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When I walk in to find Natsuo standing in front of Dabi I drop my mail at the door rushing to put my arms around Dabi protectively "Natchan, please I'm sorry I hated keeping this from you but I didn't think you would understand. You can't tell anyone about him, you can't tell anyone about Dabi please I'll do anything. You can take the exam win, I'll go with you to every party, I'll even stand up to King Asshole the next time he wants to pull his shit with me. Please, please I need you to keep quiet and try to understand on this one." My eyes are wet with tears my voice desperate. He grabs my arm gently and pulls me into a bearhug waiting for me to calm down, once calm he dries my face holds my wrist and looks me in the eyes. "Do you love him?" I feel my heart racing I'm not sure how to answer his question. I never felt for Yuri what I feel for Dabi. I care deeply for him, I'm not sure what love feels like, not the romantic kind anyway this could be it though. Natsuo smiles patiently at me waiting for an answer. "I don't know, I think I'm getting there." He beams at me "I won't say anything to anyone, I could never do anything to cause you pain nor could I to him." I look up at him confused that makes no sense. He turns me to face Dabi placing an arm around me the other reaching into his back pocket pulling out his wallet he takes out his picture of Touya and holds it up next to Dabis face causing my eyes to widen.

"You're, you're alive." He nods at me grabbing the picture from Natsuo so he can look at. "This is what you meant, you don't want me to know too much, it would be bad for me to. You didn't even know Natchan was Natsuo because I never call him that and when I bitched about his dad I called him King Asshole." He smiles nodding "I like the name even more now that I know you mean that bastard Enji" I walk over to him placing my hand on his cheek he pulls me in kissing me softly "I'm supposed to be doing something nice for you because you did well on your exams, instead I have you acting oddly suspicious to thank for being reunited with my brother." He kisses me again deeper. "Thank you baby, this makes me feel very happy." I look up into his face beaming at him. "I'll give you two some space and time. I'm going to go do a blood draw then come back." They both nod at me as I walk to the door, turning I take another look at the brothers my heart full of joy before leaving.

When I return Natsuo has gone, Dabi or maybe it's Touya I'm not sure what to call him anymore is sitting on my floor with a picnic blanket spread across it basket sitting on top. "I meant to have it set up for you when you came back the first time but Natsuo caught me off guard." I smile crossing the room to join him. "My little brother cares very deeply about you, more so than I realized just from you talking about him." I give him a nod accepting a sandwich from him "No one could really understand the pain. When he lost you he lost so much of his drive and purpose then I watched my cousin Kyomi slowly die the chemo making her weaker every day. We we're close I fell into despair and Natchan noticed without me having to say a word that I had changed, become depressed. He took care of me, got me through it all keeping me focused on school making me laugh. Our bond is so strong because we shared the same pain." Dabi looks at me with sad eyes, "I'm so sorry baby, I wish she were still here, I can't imagine what it must have been like to watch her go like that, at least when Natsuo thought I was dead I was just gone one day."

I look into those fucking eyes of his getting closer to me, when his lips touch mine they are gentle and sweet. "Eat and stop staring baby, you're going to need your energy." FUCK the encouragement only turns into more of a distraction all I can do is think of the different ways he intends to wear me out and how much I love laying in his arms barely able to move sore in places I didn't know existed after. The way he goes from feral, demanding, and rough to domestic, giving, and gentle. How he kisses me all over my face, the top of my head, my hands up my arms telling me how beautiful I am. The way he laughs when I tickle him on his sides or stomach, how my fingers feel tracing his happy trail. I honestly can't decide what's my favorite the kind sweet gentle man or the one who fucks me until I'm rendered stupid speaking to me in nothing but demands that I for some reason follow without question. I really can't understand that part, I've never enjoyed being told what to do, but when he does it I get wetter becoming even more of a slave to my desire for him, I'd say it's unfair it weren't for how exciting it is. "Since I need my strength, there's something I'm going to need to know first, Do I still call you Dabi or?" He smiles pushing the hair from my face to behind my ear. "At my core I am Touya but that part of me is on life support and I have no idea if he'll ever be back so let's stick with Dabi. Besides I like the way it sounds when you scream it as I make you cum." He gives me a naughty grin and I take a bite of my sandwich praying to a god I don't even believe exist to help me finish eating already.

Heart of Cremation: A Dabi X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now