The Fight

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The sun shining in the window burned through my eyelids into my retinas, what the hell I was sleeping so peacefully too. Dabi seems to have not gotten hit and is snoring softly behind me, I roll over slowly so as not to wake him and bury my face into his chest. A smile plays across my lips as I think about last night and the way he made me feel. The term making love seems like it couldn't even compare, it was more like we exchanged pieces of ourselves. Then again the great lord Dabi already owns my soul, so it's not like I gave him anything that wasn't already his, but I was beyond happy he shared that part of himself with me. I kiss his chest softly when I feel him moving his arm up from my back to my face. "Morning beautiful, how did you sleep?" I try to stop myself from smiling like an idiot child, but I'm certain that it doesn't work. "I feel very well rested, ready to take on the day." He pulls my chin up bringing his lips to mine kissing me softly before licking my bottom lip, pulling me closer as he kisses me deeper. I haven't even gotten up to pee yet and I want him already despite just having him last night. When I try to reach my hand to his cock he stops me "Not now, we need to reserve and build energy for later so we can go hard and long for the competition." Just the mention of later makes me gush soaking my thighs. I give him a nod biting my lip watching as he walks across the room all of his beauty on display for my eyes to consume.

Dabi and I make omelets for everyone since Ryoko and Natsuo cooked last night. It's my first time cooking with him and I wonder when and where he had time to learn all this. I don't want to ask if it was before he "died" though so I say nothing. He's in higher spirits than I've ever seen him before and it's contagious I hum a familiar tune giving Ryoko a bright smile when she walks in. "Morning, how did you sleep?" She looked at me then to Dabi a smirk on her face, not as well as you two love birds apparently, you're like totally different people than the ones that were here last night. Any reason you're so happy?" The shrug I give is uncommitted and nonchalant. "Where's Natsuo?" I turn to look at Dabi, it's not like him to inquire over people so I narrow my eyes at him suspicious. "Not sure if he still likes his omelets the same way he did as a kid." I relax my stare at him content he isn't already obsessed with the competition first thing in the morning. "I don't actually know how he likes them." Ryoko spoke the words quietly looking at me, I knew she wanted me to answer, but it was also something I knew she was going to let bother her. "No actually, he says he used to eat them with Wasabi because that's how you ate them but the heat was always too much. He prefers them with just a pinch of pepper and a little cheese." Dabi nods and Ryokos face shows that she's taking down the mental note. "It's something you would have known in time, it's not like there are many opportunities like this to find out with us being college students and all." She nods a small smile on her face.

Everyone sits together in the great room the atmosphere is light and easy. Dabi, Natsuo, and Ryoko talk about nothing terribly important as I sit in my thoughts nursing the bottle of water I was ordered to drink. Everything feels right at the moment, but all I can think about is what about next time? Dabi trying to constantly keep me out of everything has made me wonder and worry more times than I would have liked, each time getting worse. Do I really want to join the league for a guy? I mean that can't be the only reason can it? Sure I understand where they are coming from there's a lot of things wrong in the world today that aren't really being addressed. I don't know if I feel like a Hero shouldn't accept compensation for putting their lives on the line, but certainly not to the point that they can become overly wealthy and powerful like Endeavor. There is bound to be others like out there like him, the public seeing him as this amazing hero but in reality he's a wolf in sheep's clothing preying on the lambs that cannot defend themselves, the other sheep standing around too blinded by their convincing costume to see the truth, happy that they aren't constantly being attacked from the woods anymore by the scary wolf packs. So yeah maybe my real reason to join is love and a desire never to have days like I just had again, but it's not like I can't get on board with their reasonings. I'd be willing to bet if I ever talked to them they were all hurt in some way too. My thought process is interrupted by a hand flying in front of my face.

"You ok baby?" I look at him taking in a deep breath "I want to join the League of Villains and stand at your side." His face changes from concern to surprise to dead set determination within a matter of seconds. "No" He answers simply, I fight back the tears and rise to my feet as if the additional elevation will assist me. "Please my love, I can't go through all this again. And I can't keep sitting idly by pretending that the League doesn't make a lot of valid points." His eyes flash with anger "You don't have to worry about that I'm working on plans to take care of it, I'll bring down this shit society if it's the last thing I do in this world. Knowing your fa-"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I cut him off emotions swelling inside at a rate I can't explain "You better not mean what I think you mean, if you plan to give your life in the name of the cause you may as well just fucking burn my heart out now." Natsuo stands coming closer seeming unsure what to say or do, clearly wanting to intervene. "It's not exactly plan A, even if I don't die I may very well be taken to prison and spend the rest of my life there." My face is hot covered in my own tears, hands clenched at my sides, heart racing and falling to bits at the same time. "It sounds like no matter what in the end you mean to leave me all alone, what the hell happened to me being yours forever?"

When he grabs my wrist I know it's tight yet the pain doesn't seem to register all I feel is rage and betrayal. "I never said whose forever, it'll be better this way anyway, sooner or later you'll be bored of being with a man you can only have half a fucking relationship with. You deserve better, you deserve happiness, a man that can be by your side not having to hide away, you're going to become an amazing doctor and save so many people you and that big fucking brain and amazing quirk. You deserve a home with little feet running through begging you for snacks. I always knew I could never be enough for you, but I was too weak to walk away like I should have. I had to know you to have you. I tried to convince myself to just leave after you helped me but I was fucking selfish, 'just one kiss I thought' I figured I'd kiss you and you'd be grossed out and never want to speak to me again and it would be ok, instead you begged for me, wanted me. Kept fucking looking at me like you are now, as if I matter. I don't matter, my life it doesn't matter." I wipe my tears swallowing trying to find my own voice. "YOU don't get to decide what's better for me. You're more than good enough for me your perfect. I love you, I want a life with you, I don't care what kind of life we have as long as we share it, I'd be happy spending my days next to you on the run forever if that's what it takes. You're life matters dammit. Natsuo has been so happy since you've been back in his life, Mama Rei would be beside herself to know you're ok, Shoto and Fuyumi too. And what about me? Your life matters to me." I pull my wrist from him and run off outside desperate for some fresh air.

Dabis POV

"Your life matters to me." Those words keep repeating themselves over and over in my head as I watch her making her way down the dock. Once there she crawls into a ball and cries, I've never felt more helpless. I want to soothe her and tell her everything is going to be ok, but it's my fault. Why can't she understand the life of a villain is awful and I just want to spare her that harsh reality. She's too beautiful and perfect to be scorned by the general public just for fucking existing. Natsuo turns from staring at her, his face hard eyes filled with rage. When he comes towards me I let it happen, I see the punch coming and when it lands me in the gut I'm surprised by his strength. He lands a blow across my face knocking me to the floor before he kicks me a couple of times, Ryoko standing nearby yelling for him to stop. I'm not exactly a hand to hand fighter and I'll be dammed if I incinerate my own brother. I deserve this anyway for making her cry, for hurting her. She's right I have no right to decide what's best for her, I don't know why she loves me, but she does and I couldn't be more grateful. When I wipe my mouth the blood on my hand brings memories of my childhood only when I look up instead of dear old Enji it's my brother. His face isn't disgust or anger but rather love and anger. His love for her wanting to fucking kill me for all I just said to her. She'll be ok no matter what, she has him, he'll never leave her side, as long as she strays out of villain shit he won't have to. When I sit up he's wiping tears from his face with his sleeve. "Go to her, I don't think I'll be much help right now, and I should see to my injuries." He lets his shoulders fall walking out silently poor Ryoko unsure what to do with herself.

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