Thanksgiving special ;)

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HAPPY THANKSGIVING :) so in this bokuroo and Akaken is already a thing.  There are going to be some other odd pairs too so i'm sorry if there is a ship you don't like😅 but enjoy;)

Third person(i'm just trying out this pov)

The two boys had to wake up especially early because they had put off cooking until the day of thanksgiving.
"Babyyy c'mon get your head out of the pillows we need to start cooking"  Bokuto was trying to get his boyfriend up which wasn't working well considering Kuroo has always been a heavy sleeper.

"Bo it's fucking 6am nobody wants to be up at this time" Kuroo just grabbed the blanket the other took and moved it over his head not being able to  see Bokuto get ready to jump on him. 

One....twoo...THREEE was all that was going through the owls head as he left the floor aiming for Kuroo stomach.

Before he fell on him Kuroo rolled to the other side of the bed causing Bokuto to crash against the bed. "HOW THE FUCK DID YOU KNOW YOU WEIRDO" the owl got up and pouted making his way to the door muttering curses to Kurro and calling him a phychic.

"babe i'm not a phychic or a werdio you just do the same thing everytime when don't get up now let me sleep" kuroo states muffling in his pillow.

Bokuto checked the time before replying "Kuroo it's already like 6:30 am everyone is coming at 6pm. Your the dumbass who said you wanted to make the Turkey. I tried to tell you to just let us handle drinks, plates, and silverware because I knew this was going to happen I knew you weren't going to wake up on time but nooo" Bokuto kept rambling without realizing Kuroo was already out of bed.  It wasn't until big arms wrapped around his waist to pull him in.

"K-kkuroo you got up finally?" Kuroo just ignored him God he is hot when he gets flustered he thought to himself.
"Bo I just wanted to be cool..drinks are boring" he whispered in Bokuto's ear sending shivers down his back.  "W-what ever bro just cmo-." He was cut off by a kiss. "So i'm your bro again huh? call me by my name.". Bokuto was a blushing mess. "n-no I will not. You make me feel inferior when I do" he said as he pouted "Kuroo breathed down his neck sending more shivers down bokuto's back.

He slowly whispered in his ear "you do the same to me baby. Soo. call me by my name. You do it in bed anyways" Bokuto was about to explode at this point like hell i'm calling him daddy fuck that i'm leaving. "Like hell let's make this damn turkey" he said pouting using all his strength to get out Kuroo's hold and stomped to the door leaving Kuroo with a smirk on his face.

When they were both in the kitchen they started to prep the turkey. " hey Kubro can you hand me that thing beside you so I can baste this thing" Kuroo just looked around confused until he looked at the wall to speak to it. "Did you hear something??cuz I sure as hell didn't" causing Bokuto to stomp beside him to get it himself. "Really your going to ignore me until I call you it. well it's not happening." with that Bokuto turned towards the turkey finishing it before putting it in the oven.

After many hours later the turkey finished and Kuroo got it out. Bokuto was sitting on the couch watching tv when Kuroo walked past. He grabbed his wrist pulling on his lap. "baby stop ignoring mee"  Bokuto said while kissing the others neck.  Kuroo just had a smirk on his face until Bokuto whispered something in his ear. "Why don't you do your daddy a favor and call me by my name." now it was kuroos turn to become a blushing mess while covering his face. Bokuto took his hands off his face and pulled Kuroo's chin down to look at him. They stared in each other's eyes until Kuroo finally gave in slipping his hand under the others shirt gracefully feeling the others abs while Bokuto's hand stayed on Kuroo face.

"Kiss me daddy" . Kuroo said seductively slowly moving his lips to pair with the others. They deeply kissed  each other undoing the buttons on their collar shirts while Bokuto kissed his boyfriends neck leaving his mark.

Until the doorbell rung.

"FUCKK" bokuto whisper yelled and gave Kuroo a face that told him they would continue later.  They buttoned their shirts back up and when they were about to open the door until Bokuto tapped Kuroo "babe go put a turtle neck on uhh" he stopped a little pointing to the others neck "i'm sorry I got carried away". Kuroo ran up stairs mumbling "damn horny ass owl. That bastard flipped the tables on me."

When Kuroo came back they finally answered the door "Happy thanksgiving giving Aggashii and ken-"  Kenma cut him off before he said his name " how long does it take to answer the fucking door?!? what the hell were y'all doing? fucking? my Akaashi was freezing out therefore ." Kenma said as he walked him placing a food item down.

Bokuto was surprised at the sudden out burst. "Well no we weren't but we were about to but somebody knocked disturbing us. What's up with you showing up at the wrong moments?!?and don't cut me off while i'm saying happy thanksgiving you mean cat." Everyone just laughed after until silence over took them.
"I actually wasn't freezing I just want to hold you Kenma." both Kenma and Akaashi was blushing "you could've just asked idiot" Kenma said ruffing up his hair.

After a few minutes many other friends came Yamaguchi and Teru came with The drinks and plates which made Bokuto mad because he went through all that work when he could have just went to the store if Kuroo just didn't care about not being 'cool'. Oikawa and Suga brought deviled eggs while Mattsun and Makki brought macaroni and cheese. Kageyama and Hinata brought greens and milk just for Kageyama. Tendou and Ushijima just came nobody was even sure who told them about it but they just showed up and didn't even bring anything except flowers.

The rest of the dinner was pretty chaotic with Ushijima slightly drunk causing him to raise his voice "YoU sHoUlD'vE gOnE tO sHiRiToRiZaWa" and Oikawa yelling back with Suga trying to calm him down while looking cluelessly around "SHUT THE FUCK UP. IT WAS YEARS AGO". And then there was Kageyama in a corner with his milk and Bokuto yelling at Tendou "HOW DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS GET TOGETHER YOU PHYCHIC" and let out a quick breath and then started again "AND YOU DIDN'T BRING FOOD WITH YOU JUST FLOWERS thank you for them by the way Ushijima BUT STILL" Tendou just laughed at him. 

It wasn't till it was time to eat when every calmed down. When the day was over and everyone left Bokuto and Kuroo did in fact finish what was started after cleaning up the mess their friends made.
Like I said I am very much a multishiper so i wanted to show some of my rare ships in this chapter don't be mad hehe. and I feel like Kuroo would top Bokuto but i just made them switches.

Happy thanksgiving again;)

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