Frat Party

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"Would you come on already, there's nothing wrong with your outfit." Natsuo gives me that look that lets me know he's losing patience with my indecisiveness again. "Alright, fine just let me grab my sweater." I insist. "Get the F/C one, not that ugly grey one you're always wearing." He looks at me sternly as my hand hovers over my favorite sweater. I let out a sigh and walk over to the closet getting the one he suggest. "Alright, let's go but if you leave me with a group of fuck boys again so you can get laid I'm coming back to my dorm." He laughs heartily at the comment and opens the door for me.

When we enter the frat house I already want to leave, my ex Yuri is leaning against a wall talking some freshmen out of her panties. Natsuo follows my gaze, "forget him Y/NC he was never good enough for you." I shake off the negative thoughts as we walk in together. A lot of people stop to stare at us, even after years of friendship I'm still not used to the way people stare when we spend time together. Alone I go unnoticed, but walking next to a living skyscraper when you're barley 5 feet tall yourself gets a lot of looks. Ever since he started dating Ryoko 6 weeks ago some of the girls look at me like some homewrecker. Ryoko is a sweet girl a year older than Natsuo and I. She isn't in college instead taking care of her sick grandmother and works as a barista at everyone's favorite café just off campus. She was supposed to come with us tonight, but she called and said she was too tired after keeping up with her grandmother all day. We decided to come late to the party so Natsuo could help her with dinner then get her grandmother cleaned up and to bed. She wasn't so tired he doesn't have a huge hickey on the left side of his neck.

"Hey, Todoroki, L/N you finally made it." One of his frat brothers whose name I can't recall greets us drunkenly. "Only thing cold to drink is beer. Only had enough ice for the keg, help yourselves." Natsuo shakes his head, he walks over to the counter and picks up two cans of Sprite. I smile when the can hits my hand ice cold. We don't really tell others about our quirks so his friend seems surprised when I drink the beverage without complaint. "Wow Todoroki, you and your friend are weird, how can you drink that crap hot?" Natsuo just chuckles, "I don't know what you're talking about Saito." He says simply. I can't stop the laugh earning several odd looks. They all think I'm a total weirdo.

"Y/N, you look nice, new sweater?" I turn and come face to face with Yuri. I can't breathe for a moment, why is he even talking to me after how things ended? "Uh, no I've had this sweater since I graduated high school it was a gift from Natchan" he looks at Natsuo and scoffs at him. "What are you secretly gay? What kind of guy thinks to get a girl a sweater for a graduation gift?" Natsuo moves to stand between Yuri and I. "The kind who knows his best friend better than she knows herself. Don't you have some naïve freshmen to seduce or something?" He fires back at him. "Look, I'm not in the mood to deal with your bullshit Todoroki, I just want to talk to Y/N alone for a minute." Natsuo turns and looks at me, I nod my head and walk out back with Yuri."

I pull my sweater around me as I step into the cool night air. "What did you want to talk about Yuri?" I ask. "This" he replies placing his hand behind my head under my hair and pulling me into a kiss. My heart pounds wildly and I want to push away and hit him, but he has a firm grasp on me. "Fuck I miss you, give me another chance." He whispers. I nut punch him and finally step away. "What the hell makes you think you have the right to kiss me or ask for another chance? You must have lost your mind. Do you not remember making a fool of me, fucking everyone on campus, not just the boys either mind you. Do you have any idea how difficult it was for me to keep Natchan from killing you when I told him what you did?" He catches his breath standing again. "Is that what this is really about? You and Todoroki, I heard you've been fucking that pretty boy." The sound of the slap I land across his face echoes into the night.

"Even if that were true, you'd have no right, not one to say a damn thing to me about it. Do us all a favor and pretend I don't even fucking exist, if I could not talk to you for a hundred years it would be too damn soon." I head back inside people are staring and I realize all the back windows are open. "Natchan and I are not, have not, and never will have sex with one another, you would all do well to remember that." I walk past the crowd to the front door. Natsuo runs behind me. "You don't get angry often Y/NC, what do you say we run it off on the way back to your room?" I look up at him, Yuri had one thing right, he is a pretty boy but to me he's my brother I hate it when people force their opinions on our relationship. "Fine" I let out from clenched teeth and we run the three blocks back to the dorms.

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