A date

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Bokuto pov

I woke up at around nine ,well at least that's what my clock told me, remembering that I was on the floor before I made my way to the bathroom. Shit my neck hurts like a bitch. This is why I don't sleep in the floor but no. Kuroo just went ahead and fell asleep on the floor. I rubbed my neck a little before going back to my thoughts and yes bokuto your blaming it on him even though your clingy ass went to the floor with your own free will.

"why the hell am I even arguing with myself right now." I said quiet enough where I can only hear. When I entered the bathroom I brushed my teeth and took a shower before walking out with a towel around my waist. Kuroo was still on the floor with his head between pillows quietly snoring Sleepy head was all I thought before getting dressed and leaving to watch tv downstairs.

"Oh hey hun do you want breakfast or coffee" I looked over to the voice to see my mom coming down the stairs. "No thanks I know Kuroo isn't going to get up till noon or something but pleaseee mum can you make me coffee"  I gave her begging eyes while she laughed quietly before nodding "Of course" I feel a little bad because me and my mom aren't as close anymore. I used to tell her everything well except about me being gay. I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard a glass clinking on the table.

"errr uh mom uh when we visit dad can I uh talk to you both together. We kinda stopped talking and I don't like it." She smiled softly before saying a sure and leaving to get ready for work. I considered myself a "momma's boy" and depend on her for a lot of things since I don't really have dad with me. Shaking the thought out of my though I sipped my coffee making my way upstairs after looking at the clock that read 12:30.

When I got back to my room Kuroo was still sleeping. Well he was until I continuously kicked him "Oii gett uppp lazy i'm bored" he slowly rose looking me in the eyes

Goddd has favorites and he is definitely one of them. how is he so hot. "Oi don't kick me you dork" I just smirked before kicking him again but when I did he grabbed my foot causing me to fall on top of him. I guess he didn't like that because he flipped me over and whispered in my ear "Stop. kicking. me."Causing shivers to go down my spine and my face to heat up. I tried to get out his hold but it didn't work until he let me go. "yeah yeah whatever." He just put his head back into his pillows trying to go back to sleep.

I kicked him again. I really don't learn my lesson but if i'm being honest it wouldn't be that bad if i was under him again. "cmonn dude let's do something." He mumbled something that was inaudible "hm?" He groaned with his head still in the pillow "Don't call me dude" I laughed "than what my kind sir do you want me to call you? br-." I was cut out quickly but his answer. "No. daddy call me that" I blushed little at his boldness "In your dreams lover boy." He slowly got up to make his way to the bathroom. "Oh trust me it is. and so are many other things." he turned around before he left for the bathroom "get ready to go in an hour i'm taking you out on a date" I nodded blushing even though he was already in the bathroom.


We were now walking to what Kurro had planned "Uhhh dude where are we going." he just ignored me and kept going. I knew he wasn't going to answer until he got what he wanted but there was no way I was going to give it to him.

We've been walking for a few more minutes and I've been getting more confused I groaned loudly causing the other to look at me expectingly as if he knew I was giving up "Da- fucking hell Kuroo daddy where are we going?" He looked at me with a smirk "Oh just to the movies baby I heard from your mom that you wanted to see you story 4" I just pouted knowing I gave him what he wanted.

before we got there we stopped at a convenience store to get snacks because who the hell buys expensive ass movie theater food. When we got to the movies we sat there waiting for it to start. When it did start I  mostly spent half the time tapping Kurro pointing to the obvious. "Kurooo lookkk woody met her again I thought she died." He smiled before kissing me on the cheek "God your such a cute dork" I blushed at the statement.

By the end of the movie I was crying and when we walked out and had a good enough distance from people I hugged the other crying in his chest mumbling "He just left them how could he especially Buzz. they were best friends. why was woody such a simp Kuroo" he just laughed while rubbing my hair "pfft it's fine Bo they will see each other again now let's go get ice cream." My mood suddenly lifted "HEY HEY CMON HURRY"

After we paid for ice cream we sat outside talking "Can you believe that he really left." and  he just laughed again while continuing to eat his ice cream. "What I can't believe is how I started to like a dork." I sulked at his comment "I'm not a dork loser" he smirked it off before we got up ending our date while I walked him home. It's quite normal for him to leave clothes at my house so it wasn't a big deal to leave more there.

We stoped at Kuroo's door before I left him for the day "Err I don't want you to leave I had fun today." I looked to the floor after seeing Kuroo smile bringing his hand up to my chin to lift it back up "Glad you had fun. Uh can I kiss you prince charming" I nodded my head after rolling your eyes at the nickname "Eh but On the lips Bo" I turned a bright pink before nodding my head.

He leaned down connecting his lips with mine. His lips were soft and moved perfectly in sync with mine.God I wished I stayed like this. The kiss wasn't rough or anything like that it was just sweet and soft. When they disconnected from each other I gave a small whine causing him to give a small laugh. "Well i'll see you Monday? I'll walk you home okay?" I looked at him Confusingly "you don't have to isn't that like ou-." I was cut off by a small peck on the lips causing me to blush.  "It's fine i'll pick you up. Text me when you get home. and be careful"

With that he closed his door and I walked home with a smile on my face. When I got home I sent him a quick text and continued with my nightly routine.
I hope you liked this chapter. Am I the only one who cried watching toy story lmaoo.

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