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Y/N's P.O.V.

I patted the Blurrg next to me, a familiar ship flying overhead. I felt a smile creep into my face as the Ugnaught moved next to me, mounting his Blurrg.

"A friend of yours?" Kuiil asked, seeing my expression.

"You could say that, yeah." I nodded.
As bounty hunters, Mando and I had done more than just a few jobs together. I figured he'd be showing up here- the desert planet, Arvala 7- sooner or later, especially after I found out the client was handing out the job to anyone who would take it.

"Then we will go and greet him." I opened my mouth to protest, but Kuiil beat me to it.
"I have spoken." I sighed as he began to ride off. I was able to tame the Blurrg that Kuiil had given me, but I wasn't exactly the best at riding her.

"Easy, girl." I mumbled as I pulled myself up onto the saddle, the beast letting out a growl and moving in the same direction Kuiil had gone. I nearly fell off several times before we reached Mando, who was getting his ass handed to him by an angry Blurrg. Kuiil shot it with an electric dart, knocking it out. Another charged towards him and Kuiil shot that one down too as Mando struggled to pull his arm out from under the first one.

"Heya, Mando." I smiled as he pulled his arm free, sighing heavily.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" He asked and I held up the same tracker that I knew he had.
"Thank you." He spoke to Kuiil, who nodded his head.

"You are a bounty hunter?" He asked carefully, Mando still taking deep breaths.

"Yes." Mando nodded, holding his arm.

"I will help you. I have spoken." Kuiil turned his Blurrg around. Mando looked at me and I slipped off my Blurrg, holding out my hand. He hesitated, before taking it and letting him help me up.


"Many have passed through. They seek the same one as the two of you." Kuiil explained to Mando once we were back inside the safety of his house. I had helped him round up the unconscious Blurrg and bring them back, which he had seemed genuinely grateful for.

"Did you help them?" Mando asked carefully.

"Yes." Kuiil nodded, making himself a drink.
"They died."

"Then, I don't know if I want your help." Mando replied stubbornly.

"You do." I spoke up and Mando turned to face me.
"He can lead us there safely."

"What's his cut?" Mando looked at me.

"Half." Kuiil replied.

"Half the bounty to guide. Seems steep. Plus, it looks like I'm already sharing with Y/N." Mando replied dryly.

"No. Half the Blurrg you helped capture." Kuiil shook his head.

"The Blurrg? You can keep them both."

"No. You will need one. To ride." Kuiil replied simply.
"The way is impossible to pass without a Blurrg mount."

"I don't know how to ride a Blurrg." Mando sighed.

"I didn't either, until just a few hours ago." I pointed out.

"I have spoken." Kuiil replied dismissively.

"Come on. If we want to get to the target whilst the suns are still in the sky, then you're going to need to learn to ride Blurrg." I nudged him. We went outside into the scorching desert and the next few minutes were spent watching Mando approach the Blurrg and repeatedly get knocked to the ground.
It was quite amusing to what honestly, but I cringed at the thought of sand getting into his armour. That had to be unpleasant.

"Perhaps if you removed your helmet?" Kuiil suggested, but I knew Mando wouldn't go for it.

"Perhaps he remembers I tried to roast him." Mando shot back and I laughed slightly.

"This is a female. The males are all eaten during mating." Kuiil explained as Mando got to his feet once more.
The Blurrg let out a roar and I leaned against the fence, watching closely. Mando let out a breath, before jumping on the back of the Blurrg, struggling to stay on, before he was thrown off completely.

"I don't have time for this. Do you have a land speeder, or speeder bike that I could hire?" Mando stalked towards us.

"Giving up so soon?" I teased and he ignored me.

"You are a Mandalorian! Your ancestors rode the great Mythasaur! Surely you can ride this young foal?" Kuiil challenged and something seemed to click in the bounty hunter. He turned back to the Blurrg, walking towards her slowly.

"Easy... Easy." He approached her.
"Settle down." She growled at him and he moved out of her way.
"Whoa. Settle." He carefully placed his hand against her head and her eyes closed.
"That's good. Okay. That's good." He nodded, before mounting her. I cheered as Mando rode the Blurrg around the pen, honestly a little jealous of how easy he made it look.

"See? Was that so hard?" I smirked and he turned his head towards me. If I didn't know better, I'd say he was glaring at me.

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