Chapter 13

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"Did you do it?"

"Yes. I managed to kill a couple women, but one screamed before I killed her. I freaked out, and before I could kill anyone else, I ran."

"You ran..?"

I nodded.

"You're worthless. Did you kill Mito?"

I shook my head.

"The boys rushed towards the scene as soon as I got to her."

"You're truly worthless. Get out of my face. make sure when you come back, she is dead."

"Yes Ma'am."
~Killua's Pov~

"Killua, w-why would y-you want to kill Brady?" Gon sniffled, looking up at me.

I was staring at the unconscious women in Gon's arms. He slowly caressed her cheek with his fingers.

"It was Brady. I know it." I snarled.

"How can you be so sure, Killua!" he yelled, seeming more hurt than angry.

"It's obvious, Gon. Don't be so stupid." I rolled my eyes. I looked to the side.

"Brady left our side as this whole thing happened. Can't you use your brain for once?"

"But Brady wouldn't do that!" Gon argued.

"Gon, you've only known him for a day. Not even. How would you know?"

"You don't even know him and you're assuming things so fast. It could have been a coincidence! He probably had to go somewh-"

"Gon, Just stop." I said, looking down.

He looked up at me, angrily.

I turned to the glass door. "Where are you going?" Gon asked, looking back down at Mito, pushing her hair out of her face.

"I'm going to go get Alluka." I replied. I needed her.

Before Gon could say anything else, an electric aura appeared around me as I was gone in the blink of an eye.
The reason I told Gon that Alluka was with Illumi, was because, he requested me to give her to him. I didn't trust him but Alluka demanded me to let her see him, which was strange. But, I obliged hesitantly. I was only in this part of town because this is exactly where they are.

I stood in front of a tall building, that almost seemed abandoned due to all the mold and moss growing on the side, and all the cracks formed in the bricks. There was trash laying everywhere on the outside, and the wood on the door was chipping.

"Illumi, You're so weird." I sighed to myself. The aura around me slowly disappeared, as I inhaled a huge amount of air and exhaled slowly.

I walked up to the door and pushed it open, hearing a loud squeak coming from it. I cringed, as I slowly closed the door behind me. I walked up to the stairs, leading to another floor. I continued walking up the steps until I got to the forth floor. It was a deep green color, with the paint chipping off as well. The door read, "38", knowing this was Illumi's room.

I knocked twice, stepping back and waiting impatiently. After a few seconds, I hear light footsteps in the distance, as they approach closer and faster. I hear the lock on the other side being messed with. As the door slowly opens, I was greeted by a little girl, with big piercing eyes, as they glowed wildly, looking into mine.

"Big Brother!" the little girl exclaimed, giving me a hug.

"Where's Illumi, Alluka?" I asked in a whisper.

"In the shower."

"Good." I said, grabbing her. I closed the door quickly and darted out the apartment building.

"Where are you taking me, Big Brother?" She asked me, yawning.

"I need your help."
10 Minutes before
~Gon's Pov~

"Aunt-Mito. Please, wake up.." I didn't know what to do. Tears rolled down my face. I continued to caress her face with my fingers slowly, watching her chest rise and fall slowly. Her facial expression looked of discomfort. I gave her a kiss on the cheek, tears falling to the floor. I lifted my head as I heard the faint squeak of a door.

"Gon?!" I was greeted by Leorio's worried voice. I looked through the glass to see an old man laying on the floor, bandaged up, sleeping. I looked up at Leorio to greet his sorrow-filled eyes. His eyes were begging for answers to his unspoken questions, but I understood perfectly.

"I don't know what happened, b-but she's-.." I was stopped by tears taking over, as I broke out into cries. I can't have her leave me. I know she will make it, but there's a chance that she is seriously injured, and who knows what could happen. I look down at Mito and back up at Leorio. He looked at me, worriedly. He opened his briefcase and knelt down next to the unconscious women and I.

"Gon, do you give me permission to take care of your Aunt?" he asked, with a warm smile. I nodded in response, smiling back. Tears are still falling down my face and to the floor.

I stood up and walked out the office, giving him privacy, letting him do what he had to.

-10 minutes later-

"Gon! I'm back! Where's Killua?" a red haired boy asked, rushing into the school. He looked around with a surprised face. He looked at the dead bodies, jaw dropped. He looked at me and then behind me, to see Leorio helping Mito. He frowned.

"Brady." I called for him, my voice cold.

"Yes, Gon?" he replied, walking up to me, brushing off his wrinkled clothes.

I grabbed his hair and pulled him close to my face, as we were now nose to nose. He smirked at me.

"Did you do this?" I asked coldly, his smirk then fading away.

"Gon, why would you think that?" he asked, with a pout.

"Just answer me. Answer me truthfully." I said, eyebrows furrowed.

"You're cute with a serious expression."

"BRADY. answer me." I was now tensed. I wanted blood. Whoever hurt Mito, i wanted dead.

"Nooo." He replied, giggling.

"Brady, I hate liars." My fists clenched by my side.

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