Just another night

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ahshdidf ^he is very very hot in this but hellooo welcome to another chapter i hope you enjoy bye byee.
Bokuto pov

When I got home I decided to go on a run since it was 7 and I needed to tire myself out. I didn't really think much of Kenma and 'Kaashi i'm just glad they are getting closer. As I got dressed I yelled to my mom saying I was going on a run and would eat when I came back. I walked out the door and and ran looking at the sky with slightly calm music playing. I preferred running a night because the stars kept me calm.
I decided to stop at the park to look at the stars but I ended up thinking about the information I just learned about at the doctors office. Would people care??? omg would kuroo leave me? I stoped in my tracks at that thought. He was my bestfriend but why did he come to my mind first instead of 'kaashi?

I looked at the time realizing it was 9 and pushed all thoughts away. I'll worry about it later. Even though I knew I would forget either way. I started my run back home and took a shower when I got there. "MOMM IM ABOUT TO EAT" I yelled from the kitchen "okay dear your plates on the counter. don't forget your medication!"
I rolled my eyes at the thought

After I ate and did math homework(which I absolutely hated) it was 11 and I knew it was time for the worst part of the day. I took my medication and laid down hoping for a dreamless sleep.
I woke up in a well. how did I even get here wasn't I in bed. At least least I didn't dream about anything last night. I looked around for anything familiar not seeing anything.
About 5 minutes later I look up to my parents and friends surrounding the well. "GUYSSS GET ME OUT OF HERE ITS NOT FUNNY" I screamed but nothing came out. That's when Kuroo spoke "your just weird and a burden just do everyone's favor stay here" and all of them pushed the lid on it well not hearing my screams and cries.
~~~~~~~~~~~dream over~~~~~~~~~~
NO! I yelled as I jolted awake in a swear shaking hoping I hadn't woken up my mom. I was muttering small words to myself still shaking "i'm not a burden. my friends like me. I still have 'kaashi and kurro." I looked at the clock 3:56am still shaking but I wanted to hear someone's voice but Akaashi would get annoyed so I called kuroo.
Calling Kurbro🐱

after a few rings he answered.

Yeah bo are you okay?

He sounded so tired I felt really bad about waking him. I was a mess breathing hard and shaking.


Hearing his voice so worried it made my heart flip but I was most likely just tired.

"K-k-kuroo am I a burden like ... with my m-mood changes and stuff" I tried to sound calm but I was a stuttering mess.

Kuroo's point of view

I don't know why but hearing Bokuto like this broke my heart. He was usually so happy but now he seemed so fragile. Without any consensus I got up and biked to his place.

Horned owl bastard 🦉🛐
Kurro? does that mean I am?

when he said that I was already at his house. I could hear the sadness in his voice.

"Hey hey hey... don't say that Bo you aren't a burden to anyone and especially not to me okay"
I spoke in a soft tone i've never heard come out my mouth before. My thoughts stopped when I heard him crying.

"Hey bo open the door for me"

"wait why are you here. It's too early"

I heard shuffling until the door opened and we hung up the phone. We stared in each other's eyes for a bit until I noticed him shaking and breathing hard. "Oh you poor baby" I was shocked at what I said but still walked over there to give him a long hug rubbing his back. After shaking a bit he leaning into my chest gripping my shirt tightly letting his tears fall.

After a few minutes I took him to the to room as he followed gripping my shirt tightly as if I would leave. I sat on his bed and he immediately laid out on my chest gripping my shirt again and begun to sob into my shirt shaking. I swear my heart was beating out my chest but it was just because he surprised Im pretty sure I am straight. But what happened to make him like this?

Getting out my thoughts I rubbed his back with one hand with my other playing in his hair whispering sweet nothings while my head was on his. "Bo you aren't a burden okay" he slowly shook his head saying he understood "you mean something to everyone" "mood swings doesn't change a thing". After a few minutes I look down and saw him sound asleep and a small smile appeared on my face.

After a few minutes of weirdly staring at him I moved him off me and into a comfortable position on his bed. After sliding covers over him and slowly getting ready to go a hand grabs mine. I turn around to a fragile looking Bokuto on the verge of tears again. "Please don't leave me... I c-can't and don't want to be alone tonight" I looked at him understandably and got back in bed while he climbed back on my stomach while his hands gripped my shirt tightly and went back to sleep.

He is kinda cute on my like this wait what did I just think?? I'm straight.. he is my bestfriend.. he is in fact dating Akaashi. Ignoring my thoughts I continued to rub his back and fell asleep a few minutes later.

next morning Bokuos pov🦉

When I woke up I was on a hard but comfortable surface until memories of the last night appeared. I looked up to see a cute Kuroo above me with is arm on my back. It felt safe and like nothing could get to me. The time he was with me that night I slept well and dreamless. But those damn pills didn't even work wtf is the point of me taking them I thought as I pouted.

I slowly got out of bed moving the others arm from around me and went to greet my mom good morning before she left for work even though it's a Saturday. I made breakfast just a normal bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich for the both of us and of course orange juice because sometimes you just need some nice cold orange juice.

Welp that's the end of this chapter any questions or recommendations lmk

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