Mama Rei

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"Hey girlfriend, I need to talk to you for a minute before you see your boy toy, you go on ahead friend." Shigaraki gives Natsuo a threatening look as he walks past us into the next room. "Why don't you give me your number, next time something comes up I can just contact you myself. We could use a decent on call medic I'll keep you out of things like your little boyfriend wants. You can keep studying and become a doctor which would make you even more valuable to us honestly." Dabi slams open the door rushing in wrapping his arms around me like his child he just found lost in the supermarket talking to a stranger. "I told you to leave her alone, she's no villain just because she is willing to overlook my flaws doesn't make her one of us." I grab the phone from Shigarakis hand and put my number in it saving my name as Medic before handing it back to him. Dabi glares at Shigaraki before looking at me eyes full of regret. "I don't want you doing this, Shigaraki delete her number NOW."

I look at him all the fear and worry I've carried the past few days washing back over me. "Sweetie please, I can't go through that kind of worry again, my heart couldn't take it. I was inconsolable filled with worry for you. Poor Natsuos shirt will probably never be as soft again after all the tears and snot I rubbed into it as he held me so I would finally go to sleep. Please don't overrule this. I promise to play it safe and be a good girl if you just give me this." He nods wiping the tears from my face, planting kisses on my forehead and cheeks. "Um, I'm sorry what the fuck? You're ok with some dude holding your woman in bed?" Dabi pulls me back into him "Mind your own fucking business Shigaraki." I smile yet wonder, he seems to read my mind whispering in my ear "That will get addressed in time too baby, brother or not, I'll be setting boundaries." Well that answers that, not that I didn't expect it.

Dabi, Natsuo, and I walk together down an alley a bit to say our goodbyes. "I'll see you in three more days, please try not to be too active and rest today ok sweetie?" He smiles before kissing my lips causing me to moan in desire, fuck I miss his touch, if Natsuo weren't here I'd be begging him to fuck me in this disgusting alley. "We're going to see mom today, they never let us take our phones in so I have no pictures of her, but I'm going to get a disposable camera and take a few today so you can see her." He looks at his little brother happy, but with a hint of something else I can't put my finger on. "Mom, I wish I could come. I miss her, I hate that she's in that place but I'm happy she's away from that fucker Enji." Natsuo nods before giving his brother a 'manly' hug as they call it. Dabi kisses me one last time before I walk away with Natsuo so we can head to the hospital. "So did you tell him you love him yet?" I elbow him in the gut "Shhhhhhh, no I didn't now would you just shut up about it?" He laughs rubbing his abdomen. "No, I can't help it my best friend is in love with the brother I love and look up to, thought I lost him forever. Who would have known one little text message would have brought us to all this." I nod smiling deciding to wait until after we see mama Rei to tell him about giving Shigaraki my number.

When we walk into her room she's sitting next to the window looking out, she reminds me of an old sailors wife watching the shore for their husband to return only I can't figure out what she's waiting for. Probably to get out of this place. Shoto walks out of the bathroom and just looks at as he takes a seat next to her. She stands when she sees us Natsuo pulling her into a bear hug while I ruffle Shotos hair. "Natsuo, Y/N it's so lovely to see you two." I greet her with a large smile and hug her close trying to put some of Dabis essence into her. She holds my face in her hands inspecting me closely. "You seem different somehow." she has a small smile as she continues to look. "That's because she's in love" Natsuo half beams half teases leading to me rolling my eyes. "Shut up Natchan" I hiss at him. "After almost four years you finally decide to stop keeping your relationship a secret huh, why the change? Get married? Having a baby?" I look at Shoto as he speaks trying not to wonder what's wrong with that boy and the way he misinterprets everything. "Now Shoto, Natsuo and Y/N are friends. She obviously met a nice boy and Natsuo approves." Rei is always so sweet I hug her close again "Thanks mama Rei, I wish you could see him, he's wonderful. I love him completely and I'll always take good care of him, no matter what." I sob a little wishing I could be more upfront with her knowing she doesn't understand what I'm telling her. She chuckles at me, "that's so kind, you should tell his mother so she knows her sweet boy is in good hands." I nod excusing myself to the hall so I can cry freely.

Natsuo drapes his arm around me "That was rougher than I thought it would be, are you ok?" I nod feeling a mix of happiness and sadness. Visiting mama Rei always left me feeling this way but today was worse. She deserves to know her oldest child is alive, but she can't. I hope one day they can be reunited, when I ask Dabi about it he just says it will all depend on how everything plays out. They would all love to have Touya back even if he is Dabi now, I'd love to see King Assholes face if he knew all this. Since the first time I met him he's always called me Natsuos girlfriend no matter how many times he's been corrected or even told he has an actual completely separate girlfriend, of which he's had a few over the years, but none as amazing as Ryoko. I'd love to look in that smug bastards face as I tell him I never dated his middle son but am instead in love with his oldest as we walk off to his "spare room" and he fucks me hard and loud for the whole house to hear. Wouldn't that just be a horrible example for poor Shoto, that kid takes more sideways stabs at his dad than anyone I think he would legit stand in front of the door and be like "Oh no I'm so traumatized." I'd high five the little fucker.

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