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We pulled up in front of an old farm that looked to be abandoned as far as I could tell, King Asshole started to stir a few minutes before we got here but hadn't awaken fully. Natsuo got out of the car and Dabi opened the door for me. "Hey baby, missed you." He pulled me close kissing my lips. "I missed you too, is there somewhere I can pee?" He points out a small building. "Sorry it's kinda gross, but there's an outhouse right there, I don't have any toilet paper." I suck my bottom lip debating if I can hold it when Natsuo hands me a wad of napkins. "If you hate the idea of the outhouse there's no one around, just find somewhere I won't see." I nod taking the napkins making my way towards the barn, the brothers behind me shifting King Asshole so they can move him. After I've finished my business I come back out to find them entering the barn with his legs dragging the ground. I follow behind them and close the door. They get him settled into a large heavy metal chair and chain him up. "Natsuo, go hide the car somewhere would you?" He nods heading out. "Dabi, is there anything I need to know? Natsuo hasn't told me anything?" He looks at me with a kind of peace on his face. "Today is the last day this asshole draws breath baby, it's finally over. Once he's gone I'll be able to sleep without feeling his presence bearing down on me, feeling like the same child who could do nothing to defend himself. It's our last day in the league. After today everything changes for us." Just as I start to wonder what he means by all that King Asshole moves drawing attention to him.

As King Asshole starts to wake Natsuo pulls out a gun and shoots him with it, Endeavor screams out in pain for just a second before looking at Natsuo confused. "Son, what are you doing?" He shakes his head saying nothing Dabi breaking in. "It's not as fun as I pictured, but it's safe with you not having your precious quirk. I promised baby I would do all I could not to die, so this seemed like a decent alternative." King Asshole looks at Dabi with pure anger on his face. "You again, have you considered what I asked you a few days ago in Fukuoka?" Dabi nods "I don't relish in ending the lives of innocent people, but I've always done what I must dad, you understand of course." King Assholes face changes to one of confusion. "Is that why you're obsessed with me, I somehow remind you of whoever your father is?" I feel my fist ball up and the rage filling me. "Seriously, I get you were a little out of it after fighting that Nomu, but you can see him perfectly. You really mean to tell me you don't recognize him at all?" He looks at me for the first time his face unreadable. "Great, you finally convinced me you aren't dating Natsuo and yet here you are helping with whatever the hell this is, why would you do all this for anything other than love?" I move to hit him, but Dabi grabs me before I reach him. "Calm down baby, don't let him get to you." He grabs some water and runs it through his hair before facing King Asshole again, I've never seen him clean the soot away, his hair is every bit as white as Natsuos "What about now, don't you remember me? Come on dad, you can call me Touya. You choose the name after all." King Assholes eyes widen staring at Dabi realization hitting his face.

"What is all this Touya?" Dabi smiles at the question and turns to face me for a moment. "You know something baby, I think I have missed my old name a little. Touya, so nice don't you think?" I giggle to see him so happy giving him an enthusiastic nod. "So do you want us to call you Touya from now on then brother?" All eyes shoot to Natsuo "I think maybe you can if you'd like." then he turns his attention to me, "Dabi is still my deity name though baby, don't forget it, I love making you scream it in bed." I blush at his forwardness, King Asshole looking from each of us for a moment. "Well I wasn't completely wrong, you're dating my son alright, just not the upstanding citizen. You're better than this Y/N" Natsuo lands a punch to his father's gut. "You keep her name out of your filthy mouth Asshole." Touya gives his brother an approving nod.

"What is it you boys want? A little revenge on your old man?" Touya lets out a crazy laugh that borders on maniacal. "We aren't settling for a little, we'll take it all King Asshole." Touya makes sure to really emphasis his nickname. "Natsuo, would you like to get in a few hits before I put this dog down?" Natsuo approaches his father landing his foot across his face before holding his head down and kneeing him in the face a few times. "Would have loved to hit you with my fist, but I won't be able to explain the cuts and bruises." Touya stands in the same space, "Baby, you've been pissed at him for years you got anything for him?" I consider for a moment "No my love, I want you to find peace and nothing more, do what needs to be done." He nods before throwing flames at his father, his screams loud as the blue engulfs him and then silence. The smell of burned hair is strong.

I sit with Dabi outside the barn Natsuo standing a few feet in front of us looking up at the sky when Shigaraki warps out of nowhere. "What the hell, now you have white hair too Dabi?" Touya looks up at him. "Just go in and turn the body to nothing would ya?" Shigaraki walks into the barn grumbling about just being a body disposal service while Touya stands helping me to my feet, Natsuo walking over to join us. "Baby, I want you to know that I love you, I'd do anything for you. Anything. All I want is to make you happy, so I hope you can forgive me for what's coming next." Natsuo looks at me with pain in his eyes, my heart racing. "Alright all done, no more Endeavor. Still sure you want me to have you warped to the police station?" Dabi nods and my heart stops, "No, you can't do this. Please Touya." Shigaraki stops and looks at me strangely for a moment. "Who the fuck is Touya?" He just kisses my lips softly then pushes me into Natsuos arms, he holds me so tight I can barely move let alone get back to Touya.

"I'm Touya boss, that's what all this was about. Endeavor was my father. He was an abusive dick, he ruined my life and the lives of my younger siblings and mother. He had no right to be the number one hero. I appreciate you coming to this agreement with me, I'll stick to it you have my word no information that can truly lead them to you. I'm going to give the police my correct identity as well." He hands something to Shigaraki "Here make sure you use it well, wait until after it's in the news for at least a day that I'm actually the eldest child of the pro hero Endeavor." Shigaraki nods "Well it was nice knowing you DND, even though you're out of the league now, I still won't disintegrate you, ya know if you want to call maybe play some video games." I don't respond I'm crying too much, the man I love about to turn himself over to the cops. He looks at me just before he steps into the warp, blood dripping from his eyes "This is for you, when I'm out we can have a real life together." Once the warp gate is gone and Natsuo lets go of me I drop to my knees sobbing uncontrollably. "Come on, we have to get back to campus." 

Heart of Cremation: A Dabi X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now