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When I wake up the first thing I feel is the weight of Dabi against my back, his arm laying over me, hand resting at my stomach. I smile closing my eyes happy for the cuddles before my eyes fling open wide, it's daytime not early morning either I hear people outside for sure lots of them not just one or two. "Dabi, wake up it's late how are we supposed to sneak you out of here?" He just pulls me closer into him kissing my neck and shoulder. "Fuck that, there will never be a day where I leave you alone unable to function." It's sweet but impractical. "What if you had something you absolutely had to do?" kiss "It can wait." I shake my head "no it's something with work, Shigaraki is losing it." He rolls me onto my back to look me in the face. "He can wait. I won't leave not knowing if you're able to make it to the bathroom ok or to get food for yourself. The thing about owning someone is you have to be willing to take care of them. Besides, other couples get to spend lazy Sunday's together" He shrugs his shoulders "be fun to see what that's like." I give him a smile reaching my hand up to touch his face staring into those sapphires. "That sounds amazing, I should probably use the bathroom and clean up though." He nods standing quickly holding his hand out for mine. I laugh at first and go to stand normally only for my legs to fold under me. "Be a good girl and take the help." His command sends me immediately into obedient mode him smiling sweetly at me as he helps me to me feet then to steady myself.

When I come out of the bathroom I do so slowly, we've had some rough nights together but this was very different, the phrase 'rearrange your guts' comes to mind and I suddenly feel like it's actually physically possible to do so. His eyes watch me carefully as I creep back to bed. "You're moving better than I thought you would, I was still a little pissed about that guy touching you, I shouldn't have been so rough." I lay my head in his lap smiling up at him "Don't worry about it, we had a lot of fun and I'll be fine just need to stretch I'd bet, maybe eat and drink some water." He looks at me lovingly fingers running through my hair, "I texted Natsuo he and Ryoko are coming and they are going to bring lunch because it's apparently ten after twelve. Now get on the floor and I'll help you stretch before they get here." When Natsuo and Ryoko enter the apartment I've been properly stretched out relaxing my muscles and even got dressed, though since we plan to stay in my room I only threw on some sweat pants and a long sleeve shirt turning up the A/C for Natsuo. Dabi pushed my desk and bed next to one another right under the window to create more space in the room so everyone sat on the floor Ryoko and I next to one another the boys across from us. They brought burgers which I thought was odd because usually Natsuo tries to eat healthier but it was a nice change of pace.

The brothers are mostly talking to one another quietly so Ryoko starts asking a lot of questions, some I realize are because Natsuo shared some things with her. "So what's this whole claimed thing about anyway?" I look at Dabi aware of how well his hearing is checking his face to see if I should answer or not. He gives no indication he even heard and pays me no attention so I decide to proceed. "Well the first time we had sex he said he wanted to claim me, it turned me on and I begged him to do it so while he fucked me he covered me in burns and bit my neck hard when he came. It's the only time he's burned me unfortunately because that was awesome and he no longer bites so hard either. Anyway once he did that I became his body and soul." I realize my face hurts because I'm smiling like a damned idiot "Oh he also claimed my mouth and throat with his dick and is preparing my ass to be properly claimed in the future. It's pretty great actually I've never been happier and I think my markings are the most beautiful thing about me." When I look back at Ryoko she's staring at me with a blank face mouth open in disbelief. "Well said baby, I'm glad you like being mine." When I turn to look at Dabi I realize he and Natsuo had been listening the whole time. "TMI Y/NC, no one needs to hear all that."

"Why is it TMI? She was just telling the truth making sure not to leave anything out since you're both so curious. It's not like I didn't notice you were more paying attention to their conversation than ours, you wanted to know, you wanted Ryoko to ask. Poor baby wasn't sure what to do and looked at me for her answers but I decided to let her make her own choice on this one. I prefer she make her own choices most of the time, I'm not cruel and have no desire to be controlling, isn't that so baby?" All eyes fall to me and I nod happily. "See look I know you're her best friend and you love her and want what's best, but I promise you we're happy, and I'll never let anything happen to her. Try to trust me please brother?" My eyes widen staring at Dabi in disbelief "Sweetie" I squeak out shaking my head. "No it's fine Y/NC, he's scary observant, I broke down and told Ryoko the truth last night. She couldn't understand why I agreed with his plan to make you go out so I told her, and I'm working on trusting you, I want it to be natural but it's difficult, I haven't seen you for 10 years until this last month and I barely see or speak to you, I know what you're up to and see you in the news. Most of my trust in you comes from my trust in her, but last night and just now, she's like a different person with you."

I move to squat in front of Natsuo putting myself eye level with him. "Natchan, it's not that I've changed, I'm just happier. I know you have difficulty understanding the whole claimed thing and honestly I always thought I wouldn't like that sort of thing but it turns out I truly love it. And maybe you're thinking of it wrong It's not like BDSM he never hurts me, even when he marked me he made certain to distract me from the pain with pleasure I never noticed until he made me clean up the blood and let him rub aloe on my burns. I know he's a dick to you, I know he's killed people, I know he has no real care about the others he works with, but I also know you see how sweet he is to me, how much he loves and cares for me. People aren't black and white. It's true I hate crowds and meeting new people or attention. Last night was awful for me and drained my social battery I'm happy to be in my room all day today. I still get cold, I still study hard and donate blood." He wipes tears from my face looking at me with concern and apology in his eyes "I still cry when I open up about the things I keep closed up. And I would still go to the ends of the earth for my best friend." He pulls me into a hug kissing the top of my head. "You know if you weren't my little brother I would have killed you for being so familiar with her all the time, you don't need to comfort her when I'm right here."

I look over at Dabi rubbing the tears from my eyes. "Who will comfort Natchan?" He looks over at Ryoko I nod understanding and move to sit in Dabis lap placing my face into his shoulder grateful for his embrace as I sob. "Comfort her by all means when I cannot, I appreciate all you do for her and how well you care for her when I can't be here, but brother or not, you understand how it is now, she's mine and I don't like to share my things not even with you." I turn my head to look at Natsuo giving him a smile hoping my face shows him that I want this too and still care about him deeply. He closes his eyes inhaling deeply before nodding then moving to join Ryoko laying his head in her lap. Dabi holds me as I cry not saying a word just stroking my hair and kissing me from time to time. When I finish and wipe my eyes he pulls my face to his and kisses me deep. "Baby tell me now this is your only chance, are you uncomfortable with my demand on this change in your friendship. He was here before me and I know he means a lot to you, I want you to be happy." I look over at Natsuo for a moment before answering "I'd like to be able to comfort him even if you are around if Ryoko isn't." He nods "Ok, you've been a good girl, I'll give you that one condition." I smile kissing him again when I turn facing Natsuo and Ryoko she looks incredibly happy with his head in her lap, his eyes are closed and he looks content, maybe this will help strengthen both relationships and the friendship.

Heart of Cremation: A Dabi X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now