Sleep Over

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I pull some blankets from the closet and head to Natsuos room. King Asshole always tells me to sleep in Touyas old room calling it the spare room. I wouldn't sleep in there if my life depended on it. He meant the world to Natsuo, Fuyumi, and their mother and King Asshole acts like he never even existed. Not that he pays much attention to anyone who isn't Shoto. Poor sweet baby, I'm glad he's at UA and barley has to be around that abusive dick bag anymore. When I walk into Natsuos room he's on the phone with Ryoko so I make sure to stay quite. I place the blankets on the bed and pull out my own phone checking my email. "I love you beautiful, I'll see you tomorrow." Natsuo hangs up the phone.

He helps me to unfold the blankets I brought in from the hall, spreading them across the bed. I lay on top of the extra blankets Natsuo helping to fold them over me. He climbs in bed on the other side getting under his original blanket, which is actually rather thin, facing me. "I'm sorry I made you text that guy." I just give him a sleepy smile "It's no big deal Natchan, besides he apologized at least." He nods "We have to get up early to get back to campus, we should really get to sleep." I wrap my blankets tighter around me to keep the cold of Natsuo and the Todoroki A/C off me close my eyes and fall asleep within seconds.

I wake up to loud voices Natsuo no longer in bed next to me, the clock reads 2:43 AM. I get up and head out into the hall. "Boo hoo, poor Endeavor, only cares about beating All Might, to hell with his family." Fuck, Natsuo must have needed to get up for something and ran into King Asshole, when the hell did he come home anyway? Shit he spotted me. "Why is your little girlfriend in your room instead of the spare again?" His flames flare up and I shrink back a little wishing I could disappear. "Dammit, she isn't my girlfriend, I've told you a trillion times now. Why do you care anyway, my room Toyas room, she isn't Shoto, she's nothing to the great Endeavor." Jesus, how does he stand up to him like that. "Don't you dare say that name, even more so in front of an outsider, you want to have sex with your little girlfriend you need to find someplace else to do it because you can't do it here, you're setting a bad example for Shoto."

"There it is, we're setting a bad example for Shoto. Y/NC grab your clothes I'm getting us an Uber we're going back to campus NOW." King Asshole walks down the hall passing me giving me a death glare. I rush back into Natsuos room and grab my jeans and hoodie throwing my hoodie over myself. Natsuo stomps in behind me grabbing his phone, wallet and keys off the nightstand. He sets up the Uber while I fold up the blankets I grabbed from the closet. I leave them on the floor next to his dresser so the maid knows to wash them then stuff my phone into my hoodie pocket and make sure my wallet and keys are still in my jeans pocket. Natsuo grabs my wrist and gently pulls me through the house. We stand out front in silence for a few minutes waiting for the Uber to pull up. Natsuo opens the front door and gestures for me to climb in then he gets in back. "Turn the heat on for her and I'll leave you a bigger tip, but don't blow it back here." he says. The driver does as he's told and drives off, I soon fall asleep warm and happy.

"Y/NC come on, get up we're here." I take his hand and climb out of the car to face his frat house. Makes sense this is where he brought us, the dorms have a curfew of 11 on weeknights so the outer doors are all locked. I sleepily walk in with him heading straight for his room. "Empty your hoodie pockets and sleep with it on, I don't have any extra blankets" I nod and do as he bids as he pushes his twin bed against the wall. He gets on the side closest to the wall and moves the blanket out from under him then moves it so I can lay on it and wrap myself up again patting the spot when he's ready. I lay down and he wraps me up puts his arm around me places his chin on top of my head. "I'm really sorry you got dragged into our bullshit again." He's always a little affectionate like this towards me when he's depressed or upset. "Don't apologize, It's not an issue for me." I touch his cool cheek and feel warm tears. I put my arm around him face in his chest to comfort him. He falls asleep within a few minutes and I follow.

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