Text Relationship

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"All I'm saying is I think we may have judged him a little too quickly." Natsuo looks at me with interest. "All right, spill it." I scoff at him rolling my eyes. "No he said something that piqued your interest. I'm just not sure if it's that he's more into anime and manga than he let on, he's actually secretly hilarious and kind, or he's fucking broken and you want to save him. Probably the last thing though." I look at him sticking my tongue out. Sometimes having a best friend know you so well is a real pain in the ass. " He did make me laugh a couple of times and tried to make me feel better from having a bad day." Seeing the and what else bitch look on his face I cover my own face with my hands peeking at him through my fingers. "He was hurt really bad at some point and compares himself to Frankenstein's monster, ok damn."

He chuckles and pulls me into a playful headlock. "So keep texting him then, but if it gets out of hand I want you to block him, no excuses understand." I nod attempting to get away from him as he tickles me at my sides now that I am trapped. "And be safe don't tell him your name, if you start thinking you want to send him a pic let me go through the messages make sure he hasn't reverted to perv mode. And don't even think about meeting him in real life without taking me with you." I finally move to where I can land my foot down on his with a hard stomp getting him to let me go. "I don't have a death wish, I know all that duh." He looks satisfied. "On to other things, do you think Ryoko would like these earrings?" He pulls out his phone to show me. "Considering she loves Charmander I'm going to go with yes." He nods adding them to his cart. I pull out my phone figuring I owe him the first text this time.

"Hey, Blue eyes, how goes it?"

"Hey there cutie, better day today?"

"Yea classes were pretty normal, sitting at a café right now waiting for the rest of my study group."

"What are you going to school for anyway?"

"I'm Premed."

"Premed? I've been texting a fucking genius."

"I don't know about all that, but I do study hard."

"Not so hard you can't find time to text my ugly ass. Is it ok to assume this is going to be a regular thing then?"

"If you're ok with it, could be nice to have a texting buddy."

"Aw, sucking the fun out of it. Let me at least consider you my text girlfriend so when I send you goodnight/good morning text you can't give me shit about it."

"IDK, what would that entail exactly?"

"Basically if you agree I'll text you ever day like a boyfriend would. Good morning, good night, call you pet names, encourage you, listen patiently about your day, threaten to kill people who piss you off. I think that's what boyfriends do based on the shitty movies I've been forced to watch." That does sound nice actually.

"You think? Are you trying to tell me you're not just single now, but always have been?"

"Not everyone can be a cute fucking genius surrounded by adoring college guys. Honestly, I'm not sure how you're single rn unless you just got rid of the last guy recently for being too boring or something."

"I only have the one ex Yuri, we broke up a few months ago after he broke our agreement. He's bi so I told him he could fuck guys sometimes but he was fucking girls too."

"Damn, what a dick. I'll never cheat on you babygirl, be me text gf, plz?"

"Lol, ok why not. I'll save your number as text bf, how's that?"

"Fuck yeah, first gf. It's not the full on real deal, but I'm making strides in the world previously thought to be unattainable by hideous creatures such as myself."

"I'd be willing to bet decent money you look a lot better than you give yourself credit for. I also don't believe you've never had a gf. Or a bf if you go that way."

"I like girls. And I'm not lying, I've never had a girlfriend. Couple of random one time hook ups and this chick I used to get a call from at 3 AM once or twice a week. All of them were freaks."

"That's sad sweetie."

"Sweetie? I like it, the pet names are rolling out beautiful."

"Umm, ok. I have to go the last person for study group just walked in. TTYL sweetie."

"Study hard baby so you can reach your dreams."

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