Summer Plans

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Natsuo and Ryoko sit across from me on a couch being their normal adorable couple selves, her head on his shoulder with his arm wrapped around her sharing chaste kisses every now and then while the other wasn't looking. For the first time seeing them this way I actually feel a little jealous, I wish Dabi and I could be out together instead of always having to hide away our entire relationship in my room, his phone contact still vague. He actually insisted I change it in case anyone hacks it so rather than Text BF it now reads Blue, I told him it sounded like a service for something rather than my boyfriend but he just said that made it even better. We shouldn't have to live in a world where I have to hide away my boyfriend because the only way he can get justice against his father for himself, mom, and his siblings is by taking matters into his own hands. And because everyone kisses the ass of the great and powerful Endeavor #2 hero it's not like he can just go to child services and be like hey he's a dick. Hell his mother lives in a hospital like a prisoner because everyone thinks she's lost her mind, I mean she sorta has a little, but that's his fault too. She never would have hurt poor Shoto if not for King Asshole. Fuck I'm back to this again, Dabi and I could just be together and be happy if not for that flaming dickwad.

"I'm going to walk Y/NC home, I'll call you later ok?" She nodded at him before they shared a kiss and we got on our way. "So how was your picnic last night?" I blush "He told you about that?" He laughs deep and happier than I've ever heard, yeah he did, I told him you would love it." I nod seriously and try to push my anger away. "Y/NC what is it? I can tell you're mad about something."

"It isn't fair Natchan, if not for King Asshole and his bullshit I wouldn't have to pretend like I'm not happily in a relationship. Worse, if anyone ever does find out about Dabi and I I'll also have to act like my amazing boyfriend isn't the elder brother of my best friend who I love like family." He puts his arm around me taking in a deep breath "It'll be ok, we can treat this like a besties secret if you want. I'm sorry that you have to hide, but I am happy to hear you go on and on about how much you care for him." His smile is bright enough to light the world. "He's a good man, I know he hurts people, but he hates that he has to break families apart in order to do his job, he feels real guilt Natchan it's sad." He nods considering for a moment "Then you'll have to help him be as happy as you can, please tell me you're at least letting him touch your boobs when you're having sex." My whole face flushes "who says we're having sex?" His look says 'really, you think I'm that dumb' and I cover my checks with my hands to hide the red away. "I'm not embarrassed with him, he's seen and touched everything." He lets me go "Look at my sweet little Y/NC growing up." He says mockingly, I give him a gentle shove while I remind him AGAIN he's not all that much older than I am.

"So have you decided what you want to do about the break?" Natsuo looks at me hopefully. "I really should go home and see my parents pretty sure they miss me." He nods disappointed. "Fine, I was going to say you should invite your boyfriend to come along with us but..." "Are you crazy don't you think Ryoko would ask a lot of questions we can't just have him around everyone." I don't at all like the sigh or face he makes "Natchan, what did you tell her?" He starts whistling and darting his eyes everywhere. "Natsuo Todoroki, don't make me hurt you." He give a mischievous grin "like you would, you love me and you know it." He sticks out his tongue while I seethe wishing he were wrong, besides all that I'm a foot shorter than him, with less physical strength, and a quirk that wouldn't hurt a fly. "Love you or not, Dabi means so much to me, I will find a way to hurt you if I must, better yet I'll let him know you're being mean and watch two brothers have a friendly little fight." He gives me a pretend face of total shock. "I couldn't not tell her something, she knew I followed you home and I was uncharacteristically happy when she saw me again. I told her that you were secretly meeting the text guy and that you have to keep the relationship a secret because family stuff."

"Have you lost your damn mind? She's going to want to know what my family stuff is sooner or later!" He lets out a relaxed chuckle, "It's fine Y/NC she hasn't mentioned King Asshole to anyone and I really want her to meet him, he's my brother he means the world to me and I love her." Ugh, again can't be mad at him, I swear this mystical power had to come from their mothers side of the family as the only Todoroki I can manage to ever be pissed at is their fuck bag dad. "Natchan, this is about you wanting to spend time with him too isn't it?" He nods tears in his eyes "Now that I know he's out there I want him in my life. Can't you just come and join us at the cabin for a couple days?" He catches me with his puppy eyes and I cave like always "I'll talk to him about his schedule, he mentioned being busy with something over the summer break for work." He nods smile on his face wiping the almost tears away.

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