Gay Panic

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Judge me based on my Kins lmao. I kin Bokuto, Kunimi, kaidou(saiki)and Murasakibara(Kuroko no basket)
Bokuto pov

Today was currently Friday and the party that was supposed to so called 'get my mind off things' was tomorrow. If i'm being completely honest I don't really think going is necessary anymore. Me and Akaashi are doing just fine and spent most of this week together. But I found myself not wanted to let Kuroo down.

I have still been getting nightmares and really bad headaches because of them until Wednesday. I'm guessing that was what the medication was for but I don't fucking know I stopped taking them a while ago.

I stopped calling Kuroo when I had nightmares because he needed sleep too and couldn't spend time worrying about me. Wednesday was the day me and Kuroo stayed on the phone with eachother until I feel asleep. I tried my best not to make him worry but he ended up worrying more when I never told him what was happening.

I was walking home in a comfortable silence with my wonderful boyfriend "Hey 'kaashi are you going to Johzenjis' party tomorrow" He didn't answer for about a minute then looked up from his phone "No, I am going to stay home." and he just continued on his phone until we split ways. When I got home I started packing my bag for Kuroos house since we decided I would stay over since Terushima's house is closer plus I wouldn't have a nightmare tonight so it's a win win.

Kuroos pov brought to you by his gay panic

"fuck fuck fuck he is actually coming over tonight shit" It's not like it was his first time coming over but it is his first time sleeping over since I realized my feelings. I was running around my house cleaning everything like a stray cat running from little kids who want to pet it. "What the fuck am I doing he always sees my house as a me-." I was cut off but the doorbell "shit shit .. come in Bo it's open". I looked at the time before he entered muttering words "it's 9 pm already how long was I panicking"
When saw Bo walk in with a wide smile my thoughts just rambled. shit how is he so cute. I shouldn't have admitted my feelings.

"Kittyyy what a are you staring at. Ya like what you see huh?" Bokuto said teasingly with a smirk causing me to blush looking away. Goddd that name is hot where did it come from. "Oh sorry what do you want to eat for dinner."

After dinner which was just cereal I don't why he chose that but he did it was about 10 when we finished. I took a shower first and waited for him to finish his soon after. When he came out the shower it was 11 and his hair was down dripping wet. I never really noticed how hot he really is. He could get anyone if he really wanted to.

We ended up playing video games until 1 when I laid down on the floor with him in the bed.

Bokuto pov

I was dark and quiet in Kuroo's room and all you could hear is our breathing. I didn't want to sleep alone I wanted to be in his arms where I felt safe but I was too scared to ask. While I was on the bed attempting to fall asleep not really being able to Kuroo soon spoke up. "Hey Bo.. uh are you up." It took me a while to reply but when I did I sounded nervous "uh y-yeah i'm up" I cussed at myself quietly for stuttering. "Are you okay? do you want me up there"

yes yes yes that "yes, if you want to though it's just... I can't sleep knowing your there and not here" This is so embarrassing. I heard shuffling then felt a dip in the covers and indicating someone was beside me. Our faces were close together and Kuroo slowly stroked hair before speaking up in a whisper "It okay Bo i'm right here" when he said that I grabbed his shirt and nuzzled my face against his Chest hearing his heartbeat which was going the same quick pace as mine. I just nodded into his chest and he wrapped his arms around me placing soothing circles on my back until I drifted into a dreamless sleep.

Third person

When Kuroo woke up he saw Bokuto with his arms around the other. god he looks so peaceful. When Bokuto woke up the two just look at each other not removing their arms from around the other. The silence broke when Bokuto moved closer to Kuroo and licked his cheek.

"What the hell bro why do you do that all the time." Bokuto just shrugged and left to take a shower and switched with Kuroo when he got out.

As they ate breakfast they argued about whether or not Naruto could beat Goku. "Dude obviously he can think about it if you fight Naruto you know damn well his friends jumping in." kuroo looked him in the eyes and shook his head. "Bo your not looking at the whole picture like Goku is 10x stronger you are on some shit if you think Naruto could win". With that Bokuto just pouted and continued to eat.

"Hey Bo do you wanna go into town today I wanna shop for something to wear." Bokuto just nodded and after breakfast made their way into town.

While in town they spent their time in various clothing places trying on weird combos and laughing the whole time. In the end Bokuto settled with a simple black and white striped shirt with a black jean jacket over it, completing the look with black jeans with chains hanging from the pants.

Kuroo's outfit was a little more simple with a black windbreaker and a white shirt under it completing his look with black sweatpants and a white small book bag. 

After paying for clothes they made their way back to Kuroo's house to drop off the other clothes and items they got and made there way to Teru's place at around 7pm.

Before walking in the house Kuroo announced some rules for Bokuto's well being.

"Okay bro go in there have fun and drink your sorrows away if there is even a SMALL problem or a big one and i'm not with you. Find me. I don't care how busy I am i'll fix it and if you want to go home I'll take you back to my place okay i'm here to help you mkay?" Bokuto just nodded with a smile just ready to go in. 

When they walked through the door they were welcomed with loud music and a loud blond tipped person. "HEYYYY GLAD YOU COULD MAKE IT"  Teru said yelling over the music and the two boys said thanks and went to go drink.
If i'm being honest I lowkey starting like Bokuroo more than Bokuaka 😅 I feel bad.
Sorry for the boring Chapter

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