Enji Comes Home

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I pulled up in front of the Todoroki home at the same time as Shoto, he looked the same as always, maybe a centimeter or two taller. "Hey Shoto, how are you feeling?" His still glance swept over in my direction and I was less sure that he really was worried for his father. "I'm ok, glad that Nomu is dead. Was looking like a threat we may have no hope in stopping." I nod, perhaps he was more worried about Hood being unleased on the general public than on his father maybe dying. I walk to stand next to him and feel short again, 16 and taller than me, he's going to be insanely tall just as the other men in his family are. I wonder how many of the girls at UA are secretly in love with him, not that they have to try hard to hide it, child is oblivious to pretty much everything and the things he thinks he picks up on he's usually wrong about. Plus I still get strong gay bottom vibes from the kid. None of that changes the fact that he's got that same damn jawline as his brothers, nose sharp like Natsuo and Rei, his scar doesn't make him less attractive, if anything just as with the oldest brother it adds to the beauty of his face. "Is there a booger hanging out of my nose or something?" He ask looking at me puzzled, "Sorry, I was just thinking about the family resemblances." He doesn't respond, just opens the front door walking in heading to his room to put his things away. "Natchan? I'm here where are you?" I call through the house looking for him when I come across Fuyumi, "he's in the shower, should be out soon I'd imagine."

We all sit together at the table eating when we hear the front door. King Asshole comes in from the hospital none of us aware he was even released. "Great Job Dad" Fuyumi was quick to praise, always the loving daughter. The two speak briefly about Shoto and his special permission to come home, it seems Fuyumi invited his teacher, but he declined to come along before she praises him again hoping to receive some attention to herself for her devotion to that dick head. "Nasty Scar you got there." Shoto lets out still slurping his cold Soba, Natsuo suddenly becoming relaxed again since their father first walked in eating his noodles as well. Fuyumi starts fussing at the boys to complement their father and to be nice going on about being a family and such, but Natsuo gets up and gets into a screaming match with King Asshole. At first it seems like the usual thing but he becomes more and more upset even to the point of hitting the door jamb yelling about not being able to forgive him like Fuyumi and he deserves to suffer. He really loses it when his father tries to make his neglect seem like Natsuo is blowing it out of proportion. After he takes off I'm assuming for a walk as usual, Fuyumi apologizes to him, with Shoto saying he's never actually seen Natsuo express his feelings that way before causing me to really look at him. Natsuo is right, none of us knew until today that Shoto likes Soba so much, he loves his little brother yet knows nothing about him. My heart feels at ease when Shoto tells King Asshole just because he's doing well in his hero work doesn't mean he forgives him and that he's going to be watching him to see what he does. It seems he's willing to at least try, though it seems to be for the sake of his mother and sister more than his own desire.

It's late when Natsuo finally comes back to the house, I knew better than to go after him, not while he's angry. "Hey, you hungry or anything?" He shakes his head, his eyes are red and I realize he's been crying. "Natsuo, you've barely spoken to me since Friday Night. I'm not sure what you're thinking or feeling. I don't even know if you want me to be here for you right now, but I do know it hurts me to see you in pain and I want to hold you." He doesn't say anything just pulls me from my spot on the couch dragging me behind him to his room. He throws off his jacket then pulls me onto the bed with him, holding me tight as he cries again. "I'm always here for you Natchan, please remember that." I whisper the words petting his hair. "I wanted him to die, is that wrong? Fuyumi wants to fix the family and include him in it, but I wanted Touya to end that fucking asshole. When he didn't I felt a hole in my soul and it hasn't gone away. Seeing him and hearing Fuyumi praise him like that. I felt rage shoot through me, thank goodness for Shoto or I would have pummeled him then and there. 'nasty scar' that kid is a savage and doesn't even realize it." When he laughs through the tears I laugh with him. "Natchan, let's help him. We can help him to get to him somewhere safe and out of the way. It'll make us accomplices, but you sound a little like you want a hand in his death, and when it comes to you and Dabi, I'd do anything for you. I love you both immensely, the same amount even I'd say, just in different ways. If we get caught and I spend my life in prison I won't care. I'll have been there for you, we're family." He squeezes me tight planting a kiss on the top of my head. "I already called him while I was gone. We made a plan, but he insist you can't know the details. I told him you won't let us leave you behind and he said that was fine. It'll all be over soon."

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