting into messy situations just because she was always trying to help people. She tried to stand her ground and people laughed in her face. She was clumsy and tiny, yet kind and strong. She would probably take a bullet for even the most evil person.


I stared at the clock hoping that the last 5 minutes of my shift would come quickly. I sighed playing with a piece of my hair and looking around the empty store. No one was here... I could just leave a little early right? I suddenly remembered the last time I had done that... My boss had yelled at me. I laughed a little and got up. It's in 5 minutes I can just get ready to leave.

I went to the back room and started gathering my things. I filled in the last of the cooler temps and shut off the back lights. I was ready to go in just two more minutes- my hopes of leaving at the stroke of ten were cut short as I heard the front door open. You know the feeling of dreaded, two minutes to closing and someone comes in.

I didn't bother taking my jacket off or my bag. I'd just be ringing him up anyway. I went out front and looked around. I spotted them staring at the coffee machine like it was something new and amazing.

"Man, it's so primitive. But hey a cup of joe is a cup of joe." One of the two men snickered. He started pressing buttons... Started making a mess.

I rushed over and grabbed a cup putting it under the machine just before the coffee went all over the counter. " Hehe... Yeah it can be tricky, have you never used one like this before?" I asked, filling the cup for them to show them.

They looked like they had come from some cosplay convention or something. They dressed in a lot of brown leather and had lots of buckles. They honestly looked like something from star wars. But they seemed dirty? Must have had a long day.

I smiled at them, "tell you what seems like you had a long day! Coffee is on me." I gave them a thumbs up and handed one a coffee cup.

They looked me up and down, " damn... Well, aren't you sweet." He said it grinning and then nudged his partner. " Haven't seen such a beautiful girl in so long."

The other guy filled his coffee up, barely looking away from me. " Say Fin, aren't they looking for some new game?" He said it nonchalantly.

I was confused... I scratched my head and went back to the counter. I wanted to be away from them. They seemed dangerous or something...

It was sweet of them to compliment me but it seemed odd for some reason. I tied my hair in a ponytail and started counting my drawer. They headed out the door throwing a thanks my way before vanishing.

Thank goodness..

I went over locking the door and finishing up counting my drawer. I was only short 3 cents so my boss would be happy. I left him a note about something being broken. Then turned the rest of the lights out before doing a double check on everything and draining the last coffee.

I was relieved to be finally done and I went to the door unlocking it. I stepped out into the cool fall air and locked up slipping the key under the door.

I turned around looking around... I didn't see those guys.. hmm that was a relief. Maybe it was all for nothing. I looked up at the dark starry sky... It was beautiful but it made me feel so alone....

I shook my head and started toward home. It was about a 30 minute walk. It wasn't super long but it was still a long walk at night.

I was rubbing my hands together halfway there when I heard a weird noise from above me. I looked up and gasped, what was THAT?!

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