Part 126: I'm Back!

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"Mr. Morton won the box office for four weeks in a row and beat all new films in the same period!"

"Haomen Pictures, Xinghai Distribution, Sirius Pictures ... have all postponed the release of new movies scheduled for October."

"The well-known director Lloyd Lose's masterpiece" Interstellar "joined the October box office fight, and unfortunately lost the second week at the box office."


Throughout October, countless fans and audiences went crazy for a "Mr. Morton" which was born.

A powerful, meticulous and charming heroine, with a complex and unexpected storyline, coupled with hearty editing and film rhythms, thoroughly allowed this niche reasoning film to sweep the entire film market and take it Next week's box office champion.

The old cat studio finally raised its eyebrows and exhaled, and released a new work plan and notice while it was hot.

"The second part of" Mr. Morton "is in preparation and is expected to be released next summer."

"Dai Ruohan confirmed to continue to appear in" Mr. Moreton "and directed the same series of films."

"The second filming of Gu's" Expedition Notes "is about to be completed and is expected to be released at the end of this year to continue the thrilling journey of the Bermuda Galaxy!"

The new news is endless and has been exposed, making many fans and audiences happy. However, after careful observation, many people found that there was no Sutan in it.

Neither the new movie release plan of Lao Mao Studio nor the adventure series adapted from Su Tan's best-selling novels have included Su Tan's involvement.

For a while, Su Tan seemed to disappear from the entire entertainment industry. There has been much discussion on the Internet, and all kinds of conjectures are flying around.

"Soft Meng Deep Dolphin: Did I only notice it? Whether it is" Expedition Note "or the new movie project of Old Cat Studio, there is no Suda involved."

"Kolabao: I also noticed! Su Tan is preparing to start a new article? Shoot a new film?"

"Fishing on the Milky Way: Hahahahaha, isn't the most likely answer to going back to school to make up for lessons?"

Many netizens speculated and were lively.

In the first week, everyone only thought that Su Tan was celebrating the great success of the movie, and Xiaodi temporarily took a holiday.

Because in terms of quantity and quality, Su Tan is a model worker in the eyes of everyone.

Each book is seamlessly connected, and one after the other is writing, while studying, writing web articles while taking into account the manuscripts of the magazine.

For readers, of course, they are satisfied. The happiness of reading and reading has never been softened, but it was not until Su Tan disappeared temporarily that they found that they were not used to it.

I do n't get a big update every night, it 's always empty, and I feel like I 'm doing something less.

One week is okay, two weeks is wrong.

I want to find other novels to pass the time, and I feel inadequate. Either the update is not crisp, or the plot is not appetizing.

In short, their taste has been raised by Sutan.

Now that Sutan is gone, all readers are aggressive.

No one could think of it. As soon as Sutan disappeared, he disappeared for three months, and the whole network rumored that Sutan was going to seal off.

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