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Natsuo keeps looking at me out of the corner of his eye like he's waiting for me to do something. I'm not sure what that something is, I mean we're in the back of an Uber what am I going to do juggle? I still think it's weird he couldn't at least wait until after class to drag me out here. Sure I fell asleep and was getting a lot of looks, but so what. "Natchan, I still don't understand why we have to come all the way out here for me to try to sleep. If I take the Zquill like you want me to then I don't think the others in your frat house will wake me." He shakes his head serious and dead seat. "We're almost there now anyway. Besides if I need to use the bathroom or take care of anything else I don't like the idea of leaving you alone in my room. Door locks won't keep out determined perverts." I sigh putting my head back, the cabin isn't much better than my dorm, I'm going to miss him there too. Going nowhere near that dock, for sure. When we finally pull up I pick up my bag from the floorboards only to find Natsuo already outside on my side of the car opening the door taking my bag from me. I push myself up with a tired grunt happy to at least be here but unsure what we're going to do about food now that we're in bum fuck nowhere. Natsuos countenance changes as he slings my bag over his shoulder to join his own, at least one of us is happy to fucking be here I suppose.

Dabi's POV

Fuck she looks worse in person than she did in the picture, it was like watching a skeleton getting out of a car, Natsuo blocked my view helping her with her bag. I thought about going down to her but figured it's better the Uber driver think they are the only ones out here. The nice young cute college couple, that's what everyone fucking thinks when they see my brother with the woman I love. Fucking idiots, if the only saw the difference with how she looks at me compared to him. Being loved by here is fucking addicting, going this long without a fix has been fucking killing me, just a few more minutes and I can hold her in my arms again. Fuck hurry up already what's taking so long? Fuck it the car is gone I'll walk out to her. Tired as I felt up until a moment ago I'm full of energy now taking the five front steps in one leap, my heart hurts watching her walk like that watching her feet as if she has to concentrate on them to remember how walking goes. "Baby, I did this to you I'm so sorry." Damn she stops dead in her tracks catching my stare in those perfect E/C eyes of hers and it's like I can breathe again, my heart pounds as she runs towards me, I'll never fucking put her through this shit again.


Dabi were there this many steps between the road and front door before? I feel like it's a million miles away. I watch my feet I'm so tired and have so little energy that I fear if I step on a rock too large I may faceplant and just make Natsuo worry about me more. "Baby, I did this to you I'm so sorry." Fuck am I hearing things? No those eyes those turquoise eyes watching me walk like an old woman just seconds ago now connected meaningfully with my own eyes. Fuck the rocks I have to be in his arms NOW. His face looks a mix of panic and elation as I run for him bringing his own steps closer to me as well. When I fall into his arms I've never felt more like I belonged in any one place at any one time in my life. "Sweetie, you're ok. You're here. I love you I love you I love you so so much." He squeezes me tighter. "Baby, I love you so medamn much. I hate myself for what I've done to you, I promise to make it up to you, whatever you want I can give it's yours just say." I chuckle at the insanity he just said "What could I possibly want more than this?" He bends at his knees to lift me bridal style carrying me to the front door. "Not good enough, when you decide just say you're cashing in and I promise it's yours." I nod pushing my face into his shoulder fuck I missed his unique scent. It's like sitting next to a fire place with clean laundry hanging on a line next to it. He's as warm as one too.

Once Natsuo gets the door open and we get in Dabi and I settle on the couch just holding onto one another Natsuo looks at us with satisfaction. "Ryoko will be here with the car and groceries in about five hours. Why don't you two go get some fucking sleep already?" I shake my head realizing I have neglected basic hygiene. "I need a fast shower first I'm beyond gross." Dabi kisses my face then hands "You're not gross. That said I need to clean up a bit too so why don't you use the nice shower upstairs and I'll clean up down here and get the bed ready." Fuck I want to get clean, but I also don't want to leave his arms. Stupid skin grafts and scars keeping me from just showering with him. "Ok, I'll be quick." He looks at me like he wants to say something but realizes it's useless he instead pulls me in for a kiss. "See you soon beautiful." I get myself up the stairs as quickly as I can and into the bathroom only to realize when I turn the hot water on I left my bag with Natsuo. I turn to get it hearing a knock at the door. "Y/NC you forgot your bag are you still dressed?" He's the fucking best I swear it. "Yes, thank you Natchan." He comes in sitting the bag down smile extending to his eyes even. "Natchan thank you so much, not just for this but being there the last few days. I love you Natchan, no one has a best friend better than I do." He chuckles lightly "I do. Now get cleaned up and go get some sleep already."

When I come back downstairs Dabi has finished cleaning himself up and the room we used last time is a little warmer than the rest of the house. I hate it when he uses his quirk to warm things up for me, but I can't argue it with him. I sit my bag down on the dresser and my dirty clothes onto the floor in the corner joining Dabi on the bed. He pulls me close looking at my face for a moment "Baby, we're going to get some sleep then I need you to eat for me and drink plenty of water, you look close to death." I nod placing my hand over his at my cheek. "Whatever you want sweetie I won't argue, I'm just happy you're here, I missed you so much." He leans in kissing me as he pushes me back on the bed. The familiar touch making my pussy throb. Fuck I have no energy at all, yet I still want to feel him inside me. I let out a disappointed moan when he pulls away from the kiss instead lying next to me on the bed pulling me down to hold for bed. "Sleep, food, water. When you're feeling better I'll show you how much I love and missed you." I move in closer to him liking the sound of his promise, he didn't even say I had to be a good girl just those three things. Damn, we've slept this way so many times before and it's still the most amazing sensation. Soon as I'm situated I feel my eyes fall close and everything goes black.

Heart of Cremation: A Dabi X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now