Doctors Orders

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When I walk in I come face to face with Shigaraki, he stands staring at me not saying a word for a long moment. "You look like some king of goody good, what are you doing dating someone like Dabi?" I feel Natsuos hand on my back for support. "Matters of the heart don't always make sense, let me see him then I'll take care of anyone else in need of help." He considers it for a moment before throwing a glance at Natsuo. "He's this way, woke up about two minutes ago." I follow him swallowing hard knowing he's not going to be pleased we came. "Who the hell you out there talking to boss?" He's lying flat on his back covering his face with his hands, I rush to his side before he can move too much in reaction to our arrival. "Dabi, I've been so worried please let me look at you I want to check your pupils and go over a few other things." He moves his hands from his face looking at me blankly for a moment before I feel him pulling me into him. "You shouldn't be here, what the fuck were you thinking, we agreed to keep you out of this bullshit." I start sobbing hating he's mad at me. "Don't make her cry again, it's been nothing but tears and watching her phone for hours." Dabi looks at Natsuo his entire face changing to being pissed. "What the fuck is wrong with you, why would you let her come here, if I weren't dizzy I would fucking kick your ass right now, you said you'd take care of her when I'm not around. 'Don't worry Dabi, I've taken care of her for years, I have this nothing bad will happen you have my word'"

He mocks Natsuos words at him in a very childish manners. Natsuo just chuckles at his brother "if you thought I could keep her away you still have a lot to learn about her. Coming along was the best I could do, now shut up and let her look you over stupid so she can breathe easier." Dabi sits up slowly with my help "Fuck you sky scrapper I'm kicking your ass when I'm better." I shake my head getting angry "Neither of you are my fucking father, I am a big girl. I make my own fucking decisions. I will kick both your asses if you don't stop acting like children possible concussion or not. Now give Shigaraki the Switch and get started with the others while I take care of Mr. Un-fucking-grateful here or so help me I will fuck you up." Dabi stares at me with his mouth open. "Shit we fucked up now, she don't get angry often but she's got a real temper once she does." I shoot Natsuo a look as he sticks his hands in the air in surrender. "Shut the fuck up and get moving." I spit out at him turning my attention back to Dabi.

I hold open his eye holding his top lid shinning my light into his eyes no reaction from his pupils. "Is your vision blurred?" he nods "push against my hand as hard as you can." He misses my hand twice the third time I make sure we connect by moving my own hand when he pushes he barley moves my hand. "Do you remember what I told you I was going to do the first night you texted me?" He takes a moment to think about it "Watch Attack on Titan, no wait you were re-watching it." I nod. "Where did you see me last before tonight." He smirks "Baby, been thinking about you on the dock that night since yesterday." I roll my eyes "You have a concussion, but it's not to awful Tylenol and rest for at least two days. Try to lay down to help with being dizzy when you can, stay hydrated things like that." He grabs my hips trying to get my ass "You're gonna lay down with me." Still angry I give him a little slap on the hand. "NO, you need your rest and after the way you and dumbass just behaved you'll be lucky if I even want to fuck you two days from now." He drops his head forward a little bottom lip poking out, eyes looking up towards me "No sir, I don't care how cute you are." Shigaraki laughs from behind us. "I like you, not every day Dabi gets bitched out even less likely he has nothing to say."

Finishing up helping Natsuo with the others, not entirely sure who everyone is or what their quirks are, I'm grateful to be nearly done as the exhaustion hits me hard. The blonde girl kept trying to cut me until Mag helped Dabi into the room everyone else was in. He insisted on taking a seat next to me and has been by my side watching me, I can tell he's getting less dizzy because he's less slouched some of his strength has returned but not enough for him to pull me into him like he tried to a couple of times now. I finish taping down the last bandage to the guy with the mask and turn my attention back to Dabi. "Alright ass, let me see those pupils again, you're obviously feeling a little better." He sits up as straight as he can pretending to be a good boy letting me get a good look at him. His pupils give a slow reaction this time still not constricting as much as they should though. "Push me hand again." He does so and makes my upper arm move about half an inch. "Well aren't you a resilient asshole." Natsuo snickers at my remark. "I'm still pissed at you too dumbass." I shoot at him stopping him in his tracks.

"Come on baby, you have to at least kiss me before you go home tonight." I roll my eyes at him "We're not going back to her house tonight, we told her parents we were going to my house to he- take care of some family stuff that came up today." Dabi nods understanding his meaning. "Hold on I never said you guys could stay here all night." Shigaraki shoots out. "We're just going to get a room." Natsuo informs Shigaraki causing Dabi to grab at my arm. "Baby, I'm sorry I was a dick to your friend, I'm coming with you, I want to hold you while I sleep." I look at his beautiful turquoise eyes a little angry but mostly not. "Sweetie, if you leave with me we both know you're going to try to do anything but sleep, you need your rest I mean it." He sighs "Is that doctors orders then?" I chuckle leaning in to give him the kiss he wanted. "Yes, it is. If it's ok with Shigaraki I'll come see you again tomorrow check on your condition change a few bandages. I'll be back at campus in four days, you can come spend the night then." He looks over at Shigaraki eagerly. "Fine, do your follow up then scram. And if any heroes find this place I'll kill you and your pretty boy friend." I chuckle giving Dabi another kiss, gods I love him but now isn't the time to tell him. Not yet.

Natsuo and I walk into the room we were assigned by the clerk downstairs "Ugh, I told him a double room there's only one bed." I stop him from going back into the hall. "Forget it, same price we're tired, and it's not like we've never shared a bed before." He nods walking in adjusting the AC to make the room cooler. I go into the bathroom to pee and clean up when I walk back out Natsuo is standing wearing his boxers and a tee shirt he scruffs my hair as he walks into the bathroom. I quickly shimmy out of my pants and top shirt removing my bra under the tee I'm wearing. "I'll sleep on the side closest to the AC" Natsuo says I nod gratefully he moves the blankets for just me sleeping under only the sheet. "You still mad at me?" I scoff at him "I'm too tired to be actively pissed plus I can never stay mad at you long, I'm surprised it lasted as long as it did." He rolls facing me. "Good. The last few days have sucked and I need my best friend." I nod moving closer to him letting him wrap his arms around me trying to ignore the cool feeling of them. "I'm glad my brothers are ok. After you check back with them, let's go see mom tomorrow." I nod "Sounds good, I miss her feels like ages." He starts to play with my hair "Natchan, I'm sorry you're still feeling depressed." He kisses the top of my head "How do you always know?" I giggle at my little secret "I just do, I'm just happy I can be here for you." He lets out a long breath "I'm glad too, I try not to let anyone see this side of me not even Ryoko, especially Ryoko. I don't want to scare her away." I shake my head "You could never scare her away so easy, once you love someone it's pretty much all you can see." I can almost feel his smile in the dark. "When are you going to tell him you love him?" I scoff at him "Shut up and go to sleep." He chuckles "Yes ma'am."

Heart of Cremation: A Dabi X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now