Chapter 22: Imprisoned Together

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A/N: Really sorry for posting so late. It's hard to do consistent chapter publishes. Guess I must post consistently to keep a fair amount of views. Enjoy the chapter.

Laura grunted softly. Her eyes were closed, and she felt too tired to open them at the moment. She saw herself chained to a chair, and she couldn't move her ankles and wrists, preventing her from breaking free with her claws. She slowly opened her eyes and saw the darkroom she was in. It wasn't as big as a basement, but it wasn't small enough to be a closet.

"What happened?" Laura groaned softly. She tried to remember what happened before realizing that the League of Villains took her and Bakugo.

Laura sniffed the air and caught Bakugo's scent in her nostrils. She turned her head around to see Bakugo chained up to a chair as well. She sighed in relief, knowing that she wasn't alone, also noticing that he is still unconscious.

Laura saw his hands encased in some sort of metal. Titanium, iron? Whatever it smelled like, it's definitely something strong enough to endure his Explosion quirk.

"B-Bakugo," Laura tries to wake him up with her voice, but she tried to be quiet enough for only Bakugo to hear.

Bakugo slowly opened his eyes, darting his eyes around the room as his face scrunched into an angry look.


"Shhhhh!" Laura hushed at Bakugo, quieting him down.

"Oi, oi, what is going on he—" Bakugo turns his head around to see Laura looking back at him, seeing how close his face was to her's, he choked up a bit.

"Let's calm down and figure out how to get out of these binds," Laura said as she looks at the chains that were wrapped around them.

Bakugo quickly turned his head away from Laura. His cheeks flushed slightly red.

Laura softly sighed, finding no way of escape. "I can't move this chair around, and I doubt you can move in that either," she looks back at Bakugo. "Any ideas?"

"Yeah, once we get out of these, I'm gonna kill those bastards," Bakugo growled like a wild animal.

"Well, we could do that once we figure out how we can get out of this," Laura chuckled nervously.

"Tsk, I got nothing,"

"Well, if we can't get out, we might as well do something to pass the time."

Bakugo raises a brow, wondering what Laura means as he turned his head back to face her, seeing her face him as well.

Laura smiled at Bakugo. "We didn't really get to talk much, so tell me about yourself."

"How about we talk about a way outta here instead?" Bakugo asked.

"Didn't you say that you 'got nothing?'" Laura asked with a small grin. "Come on, tell me something. Like, what's up with you and Izuku?"

"None of your business," Bakugo growls, angered by her question.

"Sorry, I asked then..." Laura sighed deeply. She leaned her head back onto the back of Bakugo's head as she looked up at the darkness. "What do you think is gonna happen to us?"

"Nothing's gonna happen," Bakugo answered with a snarl. "We're gonna be saved, and those bastards will get what's coming for 'em."

Laura smiled a bit and nodded at Bakugo. She looked back at him, but when they made eye contact, he looks away. She pouted softly at this.

Why is he so cold with me? Laura thought to herself.

Shit! I don't think I can take this! Bakugo felt like he might explode. The fact that he's so close to Laura is making it hard for him to hide his flushed face. Pull it together. You're not like that loser-bastard Deku!

"I heard you and Izuku were childhood friends?" Laura asked suddenly.

"Huh?" Bakugo exclaimed, looking at Laura. "Did Deku tell you?!"

Laura chuckled nervously and nodded.

I'm gonna kill him! Bakugo grits his teeth, angry from the thought of Midoriya casually telling Laura about their childhood.

"It sounded like you two were really close," Laura said. "But it's not my business to know what happened. I apologize for bringing it up. Let's talk about something else?"

Bakugo stopped gritting his teeth, sighing to calm himself down. He never saw Laura up close like this.

She's really cute up close... Bakugo's face reddens again. He's not surprised that she could catch the eyes of the other boys at U.A., but he's more surprised that Shoji of all of them would ask her out on a date. Even though he was an accomplice in stalking Laura's and Shoji's date, he couldn't help but be curious.

"What do you think of Shoji?" Bakugo asked.

"E-Eh?!" Laura was surprised by Bakugo's question.

"I saw you two together before the camp," Bakugo said half-truthfully. "Were you two on a date?"

"O-Oh yeah..." Laura chuckled a bit, remembering when she and Shoji ran into Bakugo and his group. "We... we were."

God, I sound like a goddamn loser... Bakugo thought to himself. "So you like him now or something?"

Laura blushes even more as she starts shaking in nervousness. "I-I..." she paused before looking down at her feet that were chained together. "Well... I like him, but I don't know about romantically..."

Bakugo raised a brow as he continued to listen to Laura.

"Even if we did both end up together as a couple, I don't think he'll like me once he knows more about me," Laura said with a sad smile. "I don't know if he can handle all the baggage I have."

Laura chuckled softly as she shook her head. She wondered why she is casually talking like this to Bakugo of all people. But she is still surprised that he asked the question and listened to her. Is he trying to be nice, or is this something else? He's usually loud and always has an angry look on his face. Is this him being genuine?

"If he can't handle the real you, then that tentacle-bastard doesn't deserve you," Bakugo growls.

Laura's eyes widened from hearing what Bakugo said. "H-Huh?"

"If he won't like you, maybe I-"

Bakugo was later interrupted by a door opening, letting light shine inside of the room. The person who stood at the door was Shigaraki, Bakugo could tell from the hand on the villain's face, but Laura had no clue who he was.

"Take the girl out," Shigaraki ordered as Taskmasker appeared behind him and walked past him, approaching Laura and Bakugo.

Taskmaster unchained Laura away from Bakugo, causing the blond teen to start shouting and shaking in his chair.

"You piece of shit, let go of her, you skull-wearing-bastard!" Bakugo shouted all kinds of curses at the masked villain as he carried Laura out of the room.

Laura struggles and tries to shake out of the villain's grasp with no prevail. As they left the room, he planted Laura back down on the floor, still chained to her seat. She looks up to see a Japanese man with a mohawk. The man had a menacing smirk on his face as he crouched down so they can both be at eye level.

"Hello, Laura-chan~," the man greeted in a sing-song tone. "My name is Daken, and I'm your half-brother."

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