Exam Results

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"Come on Y/NC you have to tell me the average for all of your exams." He gives me a smile that looks sweet but I know to be mischievous. There's no getting around it, I just know he won this time, I didn't prepare like I should have my average never being this low before. "87, ok are you happy now?" He stares at me stunned "How is that even possible? I rarely win, and when I do it's a narrow margin, this time I beat you by 8." He continues to stare at me. "I had a bad semester okay, it happens. Congrats on your damn win go ahead and rub it in you ass." He chuckles, "I'm not gonna rub salt in the wound Y/NC, but I am happy that I actually get to make you do whatever I want." Our study motivation since my cousin Kyomi died, Natsuos idea. He knew I needed to keep my mind on my studies so he came up with this.

He walks over to my nightstand and picks up my phone bringing it back he sits in front of me handing me the phone. "Text your number neighbor." He says with a smile. What an ass, he knows I don't like to talk to strangers. "That's what you decided Natchan? That's so dumb is this the only thing I have to do?" I ask hopefully. He thinks it over for a moment. "Mostly, you also have to throw away that depressing fucking sweater." Wow, he's really being a dick now. It's not that I don't like my other sweater or the hoodies he's bought me trying to get me out of my daily sweater. It's just mine was comfortable I liked how soft it was, though it was pretty ratty at this point, I've been wearing it since junior high.

I grab my phone from his hands open my messaging app and type my number into the recipients box then erase the last number deciding to plug in a 7 instead. "Hi, um sorry about this, but I'm your number neighbor and my dickhead friend is making me participate in this dumb trend, have a nice day." I show Natsuo the phone as proof then get up grab my sweater walk into the hall and drop it in the trash shoot. When I sit back down he's beaming at me. I want to be mad but being mad at him has never been my strong suit. I look at my phone, message unread. "So what now meanie?" I stick my tongue out at him crossing my arms. He laughs "That was way easier than I thought it would be, come on I'll buy you some tea and a scone." I smile as I get up to follow him out.

"Oh hey, how were your exams love?" Ryoko ask Natsuo before standing tip toe to place a kiss on his cheek. He looks at her lovingly and I smile happy he found someone so kind. She was also insanely hot, like a true to life Erza from Fairy Tail. "I beat Y/NC and made her get rid of her sweater and text her number neighbor." He lets out a maniacal laugh for effect. "Oh right, I forgot about the little game you told me you two play with your grades." She chuckles then a thought seems to occur to her and she looks at me. "Wait I thought you usually win Y/N" I shrug "He gets me sometimes, I think he's been planning his victory for some time now."

"Well what did your number neighbor say?" She ask "Nothing, last I checked they hadn't even looked at it." We hang around the café until Ryoko gets off then go our separate ways, Natsuo taking Ryoko home and me heading back to my dorm room. I take a quick shower then pull out my laptop putting on the first episode of Attack on Titan for the 6th time wishing season 4 would hurry up already. My phone pings next to me and I realize I never let Natsuo know I was home safe. I go to text him back only to see an unexpected message.

"I'm bored so why not. We can do questions till I'm even more bored or you annoy me." They should positively delightful.

"Wow, way to be an ass about it, besides I was about to watch Attack on Titan."

"You haven't watched AoT yet, what do you live in a fucking basement with no windows?" Ok, an asshole, but one with taste.

"I suppose I should have said I'm going to re-watch, again."

"That's better. First official question for our game then, since you've seen it and don't have to pay close attention. Guy or a girl?" I sigh, I'm positive the only reason Natsuo didn't make his third demand was he expected me to at least talk to this person.

"I'm a girl, whose your favorite AoT character?"

"Difficult to say, probably Sasha or Hange. How old are you?"

"19. How old are you?"

"24. How tall are you?"

"Almost five feet. What other anime/manga do you like?"

"I don't get as much time as I'd like to enjoy it, saw Promised Neverland recently was fucked up, but cool. What color is your hair?"

"H/C. What kind of music do you listen to?"

"Anything I can dance to, not fucking country though, hate that shit. What color are your eyes?"

"E/C. What's your favorite color."

"Black and all colors dark enough to almost look black. Are you a student?"

"I am. Did you go to school?"

"Nah, no time. You still a virgin?

"Fucking personal don't you think?"

"I've been getting you to describe yourself while you actually ask about me, you don't know my gender because you didn't ask, you texted a stranger, a possible murderer and you draw the line at if you're a virgin? You're either overly trusting or the biggest virgin ever."

"So are you a guy or a girl?"

"Don't work that way, you never answered my question g2g night cutie." What the fuck was all that? It doesn't matter now, hopefully it'll be enough to get Natsuo off my back.

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