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a slick ruby vehicle came to a forceful halt causing the ends of y/n's silk dress to ripple in the wind

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a slick ruby vehicle came to a forceful halt causing the ends of y/n's silk dress to ripple in the wind. she glares at the tinted window, confused to who would randomly stop beside her during her walk to her favorite bar. the window slides down, presenting the grinning face of the one and only shinya hīragi. his ocean irises gaze at her delightful figure before speaking, "hey miss colonel. are you going somewhere?"

"obviously i was until you almost ran me over." she stated dully, unamused from the male's charisma. he hid his chuckle with his palm. unfazed by her slightly harsh comment. "damn, love. i suppose you're not doing well on this fine evening."

y/n pivots her feet back to her original direction, beginning a quick pace to get away from the silver haired general. shinya pressed on his gas petal swerving his car to the right to block her passageway. another wide grin grew on his lips, "why don't i give you a ride? where are you off to?"

knowing that the male wouldn't leave her alone if she didn't, y/n hoped inside the shiny car. the cold leather seat sends goosebumps under her thighs once she sat in. "i hope whatever is up your sleeve involves; alcohol and food." she grumbled resting her cheek on her palm as her elbow plopped itself on the door armrest.

her e/c eyes gaze out the opened window, staring at the light blue skies colored with milky clouds. the location they were in was filled with almost completely normal buildings. most people don't visit this side since it was only shown to the 'higher' industry of the japanese imperial demon army. but some normal humans who've grown from the genocide visit and work in the town.

shinya smirks from the word alcohol leaving her lips, with his single hand on the steering wheel, the car twists to the right. onto a street familiar to the pinkette. "i see... trouble in paradise?"

"when has the jida ever been paradise, dear?" y/n remarked with a light smile. he playfully rolled his eyes, reaching to pinch her side without letting his gaze leave the road ahead of him. she squeals slightly slapping his hand away. "anyways since i was distracted by your unnecessary touch. i need to be not sober."

"why is that?" he mused.

she drawls out a sigh. ignominious memories from her recent night terrors, y/n haven't had vivid dreams since she was at the hospital resulting from her solo mission. the nightmare she assumed showed her past, the memories she forced out of her mind because she has no use for them. images of the mysterious woman with h/c tresses and a e/c eyed baby in her arms. instead of pausing the memory continued, a young girl with similar calf-length shell-pink locks parted into two pigtails came into view.

she had large sharp slanted crimson eyes that reminded y/n so much like hers. a short black frilly dress with layers of white and black ruffles covered her petite figure. y/n couldn't understand why she was watching the girl take the baby away from the dead woman's arms, but what confused her more were the words she uttered. "sh~ stop crying my cute infant. nee-san will take care of you."

y/n could feel the disgust enhance in her veins that she is possibly related to a vampire. the creatures the colonel swore to kill, the creatures that killed some of her loved ones. but it does explain how supersonic she was and that somehow she doesn't have a soul of some sorts. either way, y/n does not want to be vampire. she rather have someone stab her in the stomach before something horrific like that happens.

"it's nothing. don't worry about it." she finally said to the male next to her.

unlike the two superiors who were having fun and drinking together; hell broke lose in the jida, more specifically hell broke lose inside shinoa's group

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unlike the two superiors who were having fun and drinking together; hell broke lose in the jida, more specifically hell broke lose inside shinoa's group. no one was in coordination and guren noticed it. the dark haired lieutenant stared at the students duel with each other for training. yuichiro's footing was more clumsy than usual while shiho was being uncharacteristically ponderous.

he sighs irritatedly, "just stop. you guys can leave for today." his hand raised into a wave motioning them to leave, almost like zombies they left one by one except shinoa. guren didn't even noticed the lilac haired sergeant behind him, instead pulled out his walkie talkie. "come in colonel y/n."

his finger left the button only to be greeted by nothing but static, a small frown grew on his lips and he repeated himself once again. shinoa's mouth opened to speak but then there was a loud shriek resonating from the device. "stand by." replied her soft voice.

her eyes widened, she didn't expect y/n to answer at all. since she hadn't seen the young woman for a total of three days. guren furrowed his eyebrows, "what's your twenty?" yet again there was no answer. with an annoyed suck of his teeth the walkie talkie went back to his waistband. his head tilted to the side, presenting the empty training room.

opposed to the dreadful tension between them, the e/c haired lieutenant was enjoying herself too much. shinya brought her back to her dorm because they both were blackout drunk. white bags hanged from her arms because of the silver haired male's nature of automatically spoiling her no matter what.

"shhh-" y/n shushed shinya, who chuckled a little too loud in the dark hallway. the clock nailed to the wall read, 1:28am. "you're going to make me lose my job." she grin widely slightly slurring on her words. his hand rose to thread into her soft pink locks, scratching her scalp momentarily.

"you're not going to get f-fired, y/n." he playfully rolled his eyes, "you'll be fine. but... you do need me to escort you also into your bedroom?" his eyebrows ascend upwards in a suggestive manner. she deadpanned, "no thanks, go home."

"you're so cold." he sighed. his mouth opened to speak once again only to be interrupted by her door closing in front of his face. y/n leaned against the entrance with a dazed sigh, switching her lights on. resting on her bed was a slightly angry guren who held an annoyed face.

she jolted, surprised to even see a soul in her dorm room. "what the hell! you can't just chill in here, i need privacy!" she whinged, passive aggressively.

"so what? so you could fuck him?"

her eyes popped out her skull, "woahhh, woaah. now you're reaching too high buddy." she remarked irritatedly, placing her shopping bags on the ground next to her vanity. all the happiness and intoxicating euphoria left her systems in a switch, turning back into her serious lieutenant self.

his hands suddenly twisted her around, as he took in a breath of her scent. "you were drinking... with him?! are you serious?"

"please don't start with me. it's goddamn one in the morning, we'll talk about this tomorrow."

like a scolded dog he zipped his mouth closed, knowing her aggressive nature when she's not sober. guren gazed at y/n drop to her bed tiredly. "tch... with shinya... what's shinya got that i don't?" he mumbled to himself, trailing his eyes towards the bags at the corner.


omg guys, i'm sorry for such a late update. i was kinda busy with my like four other books lmao, this chapter is more of a filler, just to warm me up for future chapters again. sorry if it isn't too eventful, it's just for the plot. i'll def update again later in this week<3

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