New Orders

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Natsuos POV

Watching her sleep is probably the best part about being out here at the Cabin. There was never time for it back at Campus, but now every weekend all four of us come out here to our own little branch of the leagues hideout. Dabi still hasn't brought Y/N and I into the fold yet, but he did say we were all out of it until the stuff with Yakuza was done. He spends a lot of time talking to pro hero Hawks lately, says he's the biggest reason it took so long to get out here to begin with. The guy claims to be a league sympathizer and wants to help, but Dabi says he doesn't trust him, I don't blame him, guy looks more straight arrow than I do and that's saying something. Without a convincing reason I can't see why he would do all this and he's given no acceptable reason. No one would look at we two college students and think we are helping the league, but they don't realize love ties us to them. Walking into the kitchen I see Y/N sit at the island looking at a text book. I'm happy she always makes sure to wear pants now that she knows about the "incident" as we are calling it. Took a few days, but little by little I can look at her normal again, we're pretty much back to our old selves. "Morning Natchan" she gives me a tired smile. "Did you not sleep ok last night?" She shakes her head solemnly "Dabi said he had to go meet with the boss about something and wanted to leave under cover of darkness and he'll be back a little after dark." I nod, another meeting, he hasn't given much info, he considers everything now still Yakuza stuff, so he prefers not to go into details, all we really know is Shigaraki hates them and plans to turn on them.

Dabis POV

I swear it's taking entirely too long to get dark out here what the actual fuck. I need to get back, not just wanting it because baby is there for the weekend. I'm not sure how Natsuo is going to feel about all this, hopefully he'll be ok with it since Shoto didn't pass his licensing exam somehow, thought the boy was smart like the rest of us. I'm happy that this shit with the Yakuza is almost over, I don't mind playing my part knowing that I'm not going to be near the bullshit. Hope the boss knows what he's doing sending in crazy and crazier to be with the Yakuza. They know the heroes are coming, they are prepared for it, not sure if Overhaul is aware or not. Fucking hope not. Anyway since we are basically standing on the sidelines for this one it's a good first mission for baby and Natsuo. Fucking crusty is way too excited to have baby joining us, he called Natsuo the 'side piece' and I damn near lit his ass up I was so pissed. Swear to fuck if he gets too familiar with her I will end that dusty mummy so damn quick he'll be in hell before he realizes it even happened. Approaching the cabin I can smell dinner, the lights in the common area are on and I can see Ryoko through the window excitedly talking about something. When I open the door baby hops up from her spot on the sofa and runs into my arms, holding her again makes all the irritation of the day wash away. "I missed you Dabi" her breath is hot on my ear when she whispers it, I hug her tighter still unable to believe my fucking luck planting a kiss on her head. "I missed you." She'll never understand how much of a damn gift it is to have someone waiting for me.

Having her sit on my lap, face buried in my neck, times like these I can really feel just how much I mean to her, I hate that I haven't found a way to show her how much I fucking love her. Never really knew how to show love, fucking stealing Togas magazines and watching little chick movies with her is the best I have. She has no clue that it wasn't me that claimed her that night in the dorm, but the other way around. My life, my soul, my everything has lived and breathed for her since that moment. Sure I still want to fuck over dad and show the sheeple they need to wake the fuck up on these so called heroes, but everything else is her. "So as I said, we're going to be on call. The heroes are planning to go infiltrate the Yakuza, it seems they have a little girl hostage there and she has something to do with the bullets that steal your quirk for a few hours. She came across some UA students so they are allowing the ones who have been interning to help out. That means Shoto won't be there so I don't need to be on scene to keep an eye on him. I'll be waiting with the boss, Spinner, and Compress in hopes of getting to Overhaul once we get a call from Toga. I guess they want to get a little vengeance for the shit he's pulled. Shigaraki says he can't stand that cocky bastard. All and all it should go smoothly so you two will be waiting on campus for a call." Baby responds by simply kissing my neck before nuzzling into me with a happy sigh. "Sounds good. Do we get a chance to set up for medical emergencies beforehand?" I try not to let Natsuo see the look on my face at his question, I never fucking think of the shit they do, maybe I should have one of them at meetings from now on. "I'm not sure, I'll find out."

Heart of Cremation: A Dabi X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now