Cereal for days

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helloooo. I'm running out of titles it's hard to create them.

Bokuto pov.

I woke up and looked around finding myself in Kuroos arms once again. I looked around his room wondering when we came back until I remembered all that happened yesterday causing me to bang my head continuously on Kuroos chest. "Hey hey Bo what the hell?!? are you okay?!?" oops I made him jolt awake. He looked. at me with confused and worried eyes. I didn't want him to worry so I faked a smile "yeah sorry about that I ju-." he quickly cut me off catching me of guard.

"Bo stop with the fake smiling I know your not fine." I looked up at him wide-eyed as he shuffled off the bed. "It's annoying when your bestfriend doesn't tell you if they aren't okay you know." He left the room to take a shower. I couldn't even speak and felt tears run down my face. why am I even crying. I felt myself slipping into another dark phase. I felt numb and many tears running down my face.

When Kuroo came back I was still crying. "I'm sorry for not telling you anything Kuroo I didn't think you'd want to hear an-." I was cut of by a pair of arms hugging me "Shit Bo i'm so sorry I shouldn't have yelled at you after everything that happened."

Kuroo pov

shit shit shit why am I not careful when i'm talking to him
he was crying in my shirt but i'm pretty sure it's not just about me but Akaashi also.

We were still in the same position with him in my arms still crying. "Kuroo does anyone really even need me all I do is make people mad" He looked up at me and I could see the hurt in his eyes. "That's not true dude I need you a lot more and you've done a hell of a lot more for me than anyone " I saw as he light up softly
"Oh okay I'm glad i can hell. Let's get some cereal"

"No you've only eaten cereal since you came here Friday" He just shrugged "Okay and it's not my fault you have cereal for days" He said laughing until his picked up his phone looking at it and frowned
shit it was probably from Akaashi

Bokuto pov

I looked down at my phone and frowned seeing the name on it pop up.

My owl🦉<3 I should probably change his name now even though I don't wanna. My finger hovered over the edit button and I guess Kuroo saw my uneasiness "Bokuto you don't need to change his name right now. I mean if you want to move on it's a good step but you can ask to meet up with him and say what you need to say and then change it y'know?" I just nodded my head. he did make since though.

My owl🦉<3
I came by Kuroos and you were sleep just text me when you get up.
I just laughed at one of the messages and look up at Kurro looking at me confused "Haha he finally calls me by my first name and we are about to break up soon. funny right he never did that before" he looked at me wholeheartedly and I began to tear up again while putting my head down letting my hair cover my face since it was down.

"Bo if your hurt you don't have to laugh it off you can cry i'm here for you" He said softly as he put his fingers under my chin moving my head up. He slightly moved my hair out the way and gave me a gentle smile. before I even knew what I was doing I was against Kuroo's chest crying again squeezing the life out of his waist.

God i'm so sick of crying He slowly put his arms around me rubbing my back until I calmed down. When I did I looked down at my phone with my head still against his chest and texted Akaashi.

Hey Akaashi uhhh please just give me today alone and we can't talk after practice tomorrow at my favorite cafe. thanks:)

My owl🦉<3
Okay Bokuto-san i'm sorry for everything

Haha you know it's fine things happen. bye now:D

I looked up at kuroo and saw he was on his phone until he noticed my staring "wassup Bo?" I just smiled half-heartly "Is it bad that I loved him even if it was only two months" He gave me a sad smile and ruffled my hair "Of course not Bokuto, now c'mon and make some cereal so we can plan the day together before you go home." I nodded eagerly running to make a bowl of cereal.

While eating Kuroo looked at me confused "Kubro why are you looking at me like that" He looked away and back at me quickly "ehh well I have a question. Can I ask it?" I nodded my head yes why is he so nervous "It's just this morning how come you went to crying to being just fine so quickly"

"Oh it's because I have a bipolar disorder" When I realized what I said my eyes widened "Oh nonono please don't hate me because i'm not normal please don't"

He looked at me sadly "Bo I wouldn't leave for something trivial. It's fine.. It's just why didn't you tell me?" I didn't mean to hurt his feelings by not telling him it's just.. "Well I thought you would leave me because I wasn't normal" He looked at me shocked but I could see some sadness in his eyes.

"Bo do you really take me as that kind of friend? I would never leave your side and you are perfectly normal. but can you tell me more?" I'm so glad I knew he wouldn't leave me alone. Why did I even second guess our friendship. "Welll okay!"

I told him everything from me being the only one in my family with the disorder and about my ADHD which isn't bad because I take medication for it.

After we were done eating I took my shower and we went to the amusement park for the day helping me forget all my problems for the time being. When I went home it was around 9 and I took another shower; ate and then climbed in my bed to sleep. Although my sleep wasn't dreamless I was still able to sleep through the night knowing that Kuroo always by my side.
A/N notice how Akaashi already changed Bo's name🥺✌🏽 but i hope you liked the chapter.

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