Bad Day

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"Shit, it's 7:15, wake up Natchan, we're late for our class." He shoots straight up in bed his white spiky hair flat on the side he slept on, drool on his face. "Fuck, we have a test in fifteen minutes, I turned my phone off last night because King Asshole kept messaging me." I feel bad, he was relying on my alarm, I'm usually the planner. "I'm sorry Natchan, I turned off all sounds last night before we went to bed incase that guy messaged again." He's standing by the door putting his shoes on and stops dead in his tracks. "The fuck? You still haven't blocked him! Forget it, we really have to go NOW, you can come back for your stuff later." I throw my shoes on following after him.

The almost foot of height distance between us has never been more noticeable as I run along behind Natsuo. I'm holding up the pajama pants I borrowed from him last night desperately trying to move half as quickly as his long strides take him. He stands at the door a head of me waiting for me to catch up, the professor started to close the door, but he throws his arm out and stops him just as I come through the door way, He follows me in and we take our seats panting, the clock reads 7:29. The professor waits at the door for 7:30 then closes it and hands out test papers. He is giving the usual eyes on your own paper speech when he stops mid-sentence. "I'm sorry are Todoroki and L/N administering and grading this test? No? Then let's get all eyes off them and pay attention." I sink into my chair, I can only imagine what the little scene we caused looked like from the outside.

"I'm going to have to repeat this class, I just know I failed. I tried to pay attention but I'm still so tired and everyone kept staring, I saw someone passing a note." Natsuo stands in front of me and puts his hands on my shoulders to make me look up at him. "You have a 97 in that class, one low test won't make you fail. And let them stare and pass their notes, I keep telling you to ignore close-minded idiots who think we can't be friends just because we're the opposite sex." This has to be the 90th time he's told me that actually. "What if rumors get back to Ryoko, she'll start to hate me if she thinks I've behaved inappropriately." He laughs. "Ryoko figured out before we started dating that you and I aren't like that. Told me so on our first date." I look at him skeptically "I'm serious, she told me she liked me for a while, but we spend so much time together she wasn't sure if I was available then she watched us for a few days and said we interacted like we were family. She thought you were my cousin or something until I cleared it up for her, she has no problem with our friendship." I smile, I like Ryoko so I'm happy she gets Natsuo and I.

Today really sucked, I plop down on my bed happy it's over. I pull out my phone for the first time seeing I have 7% power I plug it up noticing my message notifications.

"Hey cutie, how was your study time?"

"Good morning, hope you have a good day, maybe text me later if you can?"

Why not, maybe it will take my mind off everything else that's happened in the last 24 hours.

"Aren't good morning text reserved for couples or whatever?"

"Shit, I didn't think you would text me back. What I can't text a cute girl to say good morning?"

"You keep calling me cute, you only have a general idea what I look like."

"I tend to like short girls with H/C and E/C. I'd bet decent money you cute as hell."

"So do I get a description of what you look like?"

"All you had to do was ask baby. You ever seen or read Frankenstein? I look like the monster."

"So I don't get to know."

"I'm not exactly lying, I could be a version of him. I'm tall, thin as shit, and covered in blueish purple scars."

"Oh, is that why you were high on pain killers the other night?"

"Kinda, I don't usually take them, but someone insisted."

"You know my height, H/C, and E/C. Do I get to know yours?"

"I haven't really measured to see how tall I am, near 6 feet I guess. My hair is technically white and my eyes are blue."

"Great another giant."

"Boyfriend tall?"

"Not hard to be taller than me, My ex was taller than me by about 5 inches, but my best friend is like a foot taller than I am."

"Damn cutie, you're gonna make me straight ask you. ARE YOU SINGLE?"

"Oh, um well yeah. You?"

"Obviously, I look like Frankenstein's monster, remember. No one wants to get with this."

"Maybe if you stopped acting like a dick to cover your insecurities and push people away someone would love you for who you are."

"Fuck, getting called out by a stranger hurts. I'm sorry your day sucked, I have to go though I'm meeting someone. Night cutie."


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