Getting to Work

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"I'm baby, where is he?" The guy shows me how to come behind the bar holding a door open for me. "Don't you go anywhere I'm going to need an extra set of hands." I walk in there's a figure sitting slump in an office chair. I check his pulse, weak but not awful. No one has removed any of his clothing, cleaned his wounds, nothing. A lot of his clothes are burned to him mixing with his wounds raising the chance of infection. "How clean are your bathrooms?"

"I haven't cleaned them yet, I closed up early." Of course, couldn't be that easy. "Go clean whichever one has the most space to bring him in to have access to the sink. Find something I can lay him on. CLEAN it's imperative it be as clean as possible." I look on the office desk picking up a pair of scissors and start cutting off his shirt while the employee gets to cleaning. He lets out a pained gasp grabbing at my hand when I start to pull the cloth away. "I'm sorry sweetie, they have to come off." I cut up his pants legs, happy to find his legs are mostly ok. "Bathroom is clean, I dragged a table in there wiped it with bleach" He says it like he just did something good. "No, go rinse it all NOW the bleach is too much for him, I'll start rolling him that way." He runs off to do as he's told. I grab two clean condiment bottles on my way. By the time I get the office chair rolled to the bathrooms he comes back out. "Good, I'm still going to need your help. Please drop to nothing but your underwear and clean yourself in the other bathroom with nothing but soap and water , if you have gloves that would be great."

I remove my hoodie and pajamas putting them outside of the bathroom door before pushing him into the bathroom. "Sweetie, can you hear me? I know you're in a lot of pain, I just want you to know I'm going to start cleaning your wounds." I fill both bottles with cool tap water and start gently squirting water over his wounds at an angle. "You're getting water all over the floor." The employee complains, I ignore him continuing with the task at hand poor sweetie clenching his teeth as I focus the streams of water to remove as much of his shirt from him as I can while also trying not to break any of the blisters. Once I'm satisfied his upper body is as clean as I can get it I clean the few wounds on his legs. "Wash your hands." I order as I wash mine, "Just as I do, up to your elbows. I need you to help me get him on the table." We move him with as much care and precision as possible ." Once on the table I take the cloths out I brought wetting them in the sink laying them over his wounds gently. "If you can find something to serve as an IV bag holder that would be great, if not I'm going to need to you hold it up for me." He walks out to see what he can find "It needs to be clean" I yell after him.

While he's gone I pull out the transfusion kit locating my vein with practiced memory placing the needle tapping it down to my skin. I look for a good vein on him, his arms are so badly burned I opt to use his great saphenous vein locating it in the leg. My helper returns with a wet mic stand and 3 binder clips. "We just got this, haven't put it out for customers yet, but I washed it in the other bathroom with hand soap and water to be sure." I have him hold down his transfusion site then get to work rigging up the IV bag attaching the tubing I allow the transfusion to continue 2 more minutes holding my arm above my head thankful for the increased heart rate allowing for a faster transfusion. I removed the needle from my arm and hold it up allowing what's in the tube to make its way into his system before covering the spot with a glob of gauze and taping it down. I find another area to access the vein again and start the IV then push the antibiotic in. Once I'm satisfied I go into the hall and grab a snickers and the ibuprofen.

My helper watches me with curious eyes. "I'm Kiba." He says simply. "Thanks for all your help Kiba, there's still more to be done, but right this minute there's nothing to do. In about an hour I'll remove the cloth and dress the wounds, another hour after that I'll give him another transfusion then a new IV bag." His eyes widen "I'm happy to help and all, but I'm not a universal blood donor, I can't remember the type but I assume you're either that or you know the two of you have the same blood type." I lean against the dry side of the sink "I am O Neg, you're right, don't worry about it, I'll be the donor, my quirk allows for it I'll be fine, just need to keep my glucose level up and hydrate. Long as I do that I can give him a pint of my own blood every two hours." He looks at me mouth gaping open, "No wonder he called you, that's a useful quirk." I shake my head "We never exchanged personal information, we don't know one another's names or quirks." He nods still watching me as if I were going to do a trick.

I finally really look at my patient admiring his face for the first time. He hasn't opened his eyes yet so I haven't seen them, too bad I love blue eyes. I tried to change my mind about it after becoming close to Natsuo and learning about King Asshole but I can't help it. His scars look like they must cause him a lot of pain, I wish I could have brought him something else for pain besides ibuprofen, he can't even have it until he's responsive and can prove he can swallow them. All in all he's actually rather good looking, handsome face with a nice jaw line somehow familiar to me. Everything about him is perfect. What am I saying? This man is a villain it's one thing to help him, if I didn't want to save people I wouldn't be trying to become a doctor. It's another thing to be sitting here thinking about how cute he is and letting that little crush of mine grow.

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