i love you

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Bokuto pov

I woke up about two hours ago and it was now 11. I knew I would have to wake up the other but I Kinda wanted to let him sleep. "Bro your going to have to get up my dad is expecting us at 12" he shuffled around a little bit before looking up at me with sleepy eyes "Whaa time is it?" I flipped my phone over to show him the time well at least I thought I did. He just stared at my phone confusingly "Bo your phone isn't on" When I looked at my phone it was in fact not on but when I did turn it on Kuroo jumped up quickly.

"oh shit Bo why didn't you wake me up sooner I'm gonna make us late cmon get ready" I stayed seated pouting "Not until I get a kiss and a proper good morning" I looked up at him with pleading eyes while he wore a smirk. "Such a baby" He laughed a bit after before leaning down to give me a small peck on the lips. "Good morning baby. how did you sleep?"
Our eyes met eachother. I had a grin while he was smirking "Good morning Babe. and it was good thanks for asking I know you slept good giving you were snoring like a dinosaur you loser" We both laughed while I got up and moved to the bathroom. We both knew he didn't snore loudly but I did like commenting on it to pick on him.

When we finished our morning routine it was already 12 and were now walking to the cemetery while I was currently ignoring Kuroo. "Babyyy i'm sorry I made you latee" I knew it was my fault for not waking him up and I was gonna say something but I like being called baby. "Boooo please talk to me" wow nevermind no baby anymore "Dude it's fine I was the one who didn't wake you up." I stopped walking when I realized the other wasn't following.

When I turned around he was just standing there "Kuroo what are yo- ." He cut me off before I could speak "Let me take you to a cafe to get breakfast or lunch since it's the afternoon and I know we will be a little late but I don't want to meet your dad when I didn't even buy his son something to eat" I replied with a small fine following him to the cafe across the street.

We had spent around 30 minutes at the cafe and we were now nearing the cemetery. When we got to the gates Kuroo stopped and looked a bit nervous. "Hey bro what's up are you okay?" About a minute of silence and worry he finally spoke up. "B-bo are you sure.... I know how serious you are about letting people meet him and like... what if he doesn't like me." I looked at him sympathetically before giving him a hug. "If I like you he will now cmon we left him waiting long enough."

When we got to his headstone I tried my best not the cry because Kuroo was here. But i'm  guessing he saw the expression on my face "Bo it's fine to cry you know" He slipped his hand in mine while I nodded and sat down "Hey dad I brought Tetsu just like I promised!"

"Hello Mr. Bokuto it's nice to meet you I hope you don't mind me taking your son from you hehe I do plan to marry him though." He whispered the last part so I couldn't hear him but hearing Kuroo speak up and talk to him like a person and not like a piece of stone in the grass caused tears to spill from my face and me to hug him tightly.  "Thank you  Tetsu thank you so much. Do I really deserve you?" If i'm being really honest I don't deserve him not in the slightest. "Stop thinking negative thoughts Bo you deserve everything good that happens to you. Whether i'm one of those good things is up to you mkay?"

Kuroo pov

Once we broke our hug Bo turned to his father and rambled on about our date I myself was admiring how passionate he was talking to his dad. I saw a smile that i've only ever seen now I could tell how deeply he loved his dad. I love him so much...wait what no. It's too early to admit it but I do want to tell him. I spent 21 or so minutes in my head before coming to the conclusion I was going to tell Bo that I loved him today. "Uhh Bo can I talk to your dad  alone for a bit" He tilted his head confusingly before nodding and getting up to leave.

"Uh Mr.Bokuto I really do understand how much you mean to Bo but you don't have to worry about him anymore. I know that is selfish but all I want to do is give him all my love and wake up next to him him the future. I want to take care of him for the rest of my life. He can be a hand full a bit but I love him with all my heart and I want to stop saying 'it's too early' What I really want to say is sorry. I'm sorry for keeping him away from you. I'm sorry for causing him to slowly let go. I'm sorry for being selfish. But you will always be with him right? I still want you there Bo still needs you. I know i'm still talking about the future and asking a lot I just wanted to let you know my plans. I'm sorry for just rambling on and being confusing. " I was bowing my head throughout the whole chat with tears filling my eyes. Would I really be enough. He won't leave will he?

I felt a presence and looked up still teary eyed "Oh babyyy wassup. why are you crying?" Hearing the others deep but soft voice made me tear up more. "I-i just want to be enough Bo I want to make you and your dad proud so you don't leave. Be-because I love you so much a-and you don't have to love me right now i'll wait however long but I wanted you to know That i'm here. Forever and always" He slowly moved my hair out my face before kissing my forehead and pulling me into a hug smiling "I would never leave you Kuroo because I love you too. I haven't smiled, laughed, and enjoyed life this much in a while and it's because of you."

When I broke the hug Bo turned to his fathers gravestone again with a grin  "See dad you can rest easy now I have someone to stay with me and make sure i'm okay like you did and he makes me really happy too.But we should go we will see you later" Hearing Bo say that made me once again tear up before getting up with him leaving the cemetery. "goodbye Mr.Bokuto. Until next time and I will take care of him so don't worry." and with that I ran up to the other catching up with him to walk him home before going back to mine.

I knew it was all crazy talk and Bo wouldn't just leave and I had a feeling that his dad would be saying that Bo needed to let go of him and that I am enough and he just needed me. But if i'm being honest I want to make him proud even if I never met him I knew for sure that I want his son for the rest of my life. Whether we were arguing or cuddling I wouldn't want a day to go by where he is upset with me.

Because I simply love him as a bestfriend and as a lover.
                                 The End🥰
I hope you guys liked the book🥺 there is still going to be a New years extra with a small bit of Akaken

And I still need to make edits on this book too

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