Bestfriends or lovers?

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See how I used the book title hehehe. But uh I'm thinking there will be about 1 more chapter of this book and an extra.
Buttt I love writing rarepares so this is a safe spot to name pairs you want me to write a fan fic about.
I will try to do all if I can think of a plot😃:)
Bokuto pov

I woke up softly with a weight on my chest remembering Kuroo fell asleep on me. Seeing the other knocked out on my chest slightly snoring and drooling made me smile a bit. I wiped the saliva off with a tissue and kissed his forehead gently. I slipped my other hand i'm his hair and stroked it slightly watching anime waiting for the other to wake up.

About an hour or three episodes of tv later Kurro hums and leans to my touch and slightly squeezes my hips. "Good morning you" I say softly making sure not to speak loudly and keeping my hand in his hair. "G'mornin Bo" I smiled a little and stayed patient until he woke up all the way. He groaned a little and got up from my chest making me instantly feel cold But I got up anyways following a sleepy Kuroo to the bathroom.

We begin bushing our teeth while I just stared acknowledging the other nod off while standing up with is toothbrush in his mouth.  "Bro do you wanna go back to bed" I elbowed him softy while he looked down at me with a tired expression. "No I wanna take you out today. Can you do this stuff for me please." he is so freakin adorableee I gave him a nod finishing up my personal hygiene before starting his.

Once finished we both walked back into my room to watch tv. "Bo can we leave at 10 to start the date ?" I nodded my head continuing to watch tv while he worked on homework. It wasn't until 9:00 that we got up and took showers finishing up around 10:00.

We were now keeping a conversation up about anime until we got where ever we were going. "Dude where are we going anyways?" He just looked at me and smirked "and why should I tell you when your calling me dude" I pouted and turned my head. I knew what he wanted me to call him but I decided to try something else. I obviously know Kuroo had certain words that makes him feel certain ways. one of them being baby.

With that information running through my head I sopped walking and pulled his sleeve causing him to stop also looking up at him with begging eyes. "Baby please tell me where we are going." just like I predicted he turned his head quick hiding a blush. "Really Bo why do you do this to me. We are just going to your favorite cafe okay. See we are already here."

We sat down in our normal seat in the back near the window and ordered. "thank you Kuroo" He looked at me confusingly. I would too if he spoke it out of no where. "For what Bo?" I looked down before speaking to him "For staying" When I looked up at Kuroo softly "now now hun I said that I was going to stay and I did but this is a date so don't get so sad. Spill the news of your school"

we spent about an hour laughing at the cafe about science theories, grades, school drama, and volleyball. I haven't smiled this much in a while and i'm glad it was with Kuroo. "Are you ready to go to our next destination" I nodded my head yes before we got up and begun walking. A few minutes into the walk I realized we were on our way back home. "Loverrboyyy Why are we going back hommeee is the date over" I kinda said in a whined it and looked at him disappointed.

"of course not love but we are going back to your house. I kinda wanted to uhh l-like bake cookies and cuddle watching movies until our last destination. D-do you not want to? I know it's kind of corn-." He kind of looked nervous when I cut him off with a small laugh and intertwined our fingers continuing to walk. "Nononono I really do want to sorry for laughing it's just you looked so cute but c'mon"

When we got to my place we removed our shoes and started taking out ingredients. "Sugar Bo not salt." I quickly turned around getting the sugar to give to him. "Bro what if salt was like a pickled version of sugar like cucumbers and pickles" he looked a me like I was dumb I could tell he was waiting to enlighten me about chemistry. "Bo-." before he could start I cut him off "Lalallalaa pop in the cookies in so we can pick a movie."

Before I knew it the cookies were in fact in the oven but flour was thrown on me "oops i'm sorry my hand slipped. shouldn't have cut me off" I wiped the flour off my face onto the floor doing the same thing back. "Ohoho so we're doing this now huh kuroo it's not not my fault I didn't want to hear you ramble ya nerd" He just laughed and threw more at me until it was a full on fight. It was until my mom entered the house only when we stoped and stared at each other knowing what we did.

"Bo?!? what's with the mess?? hello Kuroo" I stared at her trying not to laugh "Err mom so like we will clean this up but we are on a date so can you go visit dad. pleaseee" she gave me a small of course and a wink before leaving.

Once we got done cleaning the cookies were done and we plated them , made popcorn, and went into the living room "what movie dude?" I smiled wildly ready to choose my favorite "A NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS!!" He just smiled and rubbed his hand in my hair before laying down on the couch leaving space for me. With the invitation I climbed onto his chest laying my head just below his neck laying my hands on each side of his chest While he slipped his arms on my back after playing the movie.

I spent the whole movie singing to him the different songs in the movie and feeding him snacks until two movies later I accidentally fell asleep.

I was woken up by Kuroo shaking me causing me to look up at him confusingly "Bo can we go to the last part of our date please?" I nodded my head getting a cup of coffee and putting my shoes on after.

about 15 minutes later we  made to our destination and all I could do is stare in awe. "uh I know you kinda are a sports person but you can't hide that you are soft on the inside Bo" I was looking at him and back at the orangish and pinkish flowers ahead. "S-so i wanted to bring you to your favorite flower garden. And this Plumeria color reminded me of you." I gave him a big smile before I pouted "I am not soft you dork" He just laughed while staring at me. "You can't hide the way you look at them but cmon let's walk." He grabbed my hand and begin to trot.

After a few minutes of of walking around I stopped when the other stopped moving. "You okay Kuroo?" He looked at me nervously before looking down "a-as you know Bo I like you. A lot. I want to wake up next to you. hold you and kiss you all over. Leave marks on you only I can see. protect you from the world and much more." He was now looking up at me with passionate eyes "God Bo you do so many things to me. When I first started liking you I had to decide if I wanted to be your bestfriend or your lover but boy did I not want to choose so Bo please let me be both. Be my boyfriend and my bestfriend"

This is when I realized I wanted him forever and not just through High school and college. I gave him a big grin before hugging the other. " Of course i'll be both. I know what you mean by now and forever now" He was looking down at me when I looked up and let our eyes meet and soon our lips. I would never get tired of his lips on mine and found myself missing them once they separated.

About 15 more minutes of waking around and laughing we made our way back home. "What do you want for dinner Bo"  He said it softly which was quite relaxing to listen to. "what about that ramen you swore was better than my favorite place" He laughed a little before agreeing "I mean It is but let's go to the store to  get some things" I nodded allowing him to lead the way.

around an hour into him cooking I wrapped my arms around his waist pulling him closer "I'm hungryyyy kuroo" He laughed kissing me on the cheek before turning back to the food. "well it's done so get a bowl.  After some eating and talking we went up into the room to take showers and lay down. With my head facing the others back I mumbled softly obviously hearing my own tiredness. "You can really cook ramen better" "I know I can thanks but get some rest your tired." I simply nodded my head drifting to sleep.

This chapter was slow starting and reallyyy long so sorryyy but I hope you enjoyed it. :))

Bestfriends or lovers?(bokuroo)Where stories live. Discover now