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Marriage was supposed to be a special moment in a young girl's life. Getting married to the person you loved the most want to spend your life with them. That is what I thought marriage was supposed to be. 

I stared at myself in the mirror, the white dress fitted me perfectly. I guess you can say I was the perfect bride. "Y/N? oh my, you look too beautiful," mom walks in hugging me as she admired how I looked.  Soon dad walked in meaning it was time to give me away to my future husband. 

He took my arm as we walked down the aisle, everyone's eyes were on me as they admired everything. The wedding, the bride, the groom in the eyes of everyone everything was perfect even our so-called love story. 

Soon I was now face to face with my soon to be husband, he took my hand and smiled at me. "My my wife looks beautiful," he whispers in my ear. Was this his way of making fun of me? We both face the person who was marrying us. 

It was now time for our vows, mom wrote mine and his mom wrote his, "Our love will be forever, you my dear are the one I love most in the world," he says looking into my eyes. "My world changed from the moment I laid my eyes on you from our first kiss to the first I love you. Xiaojun I love you so much," I say the lines mom had engraved in my head. 

After our I do's the moment I had dreaded came, "you may now kiss the bride," his soft lips touched mine as we shared our first kiss in front of everyone. I can't say I didn't like it, it was more of the lack of love he put in our kiss. 

After what felt like hours he finally pulled away and smiled at his friends and family. I put on my smile and waved at our friends and family who came to our wedding. The main celebration was when I could finally break away from him or so I thought. 

"I need to go and greet my friends," I say trying to let go of his hand only for his grip to tighten. "you need to meet my friends first," he says pulling me along with him. The amount of friends he had was a bit overwhelming, "guys this is my wife," Xiaojun introduces me. The boys in front of me nod and shake my hand, "they know about our special condition," he says into my ear pretending his was kiss my cheek. 

So there was no need to pretend in front of them. 

A few months before

Mom and Dad had called me to meet them for a lunch date but it seemed they were running a little late. "Hey um are you y/n?" someone's voice calls out to me. It was a boy near my age, he was tall and handsome. I nod, "yeah" he smiles and sits down across from me. "My parents asked me to meet with them but they are late, they said to sit where you are," he says taking his phone out meaning he didn't want to continue our conversation. 

They finally showed up after 10 minutes, "oh my sorry we are late," mom says while his mom nods. "hope you two had the chance to get to know each other," she says looking at me and back at him. Come to think of it he didn't even give me his name. 

Dinner was quiet it was only the dads talking about their businesses and how they look forward to working together in the future, while the moms very busy talking about different fashion lines and recipes they make for their family.

Mom was the type of woman who lived to serve her husband and look after the kids, she wanted the same for me. That's why she raised me to one day get married and become a housewife. "Xiaojun get off that phone get to know y/n!" his mom starts scolding him. 

Xiaojun sighs and finally looks at me, dad clears his throat "guess it's time to tell the kids why we really brought them here," he announces. Me and Xiaojun both look at him in confusion. "Y/N you are 21 now, don't you think it's time to get married and start your family," mom says the thing I was trying to avoid the most. "but i need to enjoy life, I can't just settle down," I retaliate. "And you xiaojun, you are going to start working at your father's company, maybe it's time you start providing for your family," I hear his mom say. 

He chuckles, "what family?" he says trying to turn the conversation around. A second goes by as we finally realize what is happening. "mom i'm too young," I say starting to freak out. "Hey don't you think I should enjoy life a little more before I become a breadwinner," he says. 

"what enjoy life? all you do is spend money and party," his dad joins in. "Y/N do this and I promise you won't be a housewife until you have kids," she says trying to convince me. My freedom until I have kids? Knowing her she's gonna want them 3 months after marriage. 

But eventually, they came up with an agreement. We get married, but enjoy our lives for 3 years then we talk about kids and providing for family. 

Back to the present

Everyone was busy dancing and having fun, even Xiaojun. Was I the only one who refused to enjoy myself. "hey can you smile, you're bringing down the place," he says when it's only the two of us. "No, I didn't want to get married in the firs-" he cuts me off with a kiss as we see two people walking by. "Hey what was that for!" I say almost yelling at him. 

It annoyed me that he didn't have a problem kissing me, "gotta keep up the act" he says getting up finally leaving me alone. "Must be having fun right," Ten one of his friends says sitting down next to me. I chuckle at what he said, "nope my shoes are killing me and I don't exactly like parties that are fake," I say looking down at the bouquet that I was holding. 

"You know y/n, this might be the start of something amazing," he says. "what is Xiaojun like," I ask him. He chuckles, "you mean you don't know him," I nod. "Well for starters, he likes to party but if he's passionate about something he'll stick with it until the end. He cares for those he loves, hey he might care about you even if he doesn't love you," he says. Yeah I kinda doubt that.  


The wedding was finally over, we walk into our new home. 

"Well, babe guess we should get used to each other we are going to live together for the rest of our lives," 



I wanted to go with a WAYV member this time ^^ 

but I hope you enjoyed this book.

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