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Dabi kisses my nose before he places the mask over my face, I haven't actually worn it for more than a few minutes yet, so I hope it doesn't become too uncomfortable, but the under mask I have, suggested to me by Mr. Compress, seems like it should do a good job to make sure that doesn't happen anytime soon, it's designed to keep the moisture away from my skin which was the biggest concern before adding it to my overall outfit. The warp appears a few steps from us and we step through coming out on the other end in front of Shigaraki outside of some broken down building with not much of anything else around. "Hello DND, almost didn't recognize you there." He giggles at his joke Dabi groaning and rolling his eyes. "Can you just take us to Hood now?" Dabi ask lazily. "Sheesh, you're always such a grump, learn to lighten up Dabi, try some video games, they can be very relaxing." I suppress my laugh, Dabi hates video games, he says if he's going to cause mayhem and murder it's more fun to just actually do it. We walk closer to the building and into an alley, a tank waiting there for us. Dabi pushes in a code, the container taking a moment to drain itself of liquid before opening up revealing Hood. I gasp stepping back several times running into Shigaraki. "It's alright DND, Dabi won't let Hood hurt you." Dabi turns his eyes landing on Shigarakis hand thumb, forefinger, and middle finger all wrapped around my arm re-steadying me on my feet and murder flashes in his eyes. "Dabi wait, I almost fell he was just helping is all." He stops and stares at Shigaraki "Don't fucking touch her." He bellows at him "Calm down lover boy, she's DND for a reason. Can't go killing important members of the team, especially not ones who bring me games." Dabi gives a displeased growl before turning back to Hood giving him instruction, I make sure to take three large steps away from Shigaraki.

"Be careful with him, we don't have many Nomu of his level. Make sure you really let me know how it goes too." Dabi stares at Shigaraki anger still layered in his beautiful blue eyes. "I know what to do boss, you worry too much." I feel more and more uncomfortable as the air between the two grows strong with a need to assert dominance. How the hell did these two work together to begin with, two alpha dogs in the same pack. I guess it helps Dabi has pretty much mostly done his own thing not really being around the others much. "We should probably get going, don't want to miss Hawks and whatever idiot he reeled in, he isn't thinking he has to keep this person there, so better to get a move on." Dabi looks over at me his face softening somewhat. "Let's go baby, Do it Kurogiri." A warp opens and Hood immediately goes through. "We'll see you in a bit boss." Dabi puts his arm around me possessively as he leads me towards the warp, I hadn't noticed before but there's a second smaller gate. "This one is for you baby, it'll take you where you can be nearby." I push tears back feeling anxious suddenly that something may go wrong. He kisses the top of my head pushing me toward my warp, I step through coming across a scene that makes me immediately panic. Of all the heroes why did it have to be him? It could have been anyone other than King Asshole and I'd feel at total ease with this mission, but now I'm terrified Dabi may push to get his vengeance and I don't have Natsuo here to back us up.

I watch as he fights Hood and Hawks moves to protect all the bystanders in the building they were in before the attack began. Before much longer everything is chaos, the news channels are out recording the fight and reporting. Hood released additional Nomu from himself who are fighting Hawks, he isn't taking much time to fight them off instead concentrating on saving everyone. I can see more why Dabi doesn't trust him, he wouldn't be so dedicated to helping Endeavor if he truly were on our side, but the doctor in me is happy for the countless lives he is saving. The fight with Hood and Endeavor is getting more and more intense, his flames seem ineffective and Hood is beating the shit out of him, I hope Natsuo is watching somewhere seeing his father get what he damn deserves. Every time the Nomu hits him I consider it a return blow from my Dabi for the ones landed to him as a child, he'd need to have his ass kicked a few more times to get equal to what he did to Dabi, Shoto, and mama Rei. Part of me hopes he dies, but I also want Dabi to realize the vengeance he's been preparing for all these years so I hope he gets his act together and takes care of things. Now that Hawks has defeated the other Nomu he sends feathers towards Hood's head as he advances towards the newly evacuated civilians, Endeavor barely able to move laying in the street. It's about as effective as throwing a grain of rice at a charging puma. Most of his feathers have been burned, but he sends a few Endeavors way taking he and Hood high in the air where he unleashes his ultimate move on him, the heat is intense. When the smoke finally clears Endeavor seems to reign victorious standing over Hoods charred body. Man the boss isn't going to like that one little bit.

Dabi finally appears below me as Hawks supports King Asshole to stand on his feet, surrounding himself and the two with his beautiful flames. I can't hear anything from way up here but they are talking for sure, Dabi's face and stance are scaring me, just what the hell are you planning my love? Did you know it would be him before we came? No he wouldn't lie, not to me. Miruko jumps in out of nowhere to help, damn she's like the total package isn't she? Even as a straight female I would hit that, no questions asked. Dabi looks up in my direction but does not actually spot me, a warp appears behind him and I turn to see one for myself I step through unsure how long it will be there, happy to see Dabi has already disappeared from the scene. "What the hell Dabi, he's dead, what the hell am I supposed to do with a dead Nomu?" Shigaraki shrieks at him as I come back to the location, I push past Shigaraki and into Dabi's arms "Are you ok?" I ask tears streaming down my face. "IS HE OK? MY NOMU IS DEAD!" Dabi pushes me behind him "I wasn't expecting it to be Endeavor ok, I would have intervened sooner had I known. Baby, I'm fine we will talk about it more later." I rip the mask from my face wiping tears from my eyes. "Wow, you don't think your boyfriend can take on Endeavor, you have little faith." I grab Dabis arm before he can lift it to attack "He can handle Endeavor no problem, all this is just my nerves from my first time being right next to the action." Shigaraki seems to accept this answer, he and Dabi talk a bit longer before we warp back close to the store, Ryoko waiting for us at the store in the car. "Come on baby, let's get home and I promise we will talk." He wraps his arm around my shoulder guiding me towards the waiting Ryoko.

Heart of Cremation: A Dabi X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now