The Park

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Bokuto pov

I woke up seeing Kuroo above my head sleeping. When I officially wormed my way out of his arms a walked in the bathroom turning around as soon as I saw my face. God i'm a mess and I have no motivation to do anything about it. My eyes were puffy and swollen red and I have bags under my eyes. Maybe I could just get Kuroo to do it for me. I flopped on the bed waking up Kuroo

"Bo are you okay? what's wrong?" awww god he is cute when he worries huh what nonono not Kuroo I can't fall for himmm he would prolly leave for Kenma tooo. "Can you clean my face and brush my teeth for me" I said a little muffled because my face was in my pillow. "Bo you know I question how you're a third year a lot cmon get up" He said as he grabbed my arm pulling me to the bathroom.

"God bokuto you look horrible" Tell me something I don't know dumbass "Really thanks for pointing out the obvious" He just smiled and asked me to put my head down. When I did he cut the water on to wet my face then applied my face wash "Thank yo-." I was cut off by more water on my face "you didn't let me finish my thanks and almost drowned me" He just smirked at me and padded my face dry then brushed his teeth as I stared at him.

When he was finished he got my toothbrush and put toothpaste on it "Say ahh" I did as he said and he stood behind me and started to move the toothbrush around my mouth. When he changed his angle he slowly got closer until his dick was on my leg causing me to blush crazily and my heart rate to speed up. What is going on?why am I being like this. It's not like I like him.

"bo? Bokutoo?" he looked confused but was still brushing my teeth "ahh yes? sorry" he looked at me with a worried face "are you okay? You spaced out." oh did I? oops " i'm sorry something was on my mind" when he stopped brushing I spit and decided it was my shower time "Do you wanna go to the park I want to let go of Akaashi and I's relationship completely?" he nodded and left so I can shower with him doing the same when I got out.

as we were walking to the park Kuroo recommended breakfast so we found an american restaurant because jeez their food is good. When we got there and had our orders taken while we sat in awkward silence. "I know you want to know what happened so i'll tell you at the park" he nodded but I could tell that he was deep in thought. "Kuroo what's on your mind?you look deep in thought" he looked up flustered a little "I want to ask since you and Akaashi broke up" I hummed telling him to continue while the waiter gave us our food. "Can I flirt with you now?" I stopped in my tracks with my face turning redder than a tomato. "I-I mean sure if you wanna" he just hummed and continued eating why why why is he so calm.

Kuroo pov

Shit shit shit whyy did I just askkk thattt he just got out of a relationship dumbass. But he said yes though sooo I guess I will.

When we got the the park Bokuto went straight to this bridge and looked out at the water. He looked so sad so I did the only dumb thing I could've done and went from behind him and hugged him since he was facing the river. He flinched to the touch.

Bokuto pov

Why is he doing this do me?? I mean I don't hate it but cmon

"Kuroo can you go?" I shook him off me and told him to go again. He looked surprised at first but turned around to leave muttering a small i'm sorry as he left.  When he was gone I turned around back to the water tearing up a little.

I kinda didn't want him to leave but he was touchy when i'm trying to let go of akaashi

I felt a hand grab my wrist taking me to the nearest bench but I didn't feel like seeing who it was. When I did look up it was Kuroo. "What are you doing here didn't I say leave?" He tilted his head a little and then replied "I'm not leaving you alone during a hard time I just want to help you Bo. Let me help you please. Don't be mad i'm sorry just tell me what I can do" I could hear the sadness coming from his voice.

God it's like he reads my mind I could really fall for him. He is literally perfect. I don't when I started but I was crying not sure why because i'm tired of it "J-Just be here don't touch just be here please and please don't go" He looked at me reassuring and nodded "Got it. I won't leave you side Bo" I nodded at him and closed my eyes to breath in the fresh air but instead came across a memory.

~~~~~~~~Memory(Third person)~~~~~~

The two boys decided to go to the park to end off there date "AGGASHIII" Bokuto yelled at the other even though they we on the swings beside him " Yes bokuto-san and not so loud it's late" The owl looking boy gloomed sad that he disappointed the other. Akaashi seeing this offered something he knew would cheer him up "Bokuto-san do you want ice cream? i'll pay" Bokuto lit up quickly "Yes please 'kaashi but let me pay for my baby" Akaashi blushed nodding his head yes as Bokuto hugged him from behind walking to the ice cream shop like that. Though Akaashi knew it was hard to do it he wouldn't have it any other way"

~~~~~~~~~memory over~~~~~~~~~~~
Bokuto pov

I opened my eyes and looked around remembering where I was before I begin crying into my hands. Why wasn't I enough. Is it how I act. The way I treated him. I felt so lost and so good to cry and get it all out. I'm glad Kuroo is here not judging me and Im happy he is letting me cry it all out.

I turned to him with my eyes still sweating definitely not crying and tried to give a smile "Hug please?". He nodded and engulfed me in his arm "You know you don't have to smile just let it all out. It's okay I won't judge" I nodded and dug my face into his chest And started to sob about everything from Akaashi to my doctors appointment and everything in between. I soon fell asleep. With my last thoughts being about Kurro.

I'm really happy I have him with me.
At first I planned this to be a happier chapter but ig it didn't turn out like that

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