Heart to Heart

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Natsuo hasn't really said much of anything to me the last couple of days. Shoto is fine, but some of his friends are pretty messed up and in the hospital, including the one who helped him see that his life and quirk are his own at the Sports Festival, Midoriya I think. They seem preoccupied with the idea of getting their friend back and Natsuo and I are both concerned they may try something stupid. This has been a rough first year for Shoto, first the USJ attack, then his run in with Stain that we didn't even find out about until a month after it happened thanks to King Asshole. This time Natsuo is really struggling though. He understands Dabi didn't chose this mission but he's also mad at me for not being even a little pissed at him for it. He's in the middle playing both sides and I realized that if it came down to it I would choose Dabi over anyone he asks of me. Of course I don't anticipate him asking me to choose him over the few important people in my life, but if he did I would. I would leave school, my family, Natsuo, all of it behind to be by his side in some ways it scares me, but mostly it comforts me, this is what love is.

"Hey, your mom had to go to work, want to order dinner in?" I look at Natsuo and even though he still looks a little pissed he's looking at me finally. "Yeah ok, whatever you want Natchan dad's working late so it'll just be us." He nods and comes sit next to me on the couch before taking the book I've been readying the same sentence of for the last hour closing it, sitting it on the coffee table then placing his head in my lap. He's pushed me away so much the last few days I hadn't realized he was feeling so terribly I watch his face closely as I run my fingers through his hair, he looks dehydrated and he hasn't actually brushed his beautiful white locks today, maybe longer. "Natchan, I'm sorry I'm here for you, please know that. You mean so much to me, I hate seeing you this way." He turns looking up at me. "I'm sorry I've pushed you away, it's even more rude with your folks letting me stay here so I can avoid King Asshole. I kept asking myself if you knew about the move on UA beforehand and didn't tell me. I hated that I was asking myself that, but I also realize he's become more important to you than I am, I guess I never realized how good it felt to be the one person you cared for more than anything."

It's true, I love my parent's, but we've never been particularly close, they weren't around much when I was little always at work or helping with Kyomis appointments. I never minded and I don't resent them for it, it's just that Kyomi was the only one I was close to in the family, I used to go to her house when we were very young, way before she got sick, all the time. We would go to the park and play for hours. Everyone loved her, she made friends where ever she went and the other kids played with me too because we came as a set. When she got sick watching her become weak over time was the worst, I was always happy to keep blood on hand for her, but it wasn't enough. Natsuo and I knew one another a little first year, but since we were in different classes we didn't really speak, a lot of kids knew about Kyomi. After she was gone and I returned to school he was there. He would sit with me in silence and didn't care if I cried. I'll never not have love for him, we're family, but he's right he's no longer the only one that important to me.

"Natchan, I still love you as my brother, I'm sorry if I made you feel less special I'll make sure to be more aware of what I'm saying and doing, I won't leave you out I promise." He reaches up wiping the tears from my cheeks. "I love you too Y/NC, thank you. Let's get pasta we'll go out instead of order in, give me 15 minutes to clean up and change." I give him a nod watching him walk off to get ready looking down at myself. I showered this morning but I'm wearing one of Dad's old AC/DC shirts and leggings if we're going out I should put on some real clothes. I sit waiting for Natsuo after I changed, he looks more like himself, but his face still shows pain. I walk over giving him a lingering hug he holds me tight taking a moment to use breathing exercises in an attempt to level out his feelings. "Hey Natchan, I'm sorry I've lied a few times, it's my fault you questioned me. I'll never lie again. Cross my heart." He kisses the top of my head "Thank you sis."

Walking back from the Italian place we went to Natsuo stops in front of a bakery "I know we're stuffed now, but you can't convivence me we shouldn't get some rice dumplings for later." I try to hide my smile, he knows they are my favorite. "Ok let's get enough for my dad too and a strawberry crepe for mom while we're in here." He nods holding the door open for me before following in. The lady at the counter makes a remark about him being such a gentlemen and how I must love having such a sweet boyfriend earning her our typical "We aren't a couple" bored in unison response. She flushed red apologizing and tried to give us a special price as an apology, but we assured her it was fine and we are used to it. Natsuos phone rings, he sends a text pocketing the phone again only for it to ring the second he does so. "It's Fuyumi it must be important." She starts speaking before he can say hello sounding frantic, Natsuo gives a few quick responses to questions then hangs up the phone. "They found Shotos friend in Kamino Ward, he seems to have gotten away but All Might is in some fight with a villain who seems as strong as he is, maybe stronger." We run back the two blocks to my house throwing the TV on. My eyes frantically look for Dabi in the fight but he isn't any were to be seen, I pull out my phone calling him again and again with no answer.

Heart of Cremation: A Dabi X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now