Me..Myself.. and I

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Hellooo if you know who's fan art this is please say because I forgot well but enjoyyy
Bokuto pov

School was nearing an end and I was getting more and more sad throughout the day. I wasn't able to go to practice because of my appointment and Akaashi wasn't here to sit with me during lunch so I ended up sitting with Konoha not that it's a problem it's just he isn't Akaashi.

When school ended I stoped by the gym apologizing for not being able to make it and ran to the car. The reason why I was going to the doctor is because I get in the these really bad moods where nothing matters even if I do actually care. Everyone at school calls it emo mode which kinda hurts because I feel like the odd one out. I also can't sit still for a while which gets me yelled at and I get really bad nightmares that jolt me awake.

In the car my mom asked me the basic how was your day and what did I do at school and I answered them the same as always saying good and nothing while looking out the window until we arrived to the hospital.

They took a lot of tests and asked many questions which were answered by my mom when ,sense I didn't know answers, while checking my blood. I looked at the doctor and tilted my head "Why are you doing this anyway it's just a few nightmares and my personality." I asked very confusingly my mom spoke up before the doctor could you open her mouth "Kou it's more than a few nightmares you wake up screaming and sweating sometimes not being able to go back to sleep" I loved my mother to death but I was fine she is worrying too much.

"Koutarou could you tell me what these dreams are about" The doctor whos name was I think was Amber said softly.

" Uhhh well yeah I guess. Welll errr it's like the typical nightmares.... my friends leaving me because i'm different or sometimes turning on me and killing me. In some of my dreams they protect me though but end up dying. I mean I know it won't happen but it feels so real... there's also the ones where i'm all alone in the dark until something stabs me and it's a repeating cycle if I close my eyes the dream would just repeat so I often stay up, call my friends, or go on runs."
"ahh okay well for that we can give you medication but only take a 2 before bed but about your other problems we are sorry to inform you that you suffer from ADHD and a bi-polar disorder. Does that happen to run in the family?". I just stood there wide-eyed leaving just me and my thoughts while my mom spoke to the doctor "no nobody in the family suffers from it"

wow who would've thought that I'm more of a screw up now. Hahaha i'm just burden to my parents and friends. Im even the odd one out in my family. Why can't I seem to fit anywhere. I can't tell anyone about it they might treat me differently and I don't want that to happen.

"kou.... kouuu.. Kouuu!"

I shake out of my thoughts at the call of my name remembering where I am. "yes?" "cmon let's go get your medication" I nod and wait to speak until we get in the car "Mom can you drop me off at Akaashi's place I wanna speak to him I can walk home after" I said as I pulled my knees to my chest. When I looked up my mom's eyes were on me with so much worry. I plastered a smile on my face to make her feel better "Mom i'm fine really" all she replied with was a nod and took me to where my boyfriends house was "maybe he can boost my mood " I said in a whisper

I felt so alone at the moment with my head laid on my knees I kinda felt like i'm standing in a well trying to yell for help but my voice isn't there.

When I arrived at Akaashi's house I knocked on the door and heard a muffled come in. I waved my mom bye and walked in the house  I stood at the entrance.  "Kenma i'll be down in a sec just sit down and watch tv or something." My thoughts rambled on again

Kenma?? was he expecting someone already.

A few minutes later Akaashi walked down the stairs in basketball shorts and a teal shit. woah he is so pretty even if it's just pajamas I snapped out my thoughts at the sound of his voice.  " Oh Bokuto-san when did you get here sorry I was ehh expecting Kenma". He looked puzzled kinda  "oh! i'm sorry I just came because I was feeling a little down... but i'm better now so i'll be on my way I'm glad you feel better though"  After I sped walked out without giving him a chance to say anything and walked passed Kenma giving him a smile and walked home slowly.
Kenma pov

I was walking to Akaashi's door when Bokuto sped past me giving me a smile. I was about to say hey but he was already gone. I felt kinda of guilty I know I like Akaashi and I know he had a great boyfriend but it made me envious and it felt bad to even say I liked the boy.
I knocked on the door and Akaashi answered the door rather quickly "Hey Kenma, I chose a movie"  I looked puzzled and i'm guessing he knew what about "Bokuto was here because he felt down about something but ran out when he knew I had plans" that only caused me to feel more guilty but I just shrugged my shoulders and walked in to the couch.
A/N i don't really like this chapter but eh it explained more of what Bokuto was going through on top of his Akaashi conflicts. IM SORRY IS SO SLOW STARTING I just fell like these chapters were kinda needed. i'm debated whether not i should my the next chapter about Akaashi or start with bokuroo but yeah i hope you enjoyed;)

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